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Everything posted by afthunderchief16

  1. About the only thing you would retire with is a clearance that is still valid just like everyone else that retires from the AF.
  2. Was just there last week and as far as getting to London from Mildy, we went through the Ely Station. Taxi from lodging went for £32 plus another £12 for the all day train/tube pass (group of 4 so we got the group rate). As for getting to Cambridge from the base, it actually ends up about the same price whether you do the taxi/train combo or just go straight for the taxi. £48 for a one-way taxi ride in to Cambridge versus £32 for the taxi ride to Ely plus train ticket. The taxi company that picks up from lodging does flat-rate fares and usually has cars waiting at the taxi stand outside the lodging office. To arrange for pickup from Cambridge, all they need is an hour's notice and they will pick you up next to the Round Church (right in the middle of everything you would want to see) When you are in Cambridge, make sure to stop in and see The Eagle and have a pint in their back room where all of the WWII dudes burned their names in the ceiling but I wouldn't bother eating there. Super busy and the wait staff are pricks. Instead, go to the Pickerel Inn (https://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/s/22/2208/Pickerel_Inn/Cambridge) and have some awesome eats and more pints. The staff there made our day in Cambridge - took the time to show us around the oldest pub in Cambridge (built in something like 1450) and give us the run down of how it used to be an opium den/whore house/etc.
  3. "...in a duffel bag after sensors attached to the baby alerted employees." So this is what we have to resort to now? Tagging babies like they are a sweater from Macy's? I at least hope the ink cartridge didn't go off... **edit** I don't spell too good sometimes**
  4. I totally agree with you that he is perfectly sane and fit to stand trial. I would be willing to guess that after years of being the "golden boy" that is smart as a whip, he was finally getting his $hit pushed in during med school and saw this as his way out.
  5. Wow. Looks like someone really fell off the deep end (or at least that is the angle they will be trying to play...).
  6. 2- I signed up for the promotive account a few months ago but just finally got around to getting my watch about a month ago. Some things you save more on than others but, overall, a pretty wide selection of stuff to buy. As for the watch - went with the Core with the negative face and have been pretty stoked with it. It has held up well on the jet so far. They say to allow 2-3 weeks for it to show up but it shipped within two days or so...... from Finland.... All in all it took 6 days for it to arrive at the house and saved right about $50 on it.
  7. I think Swizzle just figured out his exit strategy from the AF and his way to build his nestegg!
  8. Who doesn't like to get tanked and go to the museum?!? https://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/01/05/colorado-woman-punches-urinates-near-30m-painting/?test=latestnews
  9. Just at Al Udeid. It is nothing more than the Qataris making life more difficult. If all else fails, just head off base and buy anything you want at the mall.
  10. As of a couple days ago when I was there, AAFES managed to get a few palettes of cigarettes but no dip and were limiting people to one pack of smokes per purchase. Still no dip though. A lot of the dudes that were inbound brought a bunch with them in their personal bags for themselves or to market to the masses with no problem. There also didn't seem like there was anything on the horizon for getting a new waiver signed by the Qataris anytime soon...
  11. So there I was in the gym here a little bit ago here watching some SportsCenter and catching up on the day's news and saw this little gem. It's like SOS all over again! YGBSM! https://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=7246674
  12. Yeah, we heard the same thing from our CC this morning. He didn't have many details past that. Looks like we are just one step closer to AUAB being a full-up prison where tobacco products turn in to the official currency.
  13. You might be $hit outta luck on this one dude. Big blue's rationale for not issuing ABUs anymore was that they are a required uniform item starting in November and, thus, they feel that they don't need to issue them to dudes anymore. Your UDM should have a copy of the official memo saying when the cutoff for being issued ABUs is, off the top of my head I cannot remember if it was 1 Oct or something more towards the middle of the month. If they can find something that supports the latter, have your UDM type up a Will-go letter since you won't have a line number yet and you can roll over to supply and pick up some ABUs. If your UDM can't find the memo, hit up your base's financial analysis office and make them prove the 1 Oct date.
  14. A rebuttal! About 1:20 in to the video sums it up pretty well! Even throws in a Justin Beiber reference at 5:05 in the video FTW!
  15. 2 on the Weber Genesis series. I just got a Genesis 320 after I got back from my last trip and have been happy as hell. I got a solid deal on it at the BX of all places but it is worth every penny that I paid.
  16. Ha... I guess there goes that opportunity for x-flow to that community for a while
  17. Well, fortunately for the RJ community he is no longer with us.... He left last summer to another airframe. Next time we will make sure to QC the dudes who will be making videos a little better hopefully.
  18. Ya, C-21 Pilot was pretty damned close. Here it is from the 11-2-E4 1.4. Minimum Requirements for Assignment to Perform E-4 Crew Duties: 1.4.1. Pilots (P) will be currently qualified in Tanker/Transport/Bomber (TTB) aircraft or a previously qualified pilot in the E-4, have 2,500 hours total time and 1,500 hours TTB aircraft time with current or previous TTB receiver air refueling experience, and be able to obtain a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (TS/SCI) clearance.
  19. Upgraded to what?? As for deployments, look for a 3 on/6 off or shorter right now. Plenty to stay busy and on the road if that's what you want...
  20. Ya, I'm gonna actually agree with ya there, the speech was pretty decent for sure. Not a bad touch with using a portion of the Pledge of Allegiance at the end.
  21. Big fuvcking 2 on that!!!
  22. Kinda reminds me of this...
  23. They are like email ninjas too. I think I have damn near 10 auto-delete rules set up for their crap. On a more exciting note - after we landed last night our CC passed on the RUMINT of personal ORM cards that everyone on base will be getting before too long - we will be expected to keep on us and fill out before each day. I am giddy with excitement.
  24. So you're saying that the fabled Blimp Folding occupation for the AF is coming to fruition?
  25. Qatar Olympic Committee ponder bid to host 2020 Summer Games in Doha What the crap?? What are they going to do, air condition this entire god forsaken country? Did they forget about this: U.S. Swimmer Dies During Race in U.A.E. Personally, I hope this get squashed very quickly...
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