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Everything posted by GKinnear

  1. This was essentially going to be my reply to @brabus...keep voting with your feet! I have no first hand knowledge, just what I've gleaned and deduced over the last couple years from some brand new, just happy-to-be-here 1 Stars, and my current Group Commander. I think the amount of O's bailing at the O-6 gate caused Bug Blue to rethink the O-6 management strategy. It's now "there's someone for every assignment" vs. "feel free to retire". IMO, the theory would work for pilots in general as well if recruiting didn't mask the issue. I'll defer to @ClearedHot or any other experienced dudes lurking on the net.
  2. The current "Brief" at least takes you to dinner and pretends to listen to you first...but no changes since your time.
  3. So you're arguing that if election influencing is executed at the institutional level, then it's ok? Especially when that institution is the same one who determines what legal actions are pursued in the Criminal courts? To your point about potential crime...the DA's supposed to know what the crime is before charging. He may not legally have to publish the underlying charge on the indictment, but morally & ethically he is. There is a perception of purely political prosecution, which is anathema to the Constitution and the rule of law. At a certain level, I think Stalin and Mao are a little jealous of how this case is going. The potential for conflict of interest, capricious, targeted, etc. seems very high if this were in the DoD. I wouldn't be surprised if there were an IG report if that were the case. Maybe that's on me, by viewing the whole situation through the USAF perspective.
  4. I'm trying to reconcile your two statements here. The first one seems to back the DA's legal analysis that trying to influence the election using his personal money is somehow a crime. The second leads me to believe you support election influencing from one party to ensure the unelectable candidate is the nominee. What am I missing that would prove these statements both conform to a logical, consistent set of principles, outside of a political perspective? Edit: I'll allow it was business money on the Stormy Daniels payoff...that Trump owned, so potato / potato. As I understand it, the only person defrauded financially was Trump.
  5. Goddammit...take my upvote, you earned it with that one
  6. I'll "happy to glad" the word choice to "allowed" vs. "authorized", but it also appears that you've run out of arguments to make. That's just one man's opinion though. Your input on the use of ad hominem has been noted, thoughtfully considered, and rejected. Seems like a pedantic argument to make to try and shift blame from the previously mentioned no-value added statement. Last point, since this is an internet argument, there are no winners in this fight...you do you, boo.
  7. To me the tyranny is not wearing a mask in the hospital. The tyranny is the process by which that decision was made and the lack of pubic discourse going forward. As soon as someone questioned the necessity, there was an immediate backlash to shutdown any conversation. No attempt at increasing the understanding on both side, just "I'm in charge and you're going to do it or else." Not an effective leadership style in the USAF (most of the time), and certainly not in a free society where the lawmakers and policy deciders are in theory answerable to the voting public. Wear your mask, I really don't care, but be honest that most decisions regarding the perma-pandemic and mask mandates seem to have a strong political bent to them. Again, you may see it differently, and that's ok...just as long as we can still have a civil discourse as a country about it.
  8. C'mon bro...don't descend into ad hominem / personal attacks. We're better than that. If there's a joke that I missed in your post, please excuse me while I go yell at some clouds.
  9. IMO, "Shouldn't everyone be free to make their own risk decision?" is not logically consistent with "of course the point is we accept some mandates" While I personally don't like mandates (you're not the boss of me!), on principle they should be the minimum amount necessary to do the job. I also think that there should be a healthy discussion to ensure that minimum amount. In this case it seems that the mask mandates are broad and over-reaching at all levels, and the lack of follow-on conversation is the sticky wicket in the whole affair. Just my $0.69 (inflation is a real bitch)
  10. To your specific argument, the safety precaution of the risk from a highly flammable material (100% Oxygen) in close proximity to an ignition source (cigarette/cigar/pipe/joint...whatever) is backed up by science that is devoid of any political argument. In a free society, mandates from the government are always an exercise in how much power can the government assume that the populace is willing to tolerate.
  11. I see the General, I downvote. Keeps it simple.
  12. Well shit...now I feel old. I've been stuck in the CENTCOM version of hell for a few years and missed that decision. It's also a bummer, I enjoyed my time as a UPT stud there.
  13. Was there a Joint Spouse or something else influencing that decision? Obviously, CSO IPs don't have the same instructional skill set...hell, the student doesn't even get to land the plane, much less get prepped to go fly a solo. I'd hazard a guess that the PNAS location is a placeholder for Whiting field where UPT is at. Regardless, yes...either way a FAIP assignment to Pensacola has to be the best thing going!
  14. I'm not arguing the merits of your position, but the reasoning you're using. 1) We aren't a Democracy, we are a Republic, with democratic elements. The majority opinion that matters is the majority of States...not population. Without looking at the cross-tabs and the sampling methodology of the un-named polls you're referencing, I'm assuming most of your top-line number here is concentrated in CA and NY and not representative of the country as a whole. 2) The Supreme Court isn't designed to factor in popular opinion, it only uses the Constitution as it's grading criteria. Its apolitical, and as such, does not have a charter to reflect the 'will of the people' directly. It only reflects the 'will of the people' through deciding the constitutionality of specific cases before it. It also does not advise elected officials on possible constitutionality prior to policy/statute enactment. There may be an argument to pass some sort of Right to Privacy act that was used as the foundation for the original Roe case in the 1970s. But regardless, it's an issue that needs a legislative solution, not a court driven one. Call your Congressman, both locally in your state of residence, and in D.C.
