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Everything posted by Tunes3

  1. Short answer: Ask a current FAIP. FAIP drop happens ~the 2-2.5 year point of being a FAIP with departing the base very close to 3 years post PIT. FAIPs fill out a dream sheet with every eligible aircraft. They are racked and stacked against their peers on base and amongst all UPT Wings. Needs of the Air Force determine how many of which aircraft are available. Just like a student drop, there is usually a smattering of everything. FAIPs can also compete for specialized programs like the U-2 and B-2. Every now and then a T-1 trained FAIP might get a bomber, usually for Join Spouse.
  2. Are you asking about casual before pilot training begins or after wings but before FTU? Before pilot training, you’d have to ask your SARM about your individual case. Between wings and FTU you keep gate months and flight pay unless you go long term DNIF.
  3. You are not on active aeronautical orders while on casual status. AOs begin the first day of class.
  4. I asked this exact question to my leadership last year after the MAF Roadshow. All the A1K folks would talk about were the “on ramps” but had zero to say about the 80-90% of folks that weren’t going to be HPOs. The AF NEEDS to figure out how to acknowledge the Average Joe or retention will continue to plummet.
  5. 10 U.S. Code § 616: The number of below-zone promotions cannot exceed 10 percent of the number of officers authorized for promotion by a statutory board selecting officers on the ADL. However, the SECDEF is allowed to authorize up to 15 percent.
  6. Incorrect. DP for APZ officers takes away from IPZ. DP for BPZs are totally separate.
  7. 10 years post wings is a huge commitment to Uncle Sam- choose wisely . You are unlikely to both perform equally. There will likely be hurt feelings of woulda coulda shoulda on track and assignment night. I myself gave up my dream assignment overseas to take the safe choice at the big base to help get an assignment together. 12 years later, we’ve been together +/- a few months here and there, still married, 2 kids, and we are at that dream assignment now. On the flip side, most of my friends that married fighter-heavy or heavy airframes that don’t base anywhere near each other have all had at least 1 person exit the service at the soonest possible opportunity (VSP) because the AF has no obligation to cross-train people to other airframes for convenience. Both of you should let your Flt leadership know early what your intentions are (priority join spouse or airframe...very difficult to get both). They should help cage expectations as track and drop approach. 135, 17, or 130 to larger bases are more plentiful leading to better odds of remaining together. Work your asses off so you get a choice and leadership can trade if they have to...if either of you are bottom of the class, it ties everyone’s hands. Good Luck.
  8. Interesting that the “event” took place in Sep and the Team apparently thought this guy was a toxic leader but he stayed in command until the end of the season...
  9. 5 FAIPs in one class?! Damn son!
  10. Are oil line chafing and ISS sequencing still issues as well?
  11. Guard, Reserves and Internationals purchase a slot for their folks in each training course. These spots are pre-programmed by AETC so their people make it through the pipeline with minimal downtime between courses. This saves a lot of $ with man-days, per diem and moving costs while providing the units with a predictable flow of personnel.
  12. Use google chrome, I did this on my Mac last month. Also, read the discussion board for the hint that will keep you from punching the computer after hour 6.9.
  13. Isn't this kind of like all of the UPT bases having their own IFF? Then they changed their minds and centralized it again. I don't see how this is feasible, there are barely enough resources for current studs here. LSI and MX can't give us more and the current evaluators are pretty busy w regular IP checks and 89 rides. This should be a fun exercise in futility until they change their minds in 6-9 months.
  14. Scheduleing shouldn't be a problem, we never had 12 hr days. We were always done flying by sunset (no night quals). Your scheduler can work with you a bit, students don't trip turn, but you might double turn on occasion. Studying/chairflying might be an issue. Some guys in my class were taking Masters classes at the same time and did just fine, others struggled through. If you have never flown the T-6 or struggled in formation, the kiddos might be a lot of added stress.
  15. XL track 14-03 6 T-38s (1 Guard) 1 Helo 18 T-1s (4 Guard/Reserve)
  16. Laughlin Track 13-14 5 T-38s- all active 2 UH-1s- active 18 T-1s- includes 4 Guard/Reserve
  17. Brewskis, I started in April. My class had several families with pets and they were all able to live off base with no hassle. Expect single guys/gals will have to live in dorms, though if you have a dog/cat, they may make an exception.
  18. Whats the best way to find furnished houses around Randolph? Looking more for the family type, not the standard bachelor PIT Pads.
  19. I think this will be a slightly painful transition for some of us, but I am hoping this will start bringing back an emphasis on new Lts and Capts focusing on primary duties like flying planes instead of Masters and SOS by correspondence. If they are trying to send everyone through this program, places like my base that require correspondence and a Bac+ before they will send you in res can get back to letting copilots learn their F-ing airframe. I am actually glad to see this even though it means I'll have to endure 3 extra weeks of pain.
  20. I have not seen the tradition in active squadrons, but we did something similar at XL. Once you finished your last ride in T6s, you turned your Flight patch upside down and when you finished your last flight in pilot training, you flipped your class patch.
  21. Tunes3


    This may be a dumb question, but who gets to fly the SCA? Is it a process like AF One or is it as simple as putting it on your ADP?
  22. Brabus, I'll be on Maui for a week prior to Oahu. Do you have favorite dive spots or dive shops over that way? We'll be staying on the North shore of the island. My husband is a very experienced diver; I've only got 10 or so myself. Thanks for the info!
  23. Nyone know of any good spots to SCUBA on Oahu, or do most people just freedive around there?
  24. FF, You forgot "black leather gloves"...you might not get to eat breakfast at the chowhall if you show up without them.
  25. The J timeline depends on if you are short or long course. Long course takes 7 months, 3 for basic qual and 4 for tac qual. The short course guys are done in 4 months.
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