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Everything posted by GKinnear

  1. C-17s augment with another AC if 2 ARs are scheduled, otherwise you correct.
  2. Fixed it for ya'
  3. https://www.collectorsweekly.com/articles/vietnam-helicopter-pilots-wore-their-hearts-on-their-helmets/ (Slightly NSFW) A nice post about the colorful helmets of Helo Pilots in 'Nam
  4. I thought this would be the best place to dump these links. https://www.theatlant...icrosoft/54143/ and a slightly wordier version: https://www.vanityfai...s-steve-ballmer In short, Microsoft has fallen behind its competitors due to a stifling of innovation caused by its evaluation system: the Stack Ranking system. The eval system basics were that a certain percentage of a given group would be ranked "top performers", "superior performers" and so on down to "poor". The terms are different, but similar to DP, etc. Its not a perfect argument in reforming the OPR/EPR system, but it mirrors alot of what has been said in this thread and the PRF one. Food for thought that any organization can become to inward looking and lose sight of what's important.
  5. Epitome of First World Problems:
  6. I hated him when he was a UF. I'm a cynical bastardo for the most part and his life was a little to idealistic to be real to me. Starting QB, Heisman winner, two national champs, blames himself for season's only loss, tells fans they deserve better and that he will be better and promises a championship, and then he delivers it. The dude has zero personal flaws. No speeding tickets, drug charges, not even a baby-momma floating around. But, his pro career has been a different story. Who doesn't enjoy a good underdog story? Also, I use him as an example of where hard work, self-confidence, and a never say quit attitude to my kids. I do wish however, that he could pass the pigskin better. For those not in the know, Tebow, by way of Skip Bayless, has been the number one story on ESPN, First Take for roughly 6 weeks now. In the style of "Hide yo' wife..." here's a remix of Skip's man-crush on Tebow.
  7. /sarcasm/ I'm surprised he had enough time to fly after planning all the christmas parties required to make rank.
  8. In heavies, it's about 50/50.
  9. If it's the program I'm thinking of, then it's not really an option. The van is provided through a contract rental agency and all riders have to be on an individual contract and billed monthly. The total cost doesn't change, so if riders are deployed or TDY, everyone else has to pay more. I forget the numbers, but there is a break point where you have to pay out of pocket. Reimbursement won't cover everything. Also, all drivers have to be listed with the contractor. So if for some reason only one driver was listed and he's out of the local area, none of the other airmen are "allowed" to drive. Yes, you can list more than one driver but it's still a pain in the ass. Oh, and you have to be over 25 to rent the van. The prime target are the young Airmen in the dorms. About 0.69% are old enough to rent it and they are all on different timelines waiting for FTU. For the CMR guys, the trouble is finding enough guys on your flying schedule. Its a program created by shoes to look good on paper.
  10. Pop's Leather in the "ally" at Incirlik. https://www.popsleather.com/
  11. Scheisse! Guess I've been "doing it" wrong for years...
  12. Average Tuesday in Afcrapistan.
  13. Standard internet response #69: I heard your mom was doing a donkey show.
  14. https://www.crazyaunt...e_ermey_lea.php WTF is up with R. Lee Ermey? I'm guessing he's only doing this to restrain himself from gouging out some commie's eyes and skull-fuking them.
  15. https://abcnews.go.co...led-up-sleeves/ It's not just the AF that decides to kill morale on a whim. As of 24 Oct, the USMC is no longer allowed to roll their utility jacket sleeves. The given reason is that deployed Marines aren't rolling their sleeves and the Commandant wanted one uniform policy. So much for having a distinctive uniform. I always question the parentage of my buds who are Jarheads, but I've always respected their choice to be the Navy's bullet blocker. They've only been fighting a war against terrorists (sorry, overseas contingency operation against man-made disaster perpetrators) for a decade now. Let them wear their sleeves how they want at home!
  16. I guess this qualifies for the mile-high club. Do you have to finish above 6000A to count? Post the link if you can find the uncensored version, my google-fu is weak... https://www.geekosystem.com/sex-skydiving-faa/
  17. In before the lock! Try this It should answer most of your questions.
  18. The Voice It's from the company rag, but 'ol girl is getting a chance to shine. Hopefully it'll be good PA and TIB funding gets diverted to something we'd actually attend.
  19. Boyd's bio was pretty good about covering his contribution to fighter design. It's not an in-depth, scientific study if that's what you want, but I found it interesting being a non-Aero major. Hope this helps.
  20. How long before PA 'shops out the tab patch? Over/under: 2 weeks
  21. I could get to the forums from my last base (an east coast AMC hub) but couldn't from an ACC base in the desert. Guess out depends on local CS policy.
  22. Quote “Allowing flying units to keep their patches while eliminating them from all other units only further perpetuates the stigma that in our Air Force, there are fliers, and then there’s everybody else,” wrote 1st Lt. Benjamin Moritz, a maintenance officer with the 55th Wing at Offutt Air Force Base, Neb. “Why should fliers be the only ones allowed to show pride in their units and their jobs?” Quoted for posterity. I know Ben, this will make excellent FTU/Naming fodder. Perfect example of "RAINMAN's Guide to Life Rule #1: Never talk to the media."
  23. So it has a "C" prefix, does that mean you track T-1s to fly it? I'm surprised PA is even aware that we fly.
  24. Most FGOs "maintain" theirs at the BX.
  25. Syphilis
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