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Everything posted by afthunderchief16

  1. So here I sit at the Deid in crew rest for my flight tomorrow and who is ruining that? The damn TiB. There was karaoke night here last week that honestly sounded better than this group of misfits. And the karaoke people weren't keeping me from falling asleep. This place sucks.
  2. Wait a second - no cooking or cleaning or anything? What good is she to the world?!?
  3. Well $hit. Prayers for the family and Elmo... F-22 Pilot Died in Crash :beer:
  4. Ya, I was mistaken. I thought that one of my cousins that works at the 155th had mentioned they had older but I checked with him and their oldest is a '57.
  5. Thats a pretty good question. As far as the RJ goes, I don't think that we really have a plan for what to do with you when you get here. In the past few months, the idea of "true" CSO has all but been canned so you will not see a dude qualified to sit both seats. I know that there are a few dudes that are trying to put together the new training syllabus for you guys but there is nothing in stone at all because we just don't know what we are going to be getting. I would honestly imagine that AFPC would dictate which seat you will be sitting on since they are the ones that determine the numbers and what requirements are being fulfilled. So long story short - I don't think that anyone has a damn idea. I'm sure that getting closer to assignment time they will have a better idea of what they are doing and your future community will as well.
  6. Are you talking AD only? FWIW, I know that the NE ANG out of Lincoln has a handful of 55s laying around on the ramp that were converted to R models and that they fly the $hit out of...
  7. Bastard. Was that the first occurrence on baseops though? I am surprised it took so long.
  8. Was wondering if FG or anyone else might be able to answer my question I found when I started filing my return. For my PCS W2 the AF has me down as a CO resident for the state taxes portion even though I claim TX for residency. There were no taxes taken out but they still have it under the state and local wages box. Does this really matter for anything? Should I even waste my time going to finance to get an amended W2? Thanks much
  9. My $.02 and some of the other dudes might be able to speak to this better than me but getting them chromed as opposed to polishing them would be more effective at getting the leftover bits of primer/powder residue out of the shells and make them more suitable for drinking out of. Most of the shot glasses/mugs that I have seen before have been chromed and I thought it was a good look on them.
  10. Like what? I have been up at Offutt for a few months now so I might have some insight for you and what to expect when you get up here. As far as getting started, the navs have been getting thrown right in, a group of navs that just arrived from KRND even skipped SERE to get up here and in class. Other than that, don't expect much time at all on casual, well under a month. Let me know if you have anything else.
  11. Saw this yesterday on ESPN and it was funny as hell! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oA792DGT2E&feature=related But seriously, I would be scared as hell if that woman was yelling at me like that...
  12. Ok, I have spent the better part of the last hour looking through the JFTR and different rules and regs regarding what you can and cannot write off and am having some difficulties finding info on whether you can write off vehicle expenses (oil changes prior to move, etc) or not. My last PCS to Randolph we were told that these kinds of expenses can be written off and my wife and I were reimbursed for them. When I went in this afternoon to the TMO office at Offutt the lady working (who really needed a throat punch to put her back in the right place and not be such a raging whore to me and my wife) told us that they are not and have not ever been reimbursable expenses. I have seen other people on here say that they are in fact reimbursable so I was hoping that somebody might have some more insight to this or where in the JFTR so I can take it back to the office and politely point it out to her if it can get me some of my expenses back
  13. I just got back from the field two days ago, so here is my $.02 Goretex would have been awesome. It rained on us 4/6 days in the field and on travel day I would have killed for it. I brought my goretex BDU jacket but they still required that we brought our shitty issued field jacket. By the time I got everything packed in my ruck, there simply wasn't enough room for the extra jacket. The issued ponchos do their job but you sweat your ass off under them when you are rucking around. The wx was pretty decent but temps drop quickly as soon as the clouds move in. Nights actually got surprisingly cold when it rained but the sleeping bags did their job and you have a goretex bivy (sp?) sack that keeps you plenty dry. For socks, I brought a few pairs of under Armor socks and a few good Thorlos. I would recommend the Thorlos hands down or smartwool will keep you happy. The headlamps are definitely worth the $$ as well. You can get them for under $20 for a decent one at the shopette by the rooms that will do the trick. The food thing I didn't even try to mess with. You actually get more food than you think. We left for the field with a pocket full of gatorade packets and 5 or 6 gatorade protein bars. On top of that, we got at least one MRE every day (even the good Kosher ones) or the bunny stew or bunny/chicken bakes. Sure, you were hungry during the long days but it wasn't a huge deal. Just take a few cans of dip and you will get through just fine. Somebody can correct me if I am wrong but I think that they give you issued cold wx gear for winter months. Either way, if they issue it you have to ruck it. Anything added would just be shitty extra weight to hike with, especially with snow on the ground. I would imagine that a little investment for some good moisture wicking thermals would be well worth it rather than some crappy wool ones they give you
  14. https://www.kaziahthegoatwoman.com/kaziah.html Her website and info
  15. "I don't know how political I am, I don't get in to all that crap. I just love freedom, ok?" That lady, pure and simple, is awesome.
