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Everything posted by GKinnear

  1. Big 2 to releasing the names, whether or not it came from the AIB vs SIB. It's tough enough getting crews to open up in the "White hat" SIB, now we have to deal with this. Thanks media! Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  2. These jokes write themselves: "O-broski, do you even lift? " Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  3. If you have time for this level of queep, you have 0 impact on the war. Which coincidentally is the amount of s I give about sex-based PA stunts. Now if it had been operational, and it happened to with out that way, and they gave their supported unit 6hrs extra...then hell yes, that's worthy of praise. But not this shit. Exit question: did you at least get any MQT, IPUG, MSN Evals done? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  4. https://dfw.cbslocal.com/2014/04/02/search-for-active-shooter-on-fort-hood-base/ https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Active-Shooter-Reported-at-Fort-Hood-253636461.html Local news from D/FW reporting
  5. https://www.kcentv.com/story/25146842/reports-of-shooting-on-fort-hood Thoughts and prayers to those injured... edit: second local outlet reporting https://www.kake.com/home/headlines/Active-Shooter-situation-reported-at-Fort-Hood-253639761.html?llsms=780041&c=y third local news reporting: https://www.kbtx.com/home/headlines/Active-Shooter-Situation-Reported-At-Fort-Hood-253635771.html Big 3 (CNN, FOX, MSNBC) are spinning trying to find something to report (some worse than others). Linked to Drudgereport and others... Nothing solid on motives.
  6. A little Ron Swanson logic can be applied here. "Don't half-ass two things son. Whole-ass one thing" Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  7. My original thought was that you're a fvcking idiot, but then I thought about you're last comment. Let's not get into a petty, ego-fueled name calling internet argument. There's no winners there, only losers. So lets breakdown the original post by Buddy Spike and then the follow up comment by HeloDude. Some chick gets filmed potentially putting her baby in harms way because she perceived a state of inadequate respect. Regardless of your personal biases or political leanings, I think everyone can agree that she put her own selfish interests far above those of her child. A major cultural figure recent was caught on camera misspelling the title of an iconic piece of modern music. One in which the title is spelled out as a part of the chorus. One on which said major cultural figure is "renown" for his oratory skills. It's a humorous counterpoint to the fact he speaks in public everyday and should be more comfortable doing so. In relation to the BuddySpike's post, I believe that HeloDude was make the joke that the mother was looking for RSPECT instead of RESPECT. He made a relevant, topical comment on the original post with a widely televised verbal SNAFU. I don't believe there was anything inherently racist in such an action. If it was a video of #43 making one of his numerous 'mis-speaks', it would have been just as on point and humorous. By using the racism charge at the drop of a hat, it weakens the impact it makes, a la crying wolf. Let's save the racism card for actual racism and not blow this out of proportion.
  8. Obviously you went to a third-rate interwebz diploma mill if you don't know about Pastafarians Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  9. I haven't tried uploading files yet, but otherwise great app! Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  10. Hey FNG, stand up and tell us about yourself...
  11. Well it looks like the VSP matrix is unchanged, the RIF matrix has been removed from mypers. Odds on the expiration date for the latest change?
  12. If I had more down-votes left today I would apply them to every single one of your post on this topic. You've folded flags at a funeral in -20 weather. That sucks, but I think the family of the veteran in the casket would trade you any day of the week. If that soldier can't buck-up, and perform under temporary personal discomfort, she needs to move into another line of work. Voluntary or otherwise. My opinion of your posts is that you handled mostly veterans from WWII, Korea, etc. Nothing from the OEF/OIF. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I'll second Fuzz's experience (or any AMC aircrew). Standing in formation at the ramp of a C-17 watching a 4yo son cry for his Dad, not understanding why he can't see his father, and being consoled by his grandparents because his mom is sobbing, being physically held up by another family member...its gut wrenching. Then having to do it ll over 5min later for the second casket, only this time it's his mother. She has her arms outstretched, calling her son's name and his is being restrained by family to keep her from running into the flight line. Those memories are three years old, and some of my last in AMC. To this day it makes want to do two things; 1) hug my kids and never let them go and 2) deliver instant, explosive justice on terrorist shitheads. I'm generally all about arguing both sides, but you've picked the wrong horse to back and need to let it go.
  13. Well, when in Rome...
  14. Well now I know why I've gotten in trouble for "raising my voice" at the intel briefer. If it's my ass sitting in the iron that's getting shot at, then I want my questions answered. And use common sense in briefing threats; no offense to FRED, but a C-5 Eng ain't Viz ID'ing a MANPAD up in the stratosphere. Most of the time Intel is just Ron Burgundy minus the good parts.
  15. Yeah, I knew a "candidates" chances of making it in were zilch. And while the board may not consider AAD completion for promotion, I still think SRs and below will use it to help stratify. A Master's is still a positive thing, just make sure to spend your money wisely. The AAD box has taken way to much precedence lately and it nice to see a course-reversal. Of course, I'll believe it when I see it in writing from the CSAF. Again, this is just one crew-dogs opinion.
  16. https://bigstory.ap.org/article/navy-probing-alleged-cheating-nuke-reactor-work Not just the AF Nuke force with a cheating scandal. This doesn't directly involve weapons, but still...
  17. My $.02 The AAD could still be used a discriminator during the DE selection process. While some well deserving individuals get a school-slot without it, the majority have it accomplished, which in turn has a trickle down effect to the SRs. Get it, don't get it..it your call. Just notch the threat appropriately.
  18. You don't necessarily have to re-cat. 11Ms flying RPAs who haven't recatted were held to an ADSC that went past the original UPT 10yrs.
  19. Was a reason given? Or just a generic "due to the needs of AF, blah, blah"?
  20. Don't crucify the guy yet. I've only read the AF Crimes version, but so far its only her word. I'm not saying they're getting a divorce, but I've seem what high stress scenarios do to marriages...it generally brings out the worst in both parties. Let the process play itself out. When there is indisputable proof, then cut his nuts off.
  21. Considering we're talking about Clovis, NM, I think the binary scale is in order....a 1 or a 0, and if you have to think about it, she's a 1
  22. That fvcking ELF! Here's his before and after pics at my house. He's been to one too many 1st Fridays....
  23. Are you sure about the 11/12F/H/U not being RIF eligible? The matrix stated it was for voluntary programs (ie VSP). I didn't interpret that to mean RIF eligibility as well. I still think that group is RIF eligible. If I'm wrong, someone please post the source doc stating to use that matrix. This is what happens when you get everyone spun up just prior to the holiday's. How about next time you decide who's affected first before dropping this bomb on us? We would've bitched anyway, but come on man!
  24. Yeah, but the fact its actually an option on the table speaks directly to the current mindset of the budget committee. So it gets removed in conference or a rider gets attached effectively negating it...what's to stop them from trying it again? Eventually the ramifications could lead to decreased upward mobility as the senior level are loath to retire, a la the Russkies. Granted, the post-military career was nothing compared to the US's, but it still begs the question: how will promotions/retention/force management be affected by reduced retirement pay? My opinion: negatively...
  25. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2013/12/10/ryan-and-murray-to-unveil-budget-proposal-tuesday-night/ Well, I guess they went and did it. I'll be standing by for the details for how the guv'ment is about to do us dirty. Lets see: longer service commitments, less pay/retirements, centralized planning, increasingly chaotic situation in Afghanistan, which side won the Cold War again?
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