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Everything posted by slo_goin

  1. Has anyone here given the new Zulu from Lightspeed a shot? I was considering going to Bose (I currently own a pair of 20xLs); however, I've heard much better reviews on the Zulu. Any ideas before I plunk down 800.00 on either?
  2. I took mine on January 17 and did not get results back until March 4. It can take several weeks to get there - and if there are any questions it can take longer!
  3. I doubt you would get that far? I had an FC1 done, and as part of that the ophthalmologist does an exam and sends out for the waiver. If you have corneal haze it would should have appeared by then... By the time they let you get to MFS you should be tight and right (assuming you passed the FC1 already). Correct me if I'm wrong?
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