  15. Bashi, do you need a weighted blanket and a nap? Not that I don't agree with some of your points, but damn son...impressive rant. Personally, my own kids (elementary to college senior) have shown vast improvements with a) getting back to in-person school, and b) getting past the mandatory masking. It's the little things that make them more receptive to education. It's my opinion, so YMMV. Also, thought that kid was expressing himself appropriately...had to do a doubletake.
  16. Same here...but it begs the question: if military service is allowed, why can Kinzinger (and others) in the Reserve serve in Congress and Airmen on Active duty not? I'm sure there's a valid reason, I'm just too tired to look it up.
  17. Add the II MEF Information Group to my informal list of official DoD PA Twitter accounts overreacting. https://meaww.com/us-marine-corps-under-fire-for-saying-they-messed-up-after-pregnant-remark-to-tucker-carlso If I had seen the DoD IO enterprise act in a similarly coordinated effort against Iran shenanigans when they were planting mines and boarding vessels in the AG, or firing drones/cruise missiles against allies in the the area, I might not have such a large soapbox right now. This was a constant source of agitation with CENTCOM leadership at the highest levels. I try to keep a principle that the DoD (and all Federal Gov agencies) shouldn't single out a private US citizen on purely political stances. We have Congress to do that and they ultimately have to answer to the voters. Again, on the topic of saying "we've got our female Airmen/Soldiers/Sailors/Marines back" is fine and admirable...but this ain't it Chief. Exit thought: give credit to the II MEF IO Group for acknowledging that they act in a manner that fell short of the standard professionalism...although I may keep "get right before you get left Boomer" in my arsenal with some contractors.
  18. I just noticed that I've apparently broken through the "Fuck" barrier! WINNING!
  19. Let me say this first: I support diversity & inclusion. Some of the best officers and commanders I know aren't white males. Pick a race & sex combination and I've served with them. Personally, I'm also an advocate for girls in Boy Scouts of America and had all three of my daughters in BSA programs for the last decade...nothing against Girl Scouts, I just like the BSA programs (Boy Scouts, Venture Crews, Explorers) better. Now...I think both sides have missed the point. POTUS was at the ceremony for the 2x women 4-Star Combatant Commander. Of course his speechwriter, like all speechwriters, was going to throw in something with wide-spectrum relevancy, so highlighting the pregnancy flightsuit and other uniform changes was on there. Based on the speed of government efficiency, I'm assuming that development started under the Trump administration. If you watch the entire segment, not just the Twitter clip, Tucker was making a comparison to China, which is going through the same issues the US is...and in a potential response, built up their navy to over 350 ships. So Tucker, an opinion show, missed the point and tried to connect two data points that aren't directly obvious to fit his particular narrative. Who at MSNBC, CNN, print media hasn't done that? But...so did SecDef and the rest of the Senior Military Leaders who commented. Or at least over-reacted IMO. It seemed like thy were punching down to me, and I'm not sure they would have been better off keeping their powder dry...but the reaction above "Fuck this elite, pandering piece of trash" seems to be the GO#1 for both sides of the aisle. Everyone has their Ego involved and no one is willing to realize they aren't 100% correct. Critical thinking has been abandoned. Again, this is just my opinion, but by responding so aggressively to this Tucker story, it's made it emotional on both sides of the argument. Every advancement for diversity in the ranks will be met with comparisons to China's growing military power. Every question will in-turn be viewed through the lens of regressive, "Neanderthal" thinking and disregarded and attacked. A question for the SecDef, @17D_guy, and every one who agrees with him...did you have as much vitriol over RPA crews being called "baby killers" when they were listed as killing 1,700 civilians/400 kids? https://www.afsc.org/blogs/news-and-commentary/us-has-killed-thousands-people-lethal-drones#:~:text=According to the Bureau of,400 of whom were children.
  20. Whoa...holy shit dude...a NSFL warning. Death on a battlefield is one thing...that was something else entirely.
  21. And from what I've heard, as soon as they announced they were looking into NAFs, everyone knew the game was rigged.
  22. Well, the PACER CRAG article for KC-135s in the late 90's said almost the same thing. We'll see if they mean actually re-trained through UPT as pilots or more of a long-term billet shuffle. I'm betting there will be less re-training than you think.
  23. Congrats!
  24. This and what @MCO said about getting little out of it...I'd actually take it one step further and completely revamp PME and form a partnership with a 3rd party university (brick-and-morter school or online). Have some core classes to learn AF history/strategy planning applications, but the rest would be a list of elective classes under several umbrella topics...leadership, counseling, strategic writing, etc. The idea is to make the experience beneficial to the USAF and the Airman, vs the forced hazing and stat padding for the chosen few. Oh, and if forced to keep in-residence PME...you should only go once in your career. We currently lose 2+ years for HPO Patches for glorified admin. Not the best use of our talent.
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