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Everything posted by Shortbus

  1. Meh, a CBT should just about cover it..
  2. I was there at the time, never heard of it. Then again never paid much mind to CGOC, 16-19 hr missions had a way of prioritizing what I paid attention to.
  3. The last paragraph ruins the article and brings it full-shoe-circle.
  4. It's like the children of the corn..
  5. Shortbus

    Gun Talk

  6. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/9116974/Jesus-may-have-been-a-hermaphrodite-claims-academic.html Some people just have too much time on their hands.. Basically, there's no way of knowing either way but I'm going to write a paper about it..
  7. He's probably wearing a reflective belt - cancels out..
  8. I knew a guy who legally changed his name to Anakin. Thought that was pretty gay.
  9. An yet, somehow, killing murdering two of ours elicits hardly any response... ######'em all, time to go.
  10. Well, isn't porn what the internet is for?
  11. 2 I was just happy he didn't notice my PT shirt was untucked under the sweatshirt :) Must have been blinded by all the reflective material..
  12. Dammit, I just got chiefed and it was my own stupid fault. Went back to my "room" to change into PTs for the gym, it was dark - roommate was sleeping - so I put my stupid sweatshirt on backwards. Man, that dude must have seem my dumb ass coming (sts) from a mile away with that stupid ginormous reflective AF symbol across my chest.. He executed a cutoff at the door to the gym and proceeded to tell me how to wear it. Which, ok yeah, I was a retard, however MY assumption would have been that person with said sweatshirt on backwards was in a hurry, had low SA, etc. NOT that he didn't know how to wear it properly. Thanks chief, I'm now a better airman. I swear the bastard was giddy. Edit - Oh, I'm not at the Died, just seemed fitting to post that here..
  13. Right. I'll let you all decide who was whom irt to regular army vs SOF per this analogy..
  14. 2. Big army was (and still is) trying to validate itself in the face of SOF and Air Force successes. The deliberate exclusion of the Air Force from the planning was inexcusable and idiotic. If things weren't so F-ed up at the time, the screaming match I overheard on AC-10 between two army O-6s (one regular army, the other SOF) about who didn't know wtf he was doing would have been comical. Unfortunately, that particular mission it wasn't quite so funny.
  15. Not sure where the figures are coming from, but we're going to have 3,000 fighters by 2020 (1,000 stealth no less)? Don't think so.
  16. Yeah, and according to page iii, she still claims to have attended Southern University and A&M "Collage". (Just in case, it is the south after all, I googled the school.. it is, in fact, a "college") Edit: asked and answered...
  17. Well, she actually attended collage. Maybe they grade differently.
  18. What's amazing to me is she graduated from "collage" w/ a 3.3 and Naval postgraduate w/ a 3.5 GPA! Been looking at this for a the past two days, it's still funny.. Slide 7 is epic - view as slideshow for full experience...
  19. Expecting things to ramp back up again tomorrow night after they all go "pray"...
  20. Yeah, but that was 1985... long since retired..
  21. More like sorority chicks, just not hot.. the dudes are all retards.. but they can drink and live in apts, so I'm just bitter..
  22. Yeah, went over to the Embassy the other day.. just on the other side of the wall but a completely different world. It's great, for them, that they have some nicely stocked shelves of booze in the "gift shop".. I won't give the example that comes to mind, mostly because there's too many incriminating details, but I'll just say the embassy pukes live in their own little fantasy land..
  23. Yeah, maybe the snacko prioritized nukes over soda. What a fail.
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