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About bomber1

  • Birthday 06/13/1978

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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. Try this place. https://www.embassyflag.com/index.html and here. https://www.flagandbanner.com/fab/productpage.asp?id=CPOLE7125GC
  2. I'd take a camelback. My technique was to fill up my canteens and water bag, then dump my canteens into my camelback and drink (poor out) my water bag. Don't know if it was legal but nobody ever questioned me. I also put my camelback inside my rucksack and ran the drink straw out of the top of the ruck. Bomber
  3. My beloved B-52. God I miss that sexy bitch!! Bomber
  4. I'm mostly talking about emergency procedures but some normal checklist items are out of reach. I have a hard time reaching the fuel panel and oil cooler flaps. I need longer arms. I do wear my shoulder harness during takeoff and landing but push them off as soon as possible. If we're talking about wearing them during all phases of flight, I wouldn't be able to perform my duties. Bomber
  5. 2 It is virtually impossible for the FE to complete his required checklist items and run aircraft systems while wearing their shoulder harness. Bomber
  6. RIP Brothers!
  7. It takes a high school diploma to fix what a college degree ######ed up.
  8. The Airmen at my tech school would get a swift kick in the beanbag if we caught them starching their ABUs. However, we do have several Airmen that take their ABUs to the cleaners for laundering only. And just an observation from somebody who’s stationed on an installation with Marines and Army folks; ABUs are crap compared to our sister service battle uniforms. ABUs are cheap ACU knockoffs with useless pen/pencil pockets.
  9. God Bless!
  10. God Bless!
  11. I haven't seen this posted yet. It looks like the AF might be getting some new choppers. https://www.defense-aerospace.com/cgi-bin/c...;modele=release
  12. So, that's all three bomber airframes involved in a mishap in less than a year.
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