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Everything posted by Palangi

  1. ATT will be unlocking ours since we are based in the UK now.
  2. Its the same as the old joke, "what do you call a guy who graduated first at Medical School? Doctor. What do you call the guy/gal who graduated last? Capt."
  3. I didn't think there were any left on this side of the border...
  4. My favorite comment: I agree with the Maj, we are one wrong salute or one poorly spelled word away from Wallmart.
  5. Godspeed.
  6. There is an updated NOTAM for Haiti that has been pushed out.
  7. Here it is hot of the AFBlues.com press
  8. As a frequent lurker and an LRO, I am ashamed to hear about this crap. RBs have their place, on the flight line, in the middle of night. Sorry to hear that you have had to endure @$$ pain because of the LRS.
  9. Remember that if there are any problems with the customer service by TMO, they fall under the LRS/CC. For those who are getting ready for active duty, contact TMO at the base nearest you, or at the base you are going to. As stated before Maxwell sucks at any and everything dealing with new acquisitions. I came from Hickam and had a pretty good expirence, even if ROTC f*cked my orders up.
  10. The main problem with his entire argument is that a military pilot would only cross over to a US airline. Come on, anyone with any kind of aviation trade understand would realize that you can make 14-15K per month after Taxes to fly in China, India, etc. They are hurting for senior level pilots who speak english and have experience flying internationally. Some of the airlines in china will send your kids to the Ex Pat schools for free (better education than most US schools IMHO), provide western medical care, fly family back to the US every summer for free, housing allotment. His whole argument, like most outside of aviation, thinks that the glory of the aviation industry is airlines like SWA, US Air, and Delta. Not to bash them, but they are not the only ones on the block. When Aloha Airlines when out of business, many pilots got immediate interviews for Asian Airlines. He is right in that hiring for US carriers is down, but he is moronic to think that they are the only ones hiring. Bad research, bad statistics, and poorly drawn argument. Even thought I am a Shoe in Training, I can recognize that the article was crap.
  11. Happy Hanukkah. Glad to see that we are celebrating all holidays here on baseops.
  12. Glad to see that Combat Foglesong is still his name. Anyone want to add this thread to the references?
  13. Interesting, Joe Camel's fly is reversed. Does that make him a chick or just a transvestite?
  14. I was at brooks in august and I was retested the next day, and the next day, and the next day for hearing. Two months Later, I was tested again. I went from H1 in my AS300 year to h3 in my left ear this year. I found that they really wanted to know what my hearing was doing. Fortunately I got a waiver to commission even if I have to be a shoe. Just be nice and they will take care of you the best they can.
  15. Palangi

    MP3 Players

    I have had the 1 gen shuffle (wife washed it with jeans), 5th gen 60 Gig iPod (Had to give it back to the university), 2 Gen Nano (Fatty), and now a 16 gig iPhone 3G. I like the Nano for workouts, Nike+, and its nice and small. I like the iPhone for basic music, videos, podcasts, and internet. If you don't need the phone, get the iPod touch. Its flash based so if you drop it you are not totally screwed (sts) and you get the wide screen video viewing.
  16. I had just got back to Arizona from 2 years in California and my sister called to give me the news. For the first time in my life I really cursed my 28.8 KBps internet. I was attending a community college for my EMT recert. It was a tough class that night for our Paramedic/FF instructors and our class.
  17. sorry to detract from the ladies, but I couldn't help it.
  18. Congrats dude. I look forward to hearing more about your T-1 experiences.
  19. It took me three-four weeks IIRC.
  20. I started the Spring semester of my junior year. Yeah I could have waited to go to OTS, but with the reduction of the number of boards that are meeting for OTS, I figured that I had better chances in ROTC. It has worked out in my favor. I am working on my masters, dual enrolled for this semester so I will commission in Dec. The biggest thing to remember is that you will have a pretty short learning curve and you will have to be very proactive to get all your paperwork and testing completed. If it is what you want to do, do it.
  21. Its a pretty cool job. It sets up up nicely when you get out to be an airport manager, or the FAA. I have an 13MX guy in one of my grad classes. PM me and I'll see what info he can give you.
  22. Sorry, Top Gun is not cool any more, Tarantino Killed it for me.
  23. My all time favorite is Spitfire aka The First of the Few. Filmed in 1942 it is the story of the design and inception of the Supermarine Spitfire. Starred David Niven.
  24. Classic. That being said. TA is a nice "gift" to have. I still can't believe the number of people who don't use it.
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