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General Chang

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General Chang last won the day on June 15 2019

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    Far side of the galaxy

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Flight Lead

Flight Lead (3/4)



  1. Most people here are ridiculous. Airmen weren’t even aware the gig line was no longer a thing. Or hair touching the ears. This is just adjusting the books to the culture that always was, nothing more. Secretary Hegseth is spot-on: unity is the message, and that is crystal clear throughout Air Force formations. Agree or disagree, we are moving forward with the right focus and message.
  2. She’s both an absolutely amazing person and a massive PR boon for the Air Force. She’s fantastic.
  3. https://www.msn.com/en-us/technology/aviation/american-mq-9-reaper-drone-crash-in-syria-shrouded-in-mystery/ar-AA1vBu0n A couple of days into the brave new world, and we’re already shooting at each other…
  4. https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-11-13/exclusive-trumps-team-drawing-up-list-of-pentagon-officers-to-fire-sources-say Job openings forthcoming for some of you!
  5. She had a change in heart during her education period. It happens. Cut bait and call it a day, you whiners. We waste FAR more money as a country on FAR more pits. Besides, would you want her on your wing? NO, OF COURSE NOT! Just let her go and thank her for her service. Next!
  6. Conley is an absolute stud. I hope he jumps from this job to next COMAMC in three years (spent time as AMC/A5 and is well-respected in the mobility community).
  7. 3 words: SERVICE BEFORE SELF.
  8. Don’t listen to these people telling you to jump straight to the airlines. Get either degree and serve in any officer capacity in our military. It’s an honorable way of life.
  9. Now we start with racist comments. Lovely. Diversity is the way of the future, you pansy. You people need to get on-board with the new Air Force, or get flippin’ lost now.
  10. You people should really do some historical research on this topic, just on this site. Same boring griping for a couple of generations now. The creative solution is to produce more pilots. Congress will not help with retention bonuses, so the AF has given up. The ramp to 1500 pilots per year IS the target. Younger squadrons IS the acceptable risk. Keep calling me a troll, but this is the model going forward. Embrace it and start working with those young pilots to get them up-to-speed faster. Do something productive in your unit instead of complaining on a website. The lack of “Service Berfore Self” on this website still floors me. If I ever find one of you in real life under one of my commands…
  11. Risk to fill squadrons with nothing but Lieutenants and Captains is acceptable. Enough FGOs will stick around to adequately fill the commander positions. The research is conclusive. People on this forum don’t want to hear that, but not wanting to hear something doesn’t mean it’s not true. The Pentagon is 100% focused on production ramp to 1500.
  12. We do not need to retain pilots. We need to produce pilots. 1500 per year. This is the real conundrum dominating conversation here in the Pentagon- how we ramp to 1500.
  13. What in heaven’s name are you talking about?
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