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tac airlifter

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Everything posted by tac airlifter

  1. while not technically a legal breach of contract, it is a breach of the spirit of the contract and I think that is what he was saying. And he is right, dudes who got sent to UAVs through the whims of the air force felt screwed. I've talked with a lot of TAMI21 guys and they feel jilted that no matter how good they were, because of their hours in their year group they were left with no choice. Guys we non-vol'd from my last squadron were good guys and good in the plane; what the AF did was totally within their right, but how is it good policy to leave a large portion of your force feeling unjustly screwed?
  2. Spoken like someone who knows nothing about the mission. After several years of doing this I've noticed the only people who care about uniform shit are the dudes who don't have anything more important to care about. Good luck correcting me, I'll politely ignore you.
  3. Not a CV guy but we've heard no talk in AFSOC about a follow on, and I don't know anyone flying them who wants to leave for another airframe. If you wanted to get an MC or something after the CV, why not just do that first? It's not really the kind of platform used as a stepping stone to others, although any dudes currently flying them please correct me if I'm wrong. Just my impression as an outsider.
  4. Glad you're entertained. Maybe we're bitching because it's repeatedly getting fucked up? I'm currently broke off station and have one duty day upon returning before I deploy again. What are the chances I'll get paid correctly for my TDY? History tells me 0% chance of finance getting it right the first time. So I pay out of pocket for the entire time I'm gone and hope I'll be reimbursed next year when I come home. I've lost a lot of money over the years because I'm simply too busy doing the job to walk into finance and un-fuck what they can't get right. This thread is proof that I'm not alone. Based on the tone of your post I'm guessing your one of the support types? Hope you're proud of standing in the way of dudes doing the mission.
  5. More proof that Peters is a liar: 16 pilot dies in Iraq
  6. She's getting thicker but still attractive for sure. I have noticed she's getting a smokers voice, it's a little nasty.
  7. Dude dressed like Elmo kicks attackers ass.
  8. It's all good man.
  9. Another win for the grammer police. Thanks for keeping the rest of us safe.
  10. I think it's that boring group of nobody's who plan exercises every now and then.
  11. Just as tactics and strategy are different, style and substance are also different. The style, mechanics or technique are not the definition of modernism or post-modernism. The substance, or mentality of approaching art and creation fundamentally changed away from classicalism; and it's this schism I refer to. The idea of successful art forcing the viewer to question some aspect of themselves or their own assumptions is inherently a product of modernism. This differs significantly from the classical approach of telling the viewer something and judging it's own success by the ability to convey the artists intent to the viewer visually. At the heart of modernism is the concept that "good art" cannot be quantified whereas the classical artist is judged on his ability to express his thoughts to the viewer. This is why modern artists argue that there is no real definition of art, whereas those schooled classically will respond that art is an image which expresses an emotion (or intellectual idea). Not that modernism and classicalism are the only two schools out there! But the idea of modernism forcing the viewer to question something and thereby become "enlightened" was off putting enough that I had to enter this absurdly off track bitch fest to have my say.
  12. Therein lies the crux of conflict between classical and modern/post-modern thinking regarding the arts. Feel free to carry on with the drama contest, but I simply can't abide the notion that artistic enlightenment can be attained by asking questions instead of providing answers.
  13. You guys were given an LOC for not cutting your grass? Was it that bad, or is this just mistaken leadership priorities?
  14. I'm not one to make a mountain out of a molehill, but this looks exactly like a dry run. If you're a terrorist, how else do you practice? Maybe these guys were simply told what to carry through customs so someone else could gage the responses and timing. Who knows. But chances are high that this was not simply some innocent dudes who happen to tape cell phones together when they travel. I think that is the least likely scenario.
  15. Exactly. Who wouldn't be humming along with a hot chick asking someone to fuck her? And Mike Honcho, feel free to PM me if you're ever around Hurlburt and we can continue your conversation in person.
  16. Don't know how you found that little gem pawnman, but well done sir. Is it gay for me to hum "fuck me, ray bradbury?"
  17. Exactly why we should kill these dudes on the ocean and sidestep the courts entirely.
  18. Yea, what a terrible idea. It's already hard enough for us to do this right, how can anyone expect a guy on the ground facing those additional myraid of difficulties to do a better job? Just because the technological capability exists, doesn't mean it's a good idea in practice.
  19. Just returned from Bagram, and I thought it was the easiest deployment I've ever had in terms of queep. Not one word was said to me about my rolled up sleeves or civilian jacket with my flight suit. I didn't wear AF PT gear the entire time. Sorry to hear about that one guy, but for my boss mission was definitely the number one priority and nothing else mattered.
  20. All joking aside, did you guys ever find that sperm bank at home station? It would be a legendary squadron fundraising opportunity.
  21. I'm not a T2 guy or even a 130 guy now. But if you don't understand exactly what the language means then you lack the overall understanding of what asset brings what capability to the fight. If you want to be taken seriously when talking to other communities, expecially in joint ops, then you need to use the right language.
  22. Wow dude, you must be awesome!
  23. I don't mean to be rude, but how much LL experience do you have? You can't fly a route aggressively enough visually to do the same thing with an aircraft that a T2 guy with TF does. Modified contour is what you're describing.
  24. Wow dude, you must be awesome!
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