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Everything posted by 12xu2a3x3

  1. Korea is the only place I have been so drunk and yet lucid enough to have the thought, "I cannot believe how fucked up i am right now."
  2. i was there when i was enlisted, there was a curfew and i was at kunsan and yet, i still had the time of my life. truly excited at the prospect of going back, without all that but i have approx 69k steps between me and the U-2 let alone being able to go back to korea. it's good to hear there will be shit to do there other than getting wasted; while this is an absolutely essential and time honored tradition in the land of the morning fog hangover and drinking rice wine out of a dog bowl, it would be nice help the junior among us at least be able to do literally anything else. there great sharks to see in the yellow sea!
  3. truly enjoyed my time there and would love to go back if I can get to the U-2
  4. I was thinking about a T-6 to SPS to help get my wife access to good employment opportunities for her field.
  5. That checks re: philly, I lived in fishtown and there were lots of KC-10 types in my neighborhood. I commuted 1+30 to ACY as an ART. Does being an MWS guy at UPT buy you anything like some easier show times? Would crashing two nights a week ease that you reckon?
  6. The ANG/AFRC commuting thread exists but I was wondering about the experience of active duty people with long commutes: Has anyone ever lived in DFW and commuted to KSPS? It’s two hours but seems doable with a crash pad a few nights a week. I know IPs live in Edmond and commute to Vance at about 1.5 hrs. That’s below SMD!
  7. It didn't used to. There were guys flying F-100Fs as Misty's that had been MATS/MAC fliers, but that's just the flying part of the problem. No matter how much this idea is highlighted and carefully articulated it will never actually be addressed. It's a lament for a retired O-6 to tell you how bad the Air Force is at managing talent though they by their own admission will admit they essentially did nothing to ameliorate that fact when they had the chance.
  8. i think humor in 2020 is just suggesting someone watch a three hour documentary about some horrible material reality
  9. good film touching on some Afghan history if you've never seen it: Bitter Lake
  10. This is advanced tactical knowledge for FAIPs
  11. yes and also the pants that were just parachute pants
  12. heard that's a pretty sweet deal
  13. our RA sent out an email saying that desert bags weren't authorized downrange and therefore wouldn't be issued, quietly rescinded it maybe an hour but the damage was done, now that paranoia won't abate lol
  14. Wow was that written by a 13B?
  15. used to be Badger flight...
  16. around a dozen that didn't become U-2S or ER-2s
  17. first things first man you're ####in with the worst i'll be stick pins in ya head like a ####in nurse
  18. would love to hear him speak unencumbered about this.
  19. @Shaft34 shit hot, i truly cannot thank you enough for your reply. i'm a dope was and thinking of a terrain following radar not a temporary flight restriction, completely forgetting for a second the latter is the everyday usage for that acronym, but i digress. great info.
  20. How much of a benefit would a TFR be given the operation environment of marginal VFR at low altitudes? What has been the evolution of the "lead plane" concept? Does the tanker simply keep sight and then drop on command?
  21. and **** me i just found one, please deleted mods
  22. Looked around and didn't see a general thread on the subject of Fire Bombers & Tankers. The demand is only going to go up and I think it's reasonable to assume job opportunities will only increase in the near term. Would love the hear from folks with experience on the mil & civ sides of aerial firefighting. A few questions to start: How much of a benefit would a TFR be given the operation environment of marginal VFR at low altitudes? What has been the evolution of the "lead plane" concept? Does the tanker simply keep sight and then drop on command?
  23. This will be a wildly unpopular take but wide body ISR is pretty stable. You’ll have to fight to fly as a co but you can spend years a base, a career even. People often understandably hate this but it could potentially work for you. I would STRONGLY recommend talking to more than one person from this community (someone from the 38/tone side) before putting it anywhere near the top as perception and experiences vary wildly. Community has it’s problems but is nowhere near the night of the living dead it was sold to us as. Deployments every year and a half. Varies across the fleet but everything from new jets to new cockpits to boneyard are coming for us. Some 11R cross flow/UPT/PCS opportunities with special duty programs mixed in. Highly limited mechanical xfers. EDIT: sounds a lot like you should try and FAIP, my two cents
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