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Everything posted by flyusaf83

  1. Raise your hand if many of the days you drive into work, you dread the fact that your day will be littered with stupid unimportant bullshit that has no tangible meaning.
  2. Cute video. Still a complete lack of root cause analysis, though.
  3. Our leadership, both Congressional and AF. For example, In our latest T-6 PIT safety day, we were told by the OG/CC that leadership understands that there is a realistic chance that by continuing to fly the T-6 with the current rate of UPEs, there will be eventually be class A mishaps and fatalities. However, the AF is also bleeding pilots and has decided to grow their way out of the pilot manning crisis, meaning increasing pilot production. So they have conducted their strategic risk assessment and have chosen to accept the risk of flying bad jets so we can churn out pilots. They are willing to accept some smoking holes in the ground, rather than stand down the whole fleet for a few months and lose a few hundred pilots.
  4. This reminds me of last time we deployed. We took a 777 contracted rotator out to the desert. All of us were waiting for hours of course in the pax terminal. There was this sadistic Lt Col who was the deployment office chief. She shrieked at us every 15 minutes about her arbitrary Nazi rules of when we could use the bathroom and get water, over the course of 3-4 hours. I’m not exaggerating when I say this lady’s yelling voice would make that Frau chick on Austin Powers cringe. Finally, it was time to board. She said she’d board us by rank. Lt Cols first, then Majors. Us Captains figured we were next so we got ready. Then a twist. Airmen next. Then NCOs. Then SNCOs. Ok, whatever lady, just let us on the damn plane so we can go to our desert paradise already. Nope. Lts next. Now it’s just the Captains. When it’s just us and her, she gives us her SJW speech. She says we are the group that typically comes first in the AF, so she boarded the plane to take care of the ranks that are typically not taken care of. She said we should be happy to board last and take the worst seats. After being locked in a warehouse for 4 hours needlessly, none of us were really in a mood for a lecture, but whatever. We finally board the buses to the plane. When we walk on the plane, the flight attendants point us towards first class. The contract airline has a policy of filling the plane back to front. So us entitied Captains all rode first class the whole way to the desert. Best case of instant justice I’ve seen. Though I’ve always regretted not taking a picture of all us Captains in first class and sending it to her with a thank you card.
  5. I say, have them written! Why pass up an opportunity to churn out more queep as an exercise in true AF leadership. I have found that squadron/group/wing execs and CSS personnel are far too focused on things like flying, personal lives, and spending time with their families. They need the PRF practice. Then, after the PRFs are completed by every management level, burn them to the ground. Maybe we should instead just trust the wing commanders. PRFs are unnecessary waste, and our top managers can use some bullets saying they saved man hours, even though said man hours have already been spent on the burned PRFs. Screw it. Engineer the bullets for our time-saving overlords anyway and earn them another star! Then, the board can completely disregard the wing commanders. Damn. Those PRFs would have been useful since we now have to sift through thousands of records because we have decided that a faceless board of bureaucrats is a vastly better entity to judge an officer than a silly local commander. In any case, since we burned the PRFs and don’t trust commanders, we have to review the records for 6-9 stimulating months. But hey - extra queep for management! Im convinced this practice queep makes us a more lethal Air Force. Everyone wins!
  6. Geez. Glad they fired the commander before figuring out WTF happened first.
  7. I see the benefits as follows: 1. Space will be priority for the SF, rather than a side job of the other services. 2. We will finally be more military-ish than another branch, and can make fun of them for being pussies, and still make fun of the other services for being gay retards.
  8. My heavy ACC community was similar. Flying was an afterthought. Queep was the mission.
  9. I’ll bite. Why?
  10. When will they release line numbers?
  11. No need, I’m in the same boat. Gray jets were fun for the reasons you stated, but I have gotten far more satisfaction out of being a T-6 driver in UPT and now in PIT. I loved helping young guys the basic skill set they will use for the rest of their careers and seeing the light bulb turn on. PIT is less fulfilling that way, but the flying and squadron is great. Family life is great. SA is a good city. I feel way more like a real pilot in AETC than I ever did in ACC. I know that’s sad.
