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General Chang

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Everything posted by General Chang

  1. You’d be hard-pressed to find a member of the C-130J community who doesn’t like the mission.
  2. Maybe some of the crusty keyboard “warriors” in this community should put their money where their mouths are and run for Congress instead of typing the same drivel every week on this site.
  3. You need to throw your hat in the ring for big jobs like Exec, CAG, DS, stuff like that. We need more pilots willing to help move the ball forward in the office, not on the flightline. If you want to get promoted, that’s your ticket- stay where you are at & become an invaluable desk jockey.
  4. Rumor mill: subdermal GTC chips to be tested in military personnel soon.
  5. GVO will not be Chief of Staff. She is retiring out of this job.
  6. $50K bonus will be out soon. Everybody just chill and eat your chips and salsa quietly. $50K will come out & people will sign like they always do. Geesh.
  7. It’s in their agreed-to contract that the Army is now enforcing. What’s the issue? They agreed to the terms! This is equivalent to all the sniveling weenies who ran up significant college debt saying, “Uncle Sam, it’s your fault. Forgive my debt!” Screw that! You agreed to sit in the pig stall, now go wallow in the mud and stop griping about how “unfair” your life is. Man up.
  8. Look folks, if all the good apples leave the service, where will we be when China invades Taiwan? I applaud those sticking around who will insert themselves “into the breach” with me as front-line O-6s in WestPac as we beat back communist aggression for the next decade. Absolutely it’s “Service Before Self.” We will have a lot of good men and women making the ultimate sacrifice soon. Man-up and step into the breach.
  9. I recommend sticking around. At O-6, you can make changes to better the organization in tangible ways for the future. Follow your core value of “Service Before Self” and you can never go wrong.
  10. $50K is a lot of money, young peeps. I recommend you sign early.
  11. Looks like the 3 AF/CC, Maj Gen Derek France. Interesting.
  12. Hey Ratner, would you prefer I post under this account of mine instead??
  13. When you get married in 2021, you will get the highest of: 1) the highest single BAH rate since you PCS’d to your current station, or 2) the 2021 w/dependents rate. The only w/dependents rate considered in this calculation is the year you actually claimed a dependent (and all years moving forward). For example: Your single BAH increased steadily from 2018-2020: $1500 in 2018, $1600 in 2019, $1700 in 2020. During 2020, rents in your area completely cratered, and that is reflected in the new 2021 BAH rates: $1300 single BAH, $1400 w/dependents in 2021. In this example, in 2021, you will received $1700 while you are single (assuming no break in service), since you are grandfathered-in at that 2020 rate. When you get married in 2021, you would continue to receive $1700 BAH, as your grandfathered 2020 BAH single rate is more than the 2021 w/dependents BAH rate. On the other hand, if the 2021 w/dependent rate is $1800, as soon as you register your new spouse in DEERS, you will start receiving $1800 in BAH ($1800 2021 w/dependents rate > $1700 grandfathered 2020 single rate). Clear as mud? Happy New Year.
  14. I see that Washington D.C. is allocated CONUS COLA for 2021. Any of you smart people know if this applies to the Pentagon? It is physically located in Arlington, VA but has Washington D.C. addresses. I suspect the answer is Virginia, since that will cost the government less $$, but thought I’d ask the question.
  15. Geez, projecting, are we?
  16. It is another way to get an “across the board” unofficial stratification early in your career (first vector as Major-select). Ensures we keep our bottom of the barrel-scrapping officers from being considered for joint jobs (can only go one up & one down). Also serves to start delineating who truly has the potential to become an HPO. Learn the system, folks!
  17. You will absolutely get picked up.
  18. I think Carole’s first husband is still alive and living off-the-grid in Central America with the $15M in gold and silver he “stashed” in various locations down there.
  19. In! Guaranteed to be highly entertaining.
  20. Why, thank you, BC!
  21. Second core value, people. Just do 20. Payoff is yuge.
  22. Hey now, be nice(r).
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