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Fozzy Bear

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Everything posted by Fozzy Bear

  1. Without scouring this... March is DEFINITELY in need of full time ARTs. Hiring TRs, but if guys want to fly the tanker there, I can help. PM me or hit me at www.pilotcoaches.com coaches@pilotcoaches.com
  2. Guys those two posts are the most solid advice I have pretty much ever heard. Thank you. And I second the currency thing. I do keep hearing that.
  3. To a certain extent, we're in competition here; but most of us should be a near guarantee hire if we do what we need to. I would give anything to talk to a current member of a hiring board of a legacy. So far, every single senior pilot, retired pilot, retired airline exec, etc have advised me that based on my experience, I'll get picked up. However, my brother-in-law is a pilot for a major airline, and he points out that none of the advice I've received is from someone that faced a board in the last... 20 years. He recommends I get my type rating along with my ATP practical. I still don't know if I really need it, but I'd rather spend another 8k and have the peace of mind, especially if it means another couple months on the payroll where I recoup that money anyway instead of sitting at home freaking out. That being said, I don't know what type to get. Airbus versus Boeing, etc. I'd like to fly a 767 or similar size aircraft. Most of all, I want to be hired right away once I can start applying. If anyone has guidance or insight, holler, but so far I have not heard anyone suggest one type rating versus another. This morning I am calling more of these schools and continuing to educate myself before pulling the trigger. Some of you know me, so PM me or email me and we'll discuss more.
  4. ADSC for UPT is still over a year. I would do pretty much anything to get my family out of Clovis - which is literally poisonous, so I would want to leave the AF asap. That's why I would decline a promotion. That, and the fact that I need to start a career that I can retire from.
  5. If you go for a type rating course, is the ATP practical pretty much always included, or easy to add on?
  6. Just had a sick feeling.. I have emailed AFPC but haven't heard back on this: What happens if I get picked up for promotion? Can you still decline and GTFO in a timely/immediate fashion?
  7. Wow. Thank You both. That helps huge. FWIW, I want to get my wife out of the hell in which we live asap, so I will start getting my affairs back in order. My biggest limfac, I think, will be getting that formal DOS before I feel comfortable applying to Delta, Joe's Drug Smuggling, etc. Don't wanna apply and look stupid later, burn bridges, etc. when the timeline shifts from what I expected. Please correct me if this is wrong or stupid/ apologize for slightly hijacking this thread: I'll get passed over for major on my second look this December. I'll find out in late January to mid February that I was passed over, if AFPC works fast. My commander will back me up and recommend the DOS I request, and a week later that will be approved. My DOS will be 5 May to leave pretty of time to finish up TAPS and FAA paperwork, and to have another reason to swing from the rafters on Cinqo de Mayo. I'll advertise to employers a start work date of 15 May to allow time to move. Thanks again guys.
  8. This December the boards meet, at least for the majors board. If passed over a second time and decline continuation, are you given the option to bounce in a couple months or serve til the end of the fiscal. If you are not offered continuation, what is the timeline? No one seems to be able to tell me this. Please advise.
  9. the issue would be that extra hour or so, post shutdown... just trying to nail down some planning items. I've seen it where one is the 'governing' term versus the other, and I've seen them be used interchangeably; thought there was a slight difference. Thank you.
  10. At the risk of, ya know.. What is the difference between Crew Duty Day and Flight Duty Period? I see these terms interchanged in conversations and regulations. Either one basically means your clock starts at show or when official work starts, and ends either when engines shut down, post mission paperwork is complete, or something like that - depends on what you read. Are these just synonyms, or is there a legal difference?
  11. Not even JP-5? Interesting. OK, that's better gouge than I've gotten. Thank you.
  12. For small planes.... For Africa and everywhere else, how do I tell if I need to add PRIST or other anti-ice? Often there is a significant language barrier, so I end up adding it to be safe. Over time, though, I don't want to be adding too much. I used to think if it was JP-5, JP-8, etc that I could be certain it already had anti-ice, but now I'm not sure. FWIW, I pretty much end up adding it 100% of the time when I am not at a US military base. Anyone do something different?
  13. Thanks guys Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  14. I've been out of town for weeks. Can someone please tell me if I'm eligible? 2004 11S Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  15. Just returned from TDY. 11S, 2004 year group VSP denied because they had filled their quota for my year group/ AFSC. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  16. Isn't vMPF still down tomorrow? Fwiw, when I was denied, I got an email. I then verified by logging on to vmpf. AFPC told a buddy that his cc would tell him first. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  17. Ops has zero sway over support in this Air Force. Why even lie? Why do they pick up the phone or respond to emails? Clearly they could just go golfing with no repercussions. If I knew they were actually drunk on a par 5, I would curiously feel better about it all. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  18. Is there any news or ideas as to a real timeline from the AF leadership, regarding approvals/denials? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  19. I'm still referred to BPO. AFPC said today I was smoking crack and 7 may was never a date at which they would do anything. Awesome Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  20. Don't do it. Duke is awful. Florida is disgusting, not that you would ever live there. They charge you a membership fee instead of paying you per diem. The mission will take you to only the worst places in the world. The program won't get you any valuable training for future flying. The plane is uncomfortable to fly and. You only turn left. NOBODY EVER APPLY TO THIS PROGRAM! (I need there to be plenty of room for me...)
  21. Cool. Thanks Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  22. Regardless of ADSC, has anyone been denied and successfully reapplied? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  23. I am admittedly jaded but none are "good guys" in my book when you break your word. Credibility is shot. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  24. Yeah I caught that too. Not sure what to make of it Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  25. 2004 Year group/ 11S.... Just got this email today. "This is to inform you that HQ AFPC has disapproved the voluntary separation application submitted by ________. See comments below. Your request to separate under FY14 Officer Voluntary Separation Pay Program is disapproved due to being ineligible. Your commander has advised that your deployment return date is not till ### and in accordance with the program guidance (PSDM 14-08) "Eligibility Criteria" para "d" your can only pursue VSP if your projected return date is at least 30 days prior to the established or mandatory separation date (NLT 29 Sept 14). NOTE: Please DO NOT REPLY to this email. if you require assistance or do not understand the available options, please Contact Us at https://gum....... I have... no plan. Going TDY this weekend and all week; gonna talk to AFPC when I get back, and seriously base legal or whoever else to appeal.
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