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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. Goddamn this is well said. I'm glad there aren't just retard Russian shills in here.
  2. It's really sad how inept these personnelists are. When I applied for retirement they denied it (months after applying and already using up a ton of saved leave with my replacement in the seat) saying I was short by over a year. I sent them back their own audit plus my calculations doing all their work for them and they realized their up. Retirement order generated that day as someone with half a brain realized the extent of their error.
  3. Unfortunately, it's a very effective strategy when you have an uniformed and ignorant electorate. And a society becoming ever more polarized after digesting headlines, soundbites, and echo chambers of "unbiased" news and information. The IRA is a huge steaming pile of garbage that even the most ardent Ds should struggle to defend.
  4. Looks like Manchin sees otherwise and probably would have named it something else in hindsight. https://www.wsj.com/articles/biden-inflation-reduction-act-betrayal-joe-manchin-debt-ceiling-budget-fossil-fuels-green-energy-dc37738e In case it's behind a paywall, link goes to an opinion piece by Manchin where he says the IRA is "policy and political malpractice." As well as "the administration seems more determined than ever to pervert that law and abuse existing authorities to increase spending." Some Ds can call a spade a spade.
  5. It's a mania for sure. And I have to admit I've recently been adding options on to many of my more speculative plays. F'ng WSB got me all excited about a market short YOLO this spring which I think everyone is well aware of how that all played out. In the ensuing mania I made so much more back even though most of my TSP and 401k assets remain in cash. This market has confounded me since March so I'll just lurk and be grateful when folks keep the politics out of the "investment" discussions. Okay, I'll allow myself one pleasure... BCRX to the moon! [emoji573] [emoji573] [emoji573]
  6. I thought this was an investment thread? Oh well, I'll check in next year to see what the latest political bitch session is all about. Carry on.
  7. [emoji1787] You know some folks who would? So like your buddies that talk about how much $ they'd need/want to "slob a knob," weird. But yes I agree that all you mention is bad juju. If that's what you're saying.
  8. Good for you to give him a different perspective than the marketing he's bombarded with. Plus it's just a better shave, WAY less expensive, and doesn't take too much additional time.
  9. Well, your world. Good to know there are perfect people out there like you, sure you must be proud.
  10. I hear FY17 take rate is under 40%. Can anyone confirm?
  11. So Chick-fil-A must love fags!
  12. Perfect opportunity to cash out with a 26% drop today. https://investorplace.com/2017/06/rite-aid-corporation-rad-stock-screwed/
  13. Because he claims to be staying. I could give two shits about the overall take rate. They'll likely nudge up and the Fingers' of the AF will pat themselves on the back while the rest of us just shake our heads.
  14. Well shit, that sucks for the rest of us still on AD.
  15. God ing dammit I'm getting sick of these douchey Chang-like trolls on this forum!
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