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Fozzy Bear

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Everything posted by Fozzy Bear

  1. Booked Quick Time Movers. Seems legit. Fingers crossed.
  2. Stay away from AllStar shipping - they called and immediately demanded a credit card number and when I wouldn't give it, they threw out a rude comment and hung up on me. Trying the UShip thing now. Also, Alliance will not ship to New Mexico from Florida.
  3. Lots of guys are showing up there every week, right now. What is the real time numbers on the rentals? Are they still higher than Florida? To live in the northeast, in a non-poop smelling neighborhood, will I be paying $1800/month? I should also ask anyone to PM me if they have a place to rent - my roadtrip out west starts at the end of September.
  4. Awesome. Thanks.
  5. In the same boat. No way I want her to try to drive across the country. I'm just shipping her car. Tips appreciated.
  6. Fozzy Bear

    Gun Talk

    This is really what I'm looking for, especially if I can get one salesman/ POC. No way I want to have 200 aircrew, who bitch for a living, coming at me with requests. I want it simple, have some custom symbol on it/them, and put it to the community. Contacting Kimber, Glock, and Sig (again).
  7. Fozzy Bear

    Gun Talk

    Thank you
  8. Fozzy Bear

    Gun Talk

    Squadron Buy. Actually, trying to organize a buy for a whole community, about 400 folks. Top choices are a good 1911 model, like Springfield, etc, but I've also tried just going back to Sig because I love them, and they have a good selection. If anyone has a contact or is a vendor that can offer a discount (we'd be looking at ~100 weapons minimum), please PM me. Looking for pistols and rifles, with the option to tag a unit symbol on the weapon.
  9. God help tanker leadership if it turns out a parachute would have given someone a chance. I remember them taking them off to save weight. A couple hundred pounds?? We were in disbelief. I'll be a squarepatcher forever and am looking for any kind of fund for the families.
  10. I know of two folks who have had positive feedback for Bradley Morris. I am just starting the process. Is Clearancejobs.com legit? FWIW, I am looking at getting out in a little over a year and definitely looking at every placement agency out there.
  11. Wichester, speaking of FOB Cannon, I understand MC-12 and U-28 bubbas will be getting a lot closer in your neck of the woods. Or scrub brush. Any rumors on your end?
  12. Well no one has had there cookies slapped out of their mouth lately.
  13. Yup. 195 pounds. You do NOT want to be the guy on the boss's radar regarding weight. Or PFT scores.
  14. Haven't heard about any new guys getting orders. Great community, but no idea about any "family waiver". You will not be popular with your family if you choose that community right now.
  15. Yeah, they'll be around FY14. As far as the PERSTEMPO thing, if that is about assignments, U-28 guys still are having a difficult time getting out of AFSOC or U-28s. Everyone was told again about 4 months ago to not expect to leave the community. Volunteering for a Reaper/ Pred would do it, but not much else.
  16. I'm not that lucky. Please holler if this is actually confirmed, though.
  17. I was asking before for friends; now I am heading there myself. Friends there say "Do not buy" due to the unstable water situation and the overpriced market.
  18. What's with the rumor about the lack of water?
  19. What are available options for CSO's? Looking at post AF gigs. Homeland Security, alphabet soup, contract sensor operator... There are jobs out there, but what have old tanker navs, AFSOC CSO's, FOCO's had luck with?
  20. Latest RUMINT... No official word yet, but I recommend no one spend any money on the 2 piece Multi-Cam flightsuit. It sounds like the big meeting about this ended with AFSOC, or at least our wing/ group not wanting to outfit 2000+ airmen in this uniform, so they want to stick with the ABU 2 piece. I'm holding onto the Multi-Cams in case this is revisited, and I can give them out to guys going out with a ground unit, but I'm awaiting the official word telling me to chill out.
  21. Just an update for anyone interested.. I gathered every policy letter and reg I could get ahold of, from ACC, AFCENT, CSAF, etc. FWIW, any airmen in a non-ejection aircraft operating under AFCENT, including Africa, may wear the 2 piece Multi-Cam. Still, to make sure we don't get hosed, we are presenting the case to AFSOC leadership and awaiting their final decision - obviously this was all in discussion before I got involved though. The 2 piece Multi-Cam flight suit is lighter than the regular Multi-Cam, but I still plan on washing it 17 times before I deploy. If nothing else, it's stiffer than the ABU 2 piece. If anyone needs help getting these or other uniforms, PM me and I can try to help give you the lowdown or put you in contact with some folks that can rush deliver.
  22. We bought the Drifire version, with more on back order. FWIW, I and others have gotten AF regs and AFI's changed even when we had only been in a few years. It takes the individual to run it down and bulldog an issue. That is how I see things change. Today I went by several units that are USAF but wear multicam downrange. It appears my next step is emailing colonels at the Pentagon. That's what they did to get a letter to approve their wear. Also, things like the color of text on nametapes are not standard, so I plan on going with the Army's burnt sienna, or whatever it is. Also things that are different from Special Tactics to others is the type of American flag and the shoulder on which one wears it. The letters/ memos outline how USAF is to wear multicam, but doesn't mention the 2 piece flightsuit. No answer from AFSOC/HQ. One of the basic issues is that these units list the multicam not as a uniform, but as PPE, and therefor excempt from uniform regulation. Tomorrow I'll email the names at the Pentagon I was given. I assume next week I'll be writing a form 847 or creating a wear policy. Personally, I wish we could choose which person to person (I wear a pencil patch on my left that we have made overseas.) If anyone has thoughts on rules I should write in, please let me know.
  23. I saw something written down for the ABU flightsuit. I'd still just give those out if we could get them - damn company went out of business. Another is supposed to make them, but it's taking a while. I have a warehouse of Multicams that I'm not allowed to issue. I'll try to find something thru the CJSOAC for wear. That's the big stopping point. I see them downrange with no hassle, but need something formal to give them out to my squadrons. Thanks for your help.
  24. Stupid place to ask? No. This forum often has great advice. As far as it being in the works, yes, it is and has been for a great while, and it is getting nowhere. Every week I send guys out the door without the best uniforms. I guess you are saying I should sit back and wait for the Air Force and AFSOC to do this. That's like waiting around for 5 years for new cadillacs at the Died because "it's already in the works." Or waiting around and not doing anything on million issues that are hampering us. Of course it's in the works, but squadron commanders cannot get a good answer, so evidently, General Snap, you are so in the loop that I will ask you to please release me to wear these downrange.
  25. Multicam is obviously worn by the Army and those going outside the wire downrange. In AFSOC, though we go outside the wire and have purchased a ton of the 2 piece multicam flightsuits, we are not allowed to give them out yet. This is mainly because we do have written guidance on proper wear. I am trying to run down who has the authority to ram this thru, and who is the person I should speak to about writing a reg that lets us wrap this up.
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