  16. Just thought I would throw this out there for dudes getting ready to go through Nav/EWO training for what has been dropping. Our Nav/EWO class from last Friday: Nav Side: -C-130 -2xDyess -1xLR -1xYokota -B-52 x 4 -AC-130Ux1 -U-28x2 -RC-135x2 -AWACSx1 -MC-130Wx1 (Cannon) EWO Side: -RC-135x2 (me) -B-52x2 -EC-130x2 -U-28x1
  17. Dude, I think there is about 5 pages worth of the info prior to you asking your question in this very thread! Lucky for you!
  18. Apparently N. Korea had elections as well this past weekend and Kim Jong Il was elected again! Great success!!! But seriously, I am going to hire a N. Korean PR person to write my next OPR, that statement is fvcking outstanding and I don't even know what it means!
  19. Ya, I was just referring to what airframes they are kinda-sorta having us mimic for purposes of the sims, for SP the goal is to infil/exfil at 10k msl or so while jamming and countering threats. Break right, chaff.... blah blah... 8 days allotted for this now kinda limits the extent of how far we get in to the stuff and we mostly are expected to rely on the TJS to make sure it is jamming what it is supposed to be jamming. We don't, traditionally it has been a joint position with the Navy at Whidbey NAS but as far as I have heard, the gig is basically up since the Navy is beginning to get the Growler online. Some of the other dudes on here can probably provide more insight in to whether or not that is even an option anymore.
  20. Ops A is basically your radar theory type stuff - PRI, PD, RF range, blah blah... Ops B you get in to the "beeps & squeaks" stuff and in to analyzing different signals from early warning to direct threat type stuff that can shoot you down and their parameters and operating capabilities (range, altitude limits, etc). Ops C is trying to put some of your knowledge to use in a few low threat sims where you fly some different B-1 missions and try to put a string of bombs on target. Once you track EWO, you begin with basically an advanced Ops B (ADS) and learn to distinguish a shit ton more signals for a few weeks. Drewpey said it right in that it is after ADS that you finally start enjoying yourself and get in to different sims doing electronic support (RC-135s), self protect (B-1s kinda) and electronic jamming (EA-6B/EC-130 kinda).
  21. Still no T-6 time, that won't happen until PCola. Right now we are moving to the "CSOIII" syllabus which, as NSplayer said is a little more EWO intensive in that they added ADS (analyzing signals using their various parameters manually, etc) to the Ops phase in an effort to give studs a better understanding of EWO basics. My guess is that is going to turn off a fair amount of people off to EWO because I just finished it and wanted to gouge my eyes out. Let me know if you have anything else you are curious about
  22. Also, where did you hear that there will be no WSOs for FY09? Is that implying that they aren't doing the whole JSUNT thing or implying that everything is going to the same place in PCola...
  23. Chances are probably good that you will go to PCola rather than KRND. Last I heard, dudes that graduated in Dec are already being given a PCola class date. As far as a accelerated nav syllabus, there is no such thing. Right now there is the Nav/EWO syllabus at KRND and the joint WSO syllabus with the Navy at PCola. The class that just started here at KRND just started a new syllabus (10-02??) that is supposed to be more similar to this 'CSO' pipe dream. The only difference is that there is going to be a bigger emphasis on intro EWO stuff (9 or 10 weeks compared to the 4 we have now). They claim that there is going to be a seamless transition from the last graduating class here at KRND and the first graduating class at PCola, I kinda doubt that happening. From the sounds of it, they want to try and open the new schoolhouse in April/May '10. As far as cross-training, there really isn't many ways to get in to a WSO spot from Nav/EWO training but thats not to say things won's change when everyone is a 'CSO' or the needs of the AF won't change down the road. You will find that almost everything in the AF has an asterisk next to it because there is never one answer that will remain true for more than a few years.
  24. Rule #1 - Only type drunk if you are experienced behind the keyboard! As far as everything else, everyone goes to IFS now in Pueblo, they did away with local IFT last June or July for the most part. By now, they should have their separate Nav/Pilot syllabus in place at Pueblo. Also - for getting a B-1 you have to be a WSO. They aren't going to be giving them to people going to "UNT" or "CSO Training" or whatever the hell you want to call it until they consolidate everything down at P-Cola. Let me know anything else you wanna know, they just made a bunch of changes to the current syllabus that will be in place to until the switch to P-Cola.
  25. No joke! I thought that this whole Tricare Prime was going to be a good deal and be nice and easy on my wallet but these out of pocket expenses are going to start killing me! A couple hundred bucks for new contacts every 6 months and not the dental stuff. Oh goody. Out of curiosity, what kind of co-pays do you have with the dental? Is it one of those deals that looks good on paper but not when it is put in to practice?
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