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  1. That F-16 was a Guard bro, everything else checks tho. XL Toner drop for the active guys: C-5 Dover C-17 McChord x2 C-17 Charleston C-130J Little Rock AC-130W Cannon EC-130 Davis Monthan KC-10 Travis MC-12 x2 E-8 E-3 RC-135
  2. Coming up I'll be PCSing cross country to Laughlin AFB to begin my 4 months casual. I tried calling Rome AFB but they didn't really answer any of my questions. I apologize ahead of time if any of my information or assumptions are messed up, I've literally had 0 guidance besides a few buddies and these forums. 1. I'm moving down to the same base, on the same day as a buddy of mine and we are trying to collaborate. Apparently Rome said that we could not take down the same Uhaul and that we need to take down two separate ones because we cannot mess with the "weigh ins". I tried explaining that we could weigh it empty, weight it with his stuff, then weigh it with mine, then do a little bit of math to figure out how much each of our stuff weighed... but he said that the AF frowns upon this. 2. Another problem is that we both don't really own a whole lot (so two uhauls is retarded) and our vehicle situations are a little tricky. He has a big truck that he could fit a majority of his things in, but not everything. I have two door convertible that can fit next to nothing, so I would need a Uhaul regardless. We were thinking that the most efficient way to get down there would be to rent one uhaul with a trailer, put my car on the trailer, and have him drive his truck down. This now does not seem possible because according to the folks at Rome, we cannot mix and match. With gas prices and the US trying to go 'green', it seems ridiculous that they're making us take down more vehicles than we need. 3. From everything that I've read/heard, you actually make money by moving your stuff down. I feel like because I don't own a whole lot, and would have to get a Uhaul big enough to pull a trailer (that apparently I have to pay for), I'm going to be losing money? 4. Apparently Rome's moving service only pays for the cost of moving an exact weight, and nothing else... is this correct? Also, Finances at Laughlin will deal with the reimbursement of gas/food/lodging? Does this count for both vehicles (my car/Uhaul)? Or, does this cover only the Uhaul, therefore transporting my car via rented trailer will be straight out of my pocket? 5. Regarding my friends stuff, can I just put his stuff that doesn't fit in his truck into the uhaul and call it my own? This makes the most sense to me but I'm sure this is some sort of integrity violation. I really don't know what my best options are here. Can anyone chime in and guide me based on their own experiences? Sorry about the incoherent nature of this post, I'm in the process of moving out of my college town to my HOR.
  3. Also, is it even really possible to succeed in the flying world and still manage taking one or two online classes from a top tier MBA school? Anyone done this?
  4. So... do universities make exceptions for military? In other words, say classes start in September, but application deadline was mid June, do any universities still accept military personnel post-deadline?
  5. Firstly thanks to everyone for the advice. After a bunch of research I think that I would really want to tough it out and get the MBA. I was actually checking out Kelley and it's one of my top choices. Has anyone gotten their MBA from this school while on Active Duty? Actually, has anyone else gotten their MBA from a "good" school? I'd love to PM you on some information. My next big question regards timing - if I take my GMAT sometime in August/September, am I sort of screwed out of taking classes this Fall? From the looks of it, most university's application deadlines are sometime mid July (fml) if I wanted to start sometime in the Winter. Is getting an MBA from a "good" university going to be a huge pain in the ass as opposed to getting something from ERAU? Thanks again.
  6. Thanks for your response but I honestly don't recognize any of your acronyms. Can someone help me out?
  7. I recently graduated this past May with a degree in Electrical Engineering and I'm awaiting my EAD on 1 Oct. So, I've been sort of bumming it out and relaxing. The 10 hours of sleeping each day, drinking, watching showtime, working out, and gaming is getting pretty old (I know this actually sounds pretty awesome)... and I decided that while my months off have been chill, I might as well make use of the time I have left. My UPT is set to start sometime in February, so I'll have an additional 4 months of casual down at Laughlin and I've been advised by a few buddies to start taking grad classes before/after UPT... as I will eventually need my masters to make Maj. 1. What should I be doing with my time now before I EAD? I'm sure I'll get the "just keep drinking bro, enjoy the time you have off" answers... but I actually get stressed when I have nothing to do as ridiculous as that sounds. I figure, start studying for my GMAT as an MBA seems like a good option and corporate management has always been something I've wanted to do some day. 2. What other advanced degrees are good options? The only two that really come to mind are getting my MS in some engineering which I'd rather stay away from (my BS was painful enough) and an MBA. 3. Say I strap down and get my GMAT out of the way by 1 Oct, do I then just apply to online-only MBA colleges once I'm AD? 4. Ultimately I'm just bored and feel guilty throwing my time away. Any recommendations and or personal experiences would be awesome. Right now, taking my GMAT > EAD > some classes during casual > UPT > flying/more classes sounds like my best bet? Cheers guys.
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