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Everything posted by PaddyPilot

  1. And what an assassin he was, Vietnam will always shudder when the name of such a deadly and skillful assassin is spoken.
  2. A 50 inch waist? I didn't think that was physically possible.
  3. There's a new contender for the title of MALL NINJA!! EVEN A THIRD CONTENDER!! I also found this message board with a member calling himself gecko45, but I don't think it's the same guy, he doesn't have the same smooth cat-like style and immaculate vocabulary that our virginity guarding friend has.
  4. In my defense, I did say Enjoy. Which, in a thread about Foglenuts, should set off about a dozen different alarms in your head.
  5. Not sure if this has been posted yet, but here's a little something from youtube Enjoy.
  6. It would be cool if that wasn't a yellow scooter.
  7. Congrats dude! Are the boots standard in Texas? I've never seen anyone wearing cowboy boots outside of a ranch before, but I'm from Pixburgh.
  8. That's redneck
  9. 15k is a little out of my price range. Sick bike though. :rock:
  10. i really like that v-strom, now if i can only find some money tree seeds.
  11. Initially, I plan on riding this bike from Pittsburgh to Daytona Beach, which is a 14-16 hours total trip. That's probably not a good idea, especially for a beginner like me, but I want to give it a go. Any trips after that won't be that long.
  12. Well I'm shipping down to Embry-Riddle next year and I would like to have a bike to get around for a couple reasons: 1. Screw cars 2. Mileage 3. I love bikes. I want a bike that I can ride for long distances without having to visit the chiropractor every week, doesn't require a lot of maintenance, and is affordable. Is there such a bike, or should I lower my expectations in one or more areas? Is the F4i uncomfortable as far as sport bikes go?
  13. Well my dad is finally warming to the idea of me getting a bike. My question now is, are sport bikes not good for long trips?
  14. Wikipedia Quote
  15. Any advice for the interview, or should I just wing it and hope for the best
  16. I'm just filling out the initial application now. I'm a high school senior as of this summer and have a GPA of around 4.0-4.1. I'm taking AP Physics and AP Calc this fall and am a member of NHS. Does anyone have previous experience with AFROTC scholarships? If so, what is the process and what are the chances of me getting a Type 1, Type II, etc.?
  17. My dad threatened that if I took a ride on someone else's bike (i.e. a safety course) he would take a shotgun to that bike despite the legal implications.
  18. Well, I was watching a movie about car crashes, which had actual footage of car crashes. That means brains, intestines, and other assorted internal organs strewn all over the place. I fainted because of that. When I was about 4, I fainted for a similar reason. When I was 12, I fainted because I had a fever. That makes a total of 3 faints, all explained. The problem is, I recently took a tilt table test and my heart stopped for 10 seconds. That issue is complicated because I had not drank anything in 20 hours, which is a probable factor. This whole issue is becoming a huge mess.
  19. Any suggestions on how to put my mom's mind at ease? I can't get a bike without my parents permission, at least for another year, and they say no. I had the exact same discussion with them about flying and ended up completely changing their minds, but I might need something "more" as far as motorcycles are concerned
  20. True, but if I knew why you had a certain preference, then I might be able to make a better decision.
  21. The Ninja looks good as far as mileage, handling, and price are concerned. Do you have a preference?
  22. Like Lt. said, the movie was well made and I definitely enjoyed it. What seems to be the case though, as with most movies, is that a lot of important details were left out because the director(s) thought that they weren't necessary to sell the movie to the general public. The book was also great. Another good book along those lines is the autobiography of chuck yeager. If you hack through all the ego, not that he didn't earn it, it's an incredible story.
  23. I have a year of high school left and am going way out of state for college, anyone have a recomendation for a practical (mileage) and relatively cheap bike?
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