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  1. Of course! I just want to get my foot in the door to go over there and show face, sell my self, and hopefully snag a Interview. I understand the hiring process is through the units OSS/ CC. Just need assistance getting that set up! And lol, Roger that on the UPT info... Note taken. Tottaly belive your credentials! Thanks for the insight! On a lighter note, I don't think this thread is completely "ridiculous" ... I am learning a lot!
  2. My recruiter, disregard. Sponsorship is highly recommended because the chance of unsponsored not being picked up by a unit. Essentially stuck in limbo/ alternate.
  3. Don't know if the post is heading in the direction I want lol. But networking is never a bad thing in this career field. Thank you again for everyone chiming in on the post and giving there expert opinions lol. Had a good talk with my wing commander the other day, he is going to assist me to get a sponsor from a fighter unit and call around. In the mean time, I'll keep calling units and wait for my flight physical dates. Waiting is the most painful part! Austin
  4. Yes sir, I just PMed you my contact information. Feel free to contact me anytime!
  5. Not at all. I got selected as alternate for the 182nd fighter squadron (149th FW) at lackland afb SA TX. I was a f16 crew chief there for 6 years
  6. Thank you for all the great information, I am actively seeking a sponsor ship! I know that's the best route.
  7. Hello everyone, I hope this post is under the correct thread. I am trying to get a fighter slot (f-16, 35, or 22). Now I am at a point if i should seek out active duty or reserves for UPT. Does anyone have any info about active duty fighter positions (such as if there is a shortage). I heard a lot of UPT guys are getting RPA at UPT for active duty. If I go active duty, I know I can score 1st or 2nd in my class and ask for fighter/ bomber track. On the reserves side, I am having troubling seeking a sponsors ship from fighter units (deployed, not looking for sponsorship, or even having trouble trying to get ahold of them). Does anyone have any advice for my situation? I have already been selected as an alternate for a fighter unit and I'm currently waiting for my F1C Physical. I'm just trying to pull some G's.... Thank you. Cheers austin
  8. Also, I heard for the November UPT AFR board, you need to be sponsored before hand.....hmm
  9. Great question, I am in the same boat. I got selected as an alternate and should be getting my FC1 soon but fear it will be too late before the November USAFR board and I am currently unsponsored (searching for sponsorship). I would pay out of pocket to go up there and getting it done instead of waiting for my unit. Thanks for the previous guy post who explain how he got it done... Pretty cool...
  10. lol, roger that! And yes my apologies... Carswell! Thank you for the POC sir, I will send him a message ASAP! Thanks!
  11. Roger, so in a nut shell... Don't depend on NAS Dallas for a sponsorship........
  12. Yes sir, around 2 years for OTS/ UPT/ b-course/ ext. until I will become completely ready to fly at a unit. If that is what your question was about lol....
  13. Roger that, that is good news! Hopefully next month I go for physical. Hopefully I can get a 16's sponsorship after that... Fingers crossed...
  14. Thank you sir for the awesome reply! That is great news! Just like my unit I got selected for the alternate would do. You go to OTS/ UPT/ b-course then they find a place for you to go fly and get seasoned... Then if you want to come back as IP, you can! And I will for sure give those units a call! It's tough to get a fighter sponsorship, especially f-16 (love my 16's). Hopefully getting my flight physical will make my package looks very desirable for sponsorship. Going to call Utah and homestead tomorrow. Talking to NAS Dallas right now. They said they are not going to pick up another "off the street guy" until 2 years from now... But that would work out perfect if they sponsor me since it will be exactly 2 years for me to finish everything and fly with them! Lol Austin
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