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Everything posted by GKinnear

  1. One chest each of shiny beads and sea shells...
  2. From what I can tell, she stayed fully dressed. I'm not seeing a problem. Every AMC pilot would by fired by the same standard
  3. "Soon" in a bureaucratic sense means "at a glacial pace". You might see a 3 or 4-star from cyber before you're dead. How long have ICBMs/Space been a part of the AF?
  4. Agreed, Texas will do fine by itself
  5. I think it shows the AF's evolution from Nuke Bomber Command to the 21st Century and the strategic importance of Space (and Cyber soon too)
  6. A) Nothing AMC tracks on O's surprises me anymore 2) The PFA has more military applicability than the DLAB
  7. So it's all fat kids for the foreseeable future?
  8. I know a current AF Reservist who swears he got passed over in the Corps as a Capt due to not having a high enough belt in a martial art. I want to say mauve, maybe it was purple. Regardless, ask him what he wants to get passed over for; not having your Master's or a teal belt in Judo. But the training at Pensacola and Whiting Field is very nice, location wise and much more relaxed than formal release at UPT. The majority of pilot slot are involved in the CAF, but as helo pilots. Sooooo, he's got to pick his poison. Both have LIMFACS. Go with his gut and don't look back. He'll enjoy either.
  9. Ah I figured, I wasn't really following either of them. It isn't the first time, it just happened when the other thread disappeared at the same time.
  10. What happened to the JQP posts about 18 AF and toxic leadership? I used the search function and it showed in the results, but then the link returned an error code for not found. I wasn't really looking for it, but noticed it was missing. Is it an error or was it removed intentionally? Edit: The pilot's detainment post from the Sq Bar was also removed. Is it a permanent suspension or a 2-min penalty?
  11. I prefer to hide in the smuggler's hideout and let the runways autoland bring me in
  12. 11U is folded under the umbrella 18X term. All equally RPA pilots, and still managed by the same porch...just some pilots are more equal than others
  13. I think I'm tracking on the intent of your original post. I just want a new fat-kid EW bird that can fill the same role as the EC-130 in the SEAD triad. Something with lots of room for expansion of new capes, has a long dwell time on station, and is capable of finding it's own targets, etc. If that means putting it on a 2-eng 777, cool. If it means putting it on Js, also cool. I thought C-17 were the answer for a while, but that's gas guzzling SUV that's maybe not worth the induced fuel costs for the additional benefit. Really I just want the AF to quit dropping EW in priority. It's too important a force multiplier to be shelved. Annnnd at this point I'm putting a pin in it. We'll pick it up if we ever cross paths in a more appropriate forum.
  14. Flexibility is the key to airpower, or so I've been told. If I had to choose one or the other I'd rather have something with a long on-station time over faster airspeed.
  15. Neither of which is always better to have
  16. The percentages given for staff pushes seemed generous from what I've always heard. 1% vs 5% for CJCS, etc. I assume that it changes year to year, like the overall selection rate, or is it entirely up to the SR?
  17. No shit. But it's an AF forum. I don't go into BCT HHQ and bag on the way they do business either, The WX guys may be my retarded little brother, and I pick on him a lot, but that doesn't mean you get to. Next time I'll add the /sarcasm/ tag...
  18. Why? We all had choices in life, I chose to get out of the Army and join the AF...
  19. This is probably more accurate... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lF1mx-Dcek8
  20. https://www.live5news.com/story/27323882/jbc-pilot-with-flu-like-symptoms-screened-for-ebola-at-musc He never left the plane and was on the ground for 3hrs. Hopefully it's just the flu, and probably is. Although, with all the gunk built up on the stick/throttles, you'd think -17 crewdawgs would have a hardier immune system. Seriously though, here's to hoping to a speedy recovery.
  21. While that may be, my point still stands that the "media" could have partially redacted the names. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  22. Here's why I blame the media (the following is a quick comparison of SIB vs AIB., not 100%, but close enough for here): In the quotes that are anonymous, it's a safe assumption those came from the SIB. The Safety Investigation Board is convened to get info out to other interested parties (generally other aircrew) about the causes of a mishap so they don't repeat those actions. It's privileged so the involved parties are more forthcoming in what actually happened. There is no legal liability (99.9% of the time) stemming from the SIB, no names attached, and is not generally for public consumption. The named quotes, then, I'm assuming are from the AIB. Accident Investigation Boards are convened to who/what is "at fault" and liable for criminal proceedings. It's held after the SIB concludes and is a independent Investigation. Since criminal charges CAN (not always) stem from the AIB, it has NO inherent privilege. It can be offered like any normal investigation (ie, immunity), but not a blanket coverage compared to the SIB. The AIB is releasable to the public (again, in most cases.) Now, based on the AIB info above, it was NOT against USAF policy to release the names, providing they came from the AIB. Hell, the final SIB report won't even have the mishaps crews name attached. That info is kept separate locations so there is no accidental exposure. I've seen plenty of "media" pieces that included names in them, but redacted for first names only or callsigns, Amn Joe, Capt Maverick, or Major NeverTrustTheMedia. Granted those were friendly pieces, but it can be done. The names included in the OP did nothing to enhance the article and may have done long-term harm to them personally and to the Safety world when it comes to future investigations. the barracks rumor-mill can always point to this article without a clue about the SIB vs AIB difference and make SE job more difficult. So to reiterate.... Thanks media!
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