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El-Fist last won the day on January 6 2015

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  1. Cool. Yeah, I'm at 16 now. Better move!
  2. Wow, thanks for the quick and detailed response. Much appreciated. It sounds like the process when I transferred from AD to the Guard. Evidently, I was the first person to do that... Ever. I'm looking to make the transition in 6 months or so. No rush on my part. I'm in the early stages of "seeing what's out there." Thanks again.
  3. I wanted to give this thread a bump to see if anybody has recent experience with going from ANG to a CAT E program. I've got 16 years of flying in, but I'm feeling pretty done at this point. Balancing the airline job with the guard's flying currency requirements is rapidly losing it's appeal. I would hate to completely walk away at 16 years with 13 years of AD, but it's just not fun anymore. If anyone has recently jumped from ANG to any of the CAT E PIRR, (ALO, CAP, RRS, etc.) and can shed some light on the process, I would greatly appreciate it.
  4. Thanks genie... There is hope for us slackers...
  5. We just had a dude get picked up for Maj on this past board (first look.) He did NOT complete SOS. I thought that was virtually impossible. Has anyone heard of folks getting picked up for LtCol without ACSC recently? I know it happened in the relatively distant past but I haven't heard of anything recently. My motivation to complete PME is pretty much nil.
  6. Jordan has the opportunity here to set the stage as a leader in the fight against the IS. Executing a couple of prisoners that ISIS really doesn't give a shit about is pretty knee jerk and really doesn't solve anything. If they really want to "condemn" ISIS, they need to do more than use harsh words and kill a couple of prisoners. I mean, that's what we do now... Well, technically, we use unpleasant words and release terrorist prisoners... It would be damn impressive if Jordan puts their money where their mouth is and goes apeshit in these IS controlled areas. I'm not holding my breath, but they really have the opportunity to make a difference here...
  7. I think that Spoo would typically perform a UCD check on all pilots prior to step. I never really understood that technique, but he insisted it worked. Weird.
  8. The yaw string is used throughout the flight. If you don't maintain coordinated flight, you can quickly give yourself a pretty nasty fuel imbalance. Low speed or the landing the U-2 with a heavy wing usually doesn't end well. The primary drift and crab indicator during landing is really just looking outside. The yaw string isn't used at all during the landing. The pilot driving the chase car can also give rudder calls as necessary prior to touchdown. Landing with any crab or drift on that tandem gear can make the roll out anywhere between interesting and absolutely terrifying.
  9. I don't know anything about NASCAR or sprint car racing either, but Tony Stewart drives cars for a living. Apparently, he's pretty good at it too. He could have easily missed this dude. This was completely preventable and a senseless loss of life. I'm sure he didn't intend to hit him, but he certainly intended to intimidate him by revving the engine. In this action, he hit and killed this kid. In my opinion, it's no different than pointing a gun at someone (in anger) and it accidentally goes off and kills them. This should be Manslaughter, minimum... He likely won't be brought up on criminal charges but I'm sure the civil suit from this kid's family that is sure to follow will change Tony Stewart's millionaire status. What a douche...
  10. Good on General Hostage for calling out his elected bosses on a ridiculous decision. You don't see that too much. He stops short of saying that "Northrop Grumman has deep pockets and a lot of influence on Capitol Hill, so the ISR world and combat readiness will suffer." As a taxpayer, this makes absolutely no sense. It doesn't pass any sanity check. Hopefully, someone with power on The Hill will say "this is stupid," but I doubt it. After all, spending tons of money on crap that under performs over budget seems to be the right answer these days. Unreal...
  11. Oh, Sweet Jesus that's funny. Well played. But to answer your question, it totally depends on if you are wondering about flats or high heels?
  12. Great question, Spoo. No security deposit was required. I paid a (non-refundable) $70 processing fee. As a good measure, I lined all of the velvet furniture in garbage bags just in case. The money I saved on the security deposit was used to buy a do-it-yourself stomach pump kit. As an added bonus, the floors are concrete, so any spills or bodily fluid explosions can be mopped up rather quickly. It's really a great place for me.
  13. All: I figured I would post my very recent experience with the living circumstances here. I didn't read the entire thread so apologies ahead if it is redundant. This may be more helpful for those going solo for the normal training TDY. I came down by myself for TDY and left the family back home. I started off living on base, then moved downtown a block from the "Rivermarket." Here are my (very general) takes: On Base: Good: You can roll out of bed and walk to work. That is nice for the zero dark-thirty shows. The gym is very nice, but usually pretty packed during peak hours. Nice facility though. Not Good: The dorms are clean, but small and dated. There is not a kitchen. (Big suck for me.) You only have a microwave and a refrigerator. For the $56.00 nightly rate, you can do much better out in town. The DFAC is OK. You'll want to put the business end of a gun in your mouth after eating there for a few months though. Your B.P. will likely be 300/190 with all the damn salt they use. Also, there aren't a lot of off base options close, unless you can live on fast food. I personally can't... You need to drive for 15-30 minutes to get anywhere "good." (Cabs are usually pretty reasonable if you drink your face off.) I'm a guard guy now, so I felt like I was done living on a base unless absolutely necessary, as it still has that minimum security prison feel. Off Base: Really nothing bad. Occasionally the front gate can get backed up and delayed. Plan accordingly during peak times. For the $56.00 per day lodging rate, you can get a pretty nice place. The only regret I have is not moving off base sooner. (Just my opinion.) There are options to lease totally furnished places at a good rate. They are fully furnished (WiFi, cable, utilities, etc.) The person I used to find a furnished place off base is listed below. She was very easy to work. Leasing options are very flexible. I am on a month to month, and may even go week to week if I get delayed. She can work with anything. If you are thinking about a furnished place in or near LR, give her a call. Hope this helped. Good luck... Diane McCoy Arkansas Suites Corporate Housing Executive Director 800-644-2787 501-221-7829 (Central Arkansas) 479-464-7368 (Northwest Arkansas) www.arkansassuites.net diane@lrapartments.com
  14. Exactly. How much fun would it have been to inform the Captain that he was in violation of AFI 34-1201 para 2.30 which clearly states, "An automobile plate indicates the official status or rank of the senior military individual occupying the vehicle. The plate will be removed or covered when the individual for whom the plate is issued is not in the vehicle." What a douche canoe. You could have also asked to see the completed AF 1800 to ensure that the proper government vehicle inspection had been completed prior to operation. The only thing that is worse than people wandering around enforcing meaningless AFI's is people wandering around and enforcing incorrect meaningless AFI's.
  15. You also get TAMP if you voluntarily separate, AND transition to a reserve or guard component. Edit: Chida beat me to it...
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