  12. I enjoy flying as little as possible, to give myself “white space”. White space, as I have learned from management, means time not uselessly flying, but sitting in my office doing fun things. Fun things like help a copilot come up with 60-90 bullets for an awards package that I found out about yesterday and is due by COB today. I find that using a thesaurus and using little tricks to massage more fluff into bullets in order to use all the space on every line in a desperate attempt to appease my vanity while being dishonest about the actual work we do is thrilling. Its the worst when flying gets in the way of my real job. Since flying doesn’t help me get strats, I like to avoid it to the max extent possible. I strive to plan parties, volunteer for dick-watch, support mission support troops by doing their jobs, and volunteer to help others learn to stop their inner rapist. If I do these things well, I can go home after a long days’ work, and masturbate to my OPR strats in good conscience, like a good AF officer.
  13. It sounds like he is, whether he honestly believes it or not.
  14. “Kwast and his instructors succeeded in “carving out a rather significant portion of the syllabus,” finding ways to incorporate new technologies and methods of instruction and overhaul how the Air Force builds new pilots without sacrificing standards, Goldfein said.” Just saying you’re not sacrificing standards doesn’t make it so. You can’t slash 20% of the training and say you’re producing the same product.
  15. Completely disagree. When a new pilot or nav would get to my last Sq out of IQT, they would feel immediate pressure to saturate themselves in everything non-flying. Gotta find bullets for that OPR, and flying could only be 2-3 of them. They also got speeches from Sq leadership about how your wings don’t matter, it’s about being an officer. Meanwhile, they have very limited flying and training opportunities to fly and get better. They get pulled off the line for a week at a time to look at urinating penises, and other stimulating additional duties. Most were shocked at how little flying matters in a flying squadron. Maybe things are better in your neck of the AF. I truly hope so.
  16. Then why the F did the AF give WG/CCs discretion? Maybe a WG/CC could be in a better place to analyze an individual with negative indicators and make a more informed decision about their potential to perform at the next rank. I ask again.... just why in hell did we get rid of PRFs if they are going to go though everyone’s records more thoroughly? Good hell, who is running this clown show?
  17. Just why in the F would someone cheat at SOS? Anyone who wants DG that much should choke themselves.
  18. I thought the latest is AFPC isn’t approving any palace chase apps outside of 6 months of ADSC left.
  19. My favorite part about the 09’ fiasco is that the board didn’t have any PRFs and that whole 100% opportunity to promote. I guess this “simplification” made the board more difficult and time-consuming. I’m guessing they felt the need to sift through everyone's records, and disregard the “P” from the Wg/CCs. Oh, and our PRFs were written anyways. So much time saved.
  20. The AF released a press release, giving his name and picture to the press. Your point is invalid. The AF made no attempt to respect his privacy, they did the exact opposite. So let someone submit a FOIA request. Don’t rush to the press in an attempt to save face for the AF. “See? We did something. We fired this guy. Focus on him.” Protect your people, not your image. Valid, but do you need their name and picture? Why not just fire the guy, and say a commander was fired (if anyone asks)? Here’s the thing. The AF, in the minds of most of its pilots, lacks trust. It’s about that word leadership likes to use when crushing morale - optics. This is another case of bad optics. I don’t trust the AF to respect me and my privacy if one of my airmen (or me) screws up. Maybe this guy deserved to be fired. More than likely, he’s a scapegoat for an embarrassing story. I believe that because I have seen gutless moves by AF leadership time and time again. Throwing people under the bus to protect the institution, or higher leadership. Regardless, there’s no reason for the public shaming. Do you need any more proof that you’re wrong?
  21. Any idea how many pilots have or are in the process of returning to AD under VRRAD?
  22. I’m really sick of the AF publicly shaming its people like this. Why the F would I stay in and jump through the wickets needed, at the expense of my family, only to have the AF drag my name though the mud if some A1C under my command effs something up? No thanks.
  23. Thank you Martin-Baker.
  24. I don’t know about you people, but wearing a bag is one of the few things (other than flying), that I love about my job. I’m simply not interested in wearing OCPs or any other wannabe army uniform. I’m probably an elitist, and that’s totally fine. But I don’t want to look the same as a finance officer. No thanks AF, I’ll keep the bag. I like being a zipper-suited sun god.
  25. What are the background requirements for a AC-208 gig?
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