I'd love to see the LOC for this.
On 24 February, 2012 you were seen exiting a toilet stall not authorized for use by members of our squadron. You were briefed in person by myself, and had received email correspondence from CMSgt Bagodouche regarding the assignment of toilet stalls and which stalls you are allowed to defecate in. Your failure to adhere to this standard leaves you in violation of Article 92, Failure to follow an order or regulation by a non commissioned officer.
You are hereby counseled. I will not tolerate failure to follow simple procedures in my organization. Your disrespect and failure to recognize which stalls can be used has been detrimental to unit morale and the discipline of this organization. You must never again repeat such conduct. If you do, it will be answered with more serious consequences. You will acknowledge receipt of this letter by signing in the designated block. You are advised you have 3 duty days in which to submit any information in rebuttal to these charges.