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    Surprise, Az

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  1. I thought this was pretty funny. at least the guitarist is wearing a dirndl……. The HEIMATDAMISCH - Highway To Hell By ROCK ROLL.mp4
  2. Fortunately, it appears that the smoke issue has been minimized for the last week or so. The photos I’ve seen from a friend the is currently volunteering at OSH appears to be clear skies there as well. They added another new area just NW of the south forty this year. You got to give them credit for constantly increasing parking areas to accommodate everyone flying into the show. I’ll be flying in early Saturday and joining you in HBC.
  3. Looks like you have all your bases covered. Due to some of the recent issues with weather and heavy traffic, there has been a trend of people arriving earlier. I have been arriving on Saturday morning for years. There used to be minimal traffic, but the last two years, it’s been pretty busy. The north 40 has been filling up earlier than in past years, hence the expansion of the south forty. You should be good Monday morning, but it’s still a roll of the dice. you are correct, the north forty is more ideal. Much shorter walks when the trams shut down in the evening. I’ve been spoiled for the last decade being in HBC with my RV-10. I'm just hoping the Canadians get the fires under control by then. Otherwise the conga line arrivals are going to be interesting with marginal visibility.
  4. It looks like the ssl certificate expired
  5. Most people use 100-125 hours, but in reality there are just too many variables. It’s going to be different for each category of aircraft.
  6. I built my RV-10, so I have the Repairman’s certificate. With that said, anyone can do maintenance on any EAB aircraft like a RV. You only need an A&P for the Condition Inspection if you don’t have the Repairman’s certificate. mine has been flying for seven years. Oil changes and brake pads have been my primary maintenance expense. Mine has been pretty maintenance free.
  7. Jason has a great paint job! My RV-10 is at the same airport. I'm not a Viper guy either. (but my son is).
  8. How much to purchase, if I may ask? It really depends on the build quality and what's on the panel. I've seen RV-8s go anywhere from $80k - $135k. They are really holding their resale value well.
  9. rv10


    I've had one for over year. I used it temporarily while my Navworx box was being repaired. I've since replaced that with another panel mounted solution. Stratux units work fine and can be built quite inexpensively or you can buy turnkey units from a variety of resellers off Amazon. There are literally dozens of antenna options, some more elegant than others. I prefer the antennas that attach directly to the SDR. The only real issue that I had was that the USB power cable would vibrate loose causing intermittent power issues. In all fairness, that may be a function of the design of the case not supporting the adapter adequately. I never bothered with the AHRS features. I already had three in the panel and a fourth would have been just a waste of money. Even in my RV, I prefer panel mounted devices over a bunch of boxes sitting on the glareshield or someplace else.
  10. https://popularmilitary.com/breaking-u-s-air-force-thunderbird-crashes-dayton-air-show/
  11. https://www.rt.com/usa/393783-us-ohio-thunderbird-accident/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/thunderbird-f-16-military-jet-flips-over-dayton-ohio-air-n776081
  12. Local news reports are stating that one of the Thunderbird F-16s flipped while taxiing due to wind gusts at KDAY. No injuries are being reported. A quick search yielded no photos or more information.
  13. I just noticed on vansairforce.net that there is a go fund me page for the family. https://www.gofundme.com/barber-patrol
  14. rv10

    AERO app

    FYI. WingX provides it's product free to anyone on AD, CAP, or to CFIs. https://www.hiltonsoftware.com/ShopInitialPurchase.html Call us at 954-859-4632 and we will get your account setup or renewed over the phone. We recommend calling us if you have a group purchase, are active Military or Civil Air Patrol. That along with a Stratux box will give you great SA. This will give you ADSB in. The only caveat is that to get the TIS-B feed, you need an aircraft with ADSB out in your vicinity. The FIB-B feed for weather is always transmitted. If your iPad doesn't have a GPS, you can get an inexpensive one and plug it into the Stratux box. Here's a source for one that's turnkey and hard to beat the price by purchasing the components separately. https://www.amazon.com/Vilros-Raspberry-Aviation-Set-Micro-Pre-loaded/dp/B01BX1QSFK The only issue is that they ship 0.8r2 of the Stratux code. 1.01 is the current release, but it's really simple to update yourself.
  15. https://www.eaa.org/en/airventure/eaa-airventure-news-and-multimedia/eaa-airventure-news/2015-eaa-airventure-oshkosh/7-21-2015-b-52h-homebuilt-to-receive-special-award July 22, 2015 - At more than 159-feet long and 40-feet high, it has to be the largest “homebuilt” on display at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. The B-52H Stratofortress on Boeing Plaza is getting second looks from people with its signs noting that the “Classic Homebuilt” plane has been flown for more than 14,000 hours in more than 50 years and that it is to be judged in the homebuilt competition. And it’s been getting a few questions from people, too, about if it is really a homebuilt, says Lt. Ed Rowe of the 343rd Bomb Squadron. (No, it isn’t.) Mike Dooley, homebuilt co-chairman, said the whole thing started as a joke. “The crew came to us and asked for a prop card,” he said. “So the boss decided to register it in the database as a homebuilt… and honor the experimental nature of the first B-52.” The homebuilt judges looked at the plane on Tuesday morning, posing for photos with the Air Force Reserve crew. Chief Judge Bob Reese said the plane would be receiving a special award from them on Saturday. “This is a special airplane, and we felt they deserved something special,” he said. “It’s been in continuous service for more than 40 years and served well in Vietnam and other war efforts. Plus, it’s still going.” Rowe said the plane actually has 19,000 flying hours on it, but they couldn’t find a sign printed with more than 4,000 hours. So someone simply added a “1” before the “4” to make it close, at 14,000 hours. Homebuilt judge Eric Hansen may be biased in his evaluation of the plane since both he and his father actually flew it while in the military. In fact, father and son also flew the plane with a Chicago Sun-Times reporter in 1979, who took photos and wrote a story was about the need to replace the B-52 because of its age. “But this thing is good for another 20 or 30 years,” Hansen says. “It really is a great plane.”
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