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Everything posted by Maverick77

  1. It was sunny and clear, so my guess is that he caught some sun reflecting off a another aircraft, maybe the one in front of him on approach.
  2. So evidently this was a pilot in training for the 777 and this was his first landing. This isn't going to end good for Asiana Airlines.
  3. Holy frak was that a low approach!! I can see now where some eye witnesses said it cartwheeled. Looks like it attempted to, but only got about 130 degrees before the wing came back down. Luckily too, lot more fatalities if it did fully cartwheel.
  4. Report from the hospitals today is that there are multiple abdominal and spinal injuries with some people paralyzed. No doubt from the sudden deceleration with the full pressure being absorbed by the lap belts. Glad some ######tards were able to get their overheads though.
  5. You'd be surprised what passengers can pick up, especially if they've been in and out of that airport many times.
  6. There is a direct correlation between how many hash tags a person uses and how annoying they are.
  7. The two dead are most likely the two flight attendants that would have been strapped in their seats located in the back galley, right where the tail ripped off :( (that is purely my speculation, no news reports on who exactly died yet) Not hearing things, that is exactly what is going on in the audio.
  8. For the record I did not have MAJCOM Next on any of my push statements. It was Sq CC/ Developmental Education type push satements.
  9. I expected at least one or two douchebaggery responses to my post. I am honestly surprised it took this long, but PanchBarnes, aka Random CGO, did not disappoint. Zach hit the nail on the head. There are some Air Force mentors here, but none that have served on a board or could give me any good information. I read every single post in this thread before posting my question and know that there are a few people here who have actually served on these boards or have looked at tons of these PRFs that could give me better insight. As far as your swipe at Staff personnel, I can guarantee you they are not the only ones you’ll catch surfing the NIPR at work. You pretty much described the Air Force as a whole. Just because you catch someone on espn.com doesn’t mean they are a slacker, many people just need to take 5 min every once in a while to decompress from working. Think of it like a smoke break. However, I am not afforded that opportunity where I work. We have SIPR at each desk and most of our work is done on that and higher enclaves. We only have two NIPR machines for the whole section. I get on there about every other day for about 5 min to check work email.
  10. Thanks Liquid, I hope you're right. Yeah, the sequestion and the inevitable cuts associated with that just adds to my anxiety about not making Lt Col.
  11. Grue, thanks for the link. I believe you are right, I was in a Joint Billet and already received my JQO rating at the time my PRF was written. That is definitely good news if that is what it means. Just to correct something I said earlier when I said I was mission support, I am actually Ops support. However, the stats are still about the same for both categories, around 44%.
  12. Grue, I did meet the three year requirement and did attend JPMEII before the PRF was due and I also made sure that being a JQO was on my SURF. Hopefully you are right about those stats
  13. No, I was a Jr Capt at the time.
  14. Thanks Zach. It is just "Definately promote" so no super P then. The 44% I was told for this year was for P with ACSC corr and masters.
  15. Long time lurker but first time poster. Hopefully this thread isn't so off track that there aren’t people left that can answer a promotion board question. I am currently ITZ for Lt Col. I am in the Mission Ops Support category and was in the wrong place at the wrong time to have any chance to get a DP. I work at JSOC and I am up against rated O-4s that are doing cross CCMD AO coordination that has the attention of the General Officers in the command. My job unfortunately doesn't afford me that visibility, therefore I wasn't too shocked when I got the inevitable "Promote" on my PRF. Just found out that the stats for my group (Mission Ops Support with ADD that got a P) is at 44% for this board. Not sure when the release is, but could possibly be next week. I think that I have a strong “P” package, but really don’t have a clue how a board would see it. I am wondering if there are any folks on this message board who have served on board can give me some insight. A quick summary of my package: No strats while at JSOC, but did have a strat as an early O-4: of 2 out of 24 O-4s at my old job. Push statement says “Definitely Promote!” but I don’t believe it is not a “Super P” Deployed 8 times for 900+ days during my career (Actually it is 1000+, but they got it wrong on my PRF) BSM, DMSM, MSM, JSCM, 4xAFCM Joint Qualified Officer Have checked all the “boxes”. ADD through NPS, SOS cor and in res, ACSC correspondence. All on time. Just wondering how my package would rate and if it has a chance to be one of the 44%. Any insight would be appreciated.
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