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Everything posted by GKinnear

  1. I read this as a critique of what one Presidential Candidate said to the other circa 2012...
  2. I must just be tired, but what is this? It's been awhile since my AMC days, but I have no frame of reference here.
  3. It's happening in Cyber as well. Very many people who aren't prior are bouncing. They're tired of the deployments, lack of command clarity, inability to (usually) make positive changes with their customers and for the base support, being cast aside for the sexiness of Offensive/Defensive Cyber. Who flies planes anymore.. so silly.... We just had our Summer '16 PCS webinar, total AFSC manning currently at 84%, IF you count the new 2Lt's in FY15. Overall, they'll be filling only 60% of positions requiring a body that cycle. People are just tired, and the experience and certifications we're walking out with aren't run of the mill server-farm experience. Starting salary for a lot of these is around six figures. Hell, the trend lines for the mid 90's folks, and mid-00 folks is well below the sustainment line. I wasn't a O then, but I seem to remember my bosses (jr-mid Capts) were getting RIF'd at ton in '06-'08... and that was "before the drawdown." Anyway, has anyone noticed a change in the Maj's getting promoted? With the increased scrutiny Learjet I was wondering if it had also moved down to O-4 as well. There's been numerous people who haven't made it I was surprised at. The Comm Field was a high pick on my dream sheet 16ish years ago, when a plan to do my 4 yrs and walk. At the time, I knew Doctors who were leaving medicine to work for telecoms and getting 3x the pay. I would think the current environment is even more magnified. But what do I know, that personnelist is a really good leader and more deserving than everyone else.
  4. The unspoken thought is that RPAs don't want shitty Pilots any more than shitty pilots want to be in RPAs. It's a compounding situation.
  5. So, are women now denied federal loans if they don't register in the Selective Service?
  6. Looking at his ribbons and his bio, it seems like his only deployment was as the Deid Deputy Mission Support Group CC in '08. The blues policy is completely in line with a dude who's been a REMF his entire career.
  7. Great, now all we need to do is triple RPA manning. Haven't you heard? We're over manned with 11M's...these problems solve themselves
  8. 1989: 2x Tomcats shoot down Libyan Floggers Hear This Intense Declassified Recording Of F-14s Shooting Down Libyan MiG-23s There's not much on the video, it's mostly just audio, but still interesting to listen to.
  9. The Navy may be getting rid of the X-47, but this is still a leap forward in the RPA's development. X-47B UCAV AARs w/Omega Tanker DARPA is also looking into RPA-to-RPA, Manned-to-RPA, and RPA-to-Manned AAR solutions DARPA RPA tests
  10. The dreaded FAIP assignment. Say that out loud and see how it sounds. You need to catch on how much that sounds like a little bitch. FAIPs do alright, both in the jet and career-wise.
  11. My guess is the 11Xs would receive a T-6 IP qual in the backseat and let the 18X try to kill him. Joe1234's point is more valid in the RPA world where not everyone has an LR qual or need. Let the guy who can go to a different airframe keep his skill set up, and let the 18X get some basic airmanship w/out the pesky landing currency. An abbreviated pattern only, ala Sport Pilot Licence, might be the ticket for an LR qual'd 18X.
  12. Go myPers and search "promotions". Somewhere in there will be a link for board status as it hits the review milestones. 3ish months generally. Any date given is just a shifting target. Good luck!
  13. So, TiB could land you on the WH Fellows track? Richard Marcinko once said "Some people wear stars and other wear scars..."
  14. I misspoke. I meant SURF. vMPF reflects all decorations.
  15. Sister Service medals will be displayed in your personnel records (SURF), provided they are "individually achieved" medals, ArComs, etc. vMPF will reflect all of the decorations. To caveat Nunya's advice, I'd walk it over and stare down FSS and watch him enter it into your records. I've more than once had to chase down a medal or OPR/EPR for someone and it's just sitting literally on a file cabinet for weeks. Or a stack of CRMs returned for corrections that were forgotten about for 3 months for a simple Paragraph citation error. Don't trust, and verify.
  16. they had too, th -141 wings were about to fall off. I've also heard that the tail cracks that caused the early swap weren't present when AMARC started scrapping them. Buuuut, my sources are former -141 FEs & Navs. So they're bitter & biased.
  17. Again, stereotypes are that way for a reason....
  18. Arguments over socks? The rest of your problems must be solved at this point...
  19. The BONE-R!? I still think the History Channel got punked on a national level.
  20. A wannabe RPA pilot. Way to reinforce stereotypes.
  21. I'd say he's doing it right, except he got caught
  22. John Jay HS (San Antonio. TX) players target Ref in-game
  23. I thought it was more odd that the 38s only had 1 US student.
  24. The info in the FTU thread (https://www.flyingsquadron.com/forums/topic/18898-rpa-school-at-holloman/ is still fairly accurate
  25. Whoa, hold up chief. Your specialty seems to be more in shoe-clerkery. Who let GC post in a non-Personnelist thread?
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