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Everything posted by Stitch

  1. I was in Bitburg in Germany when that happened. To the crew...
  2. "TAMI'd" to TiB? O... M... G...
  3. Contact Maryland Chambers, I'm sure she has several slots/positions you can fill.
  4. Serious question: Since the gender lines have been blurred/removed why can’t I still have a female, either by choice or by chance as a roommate in the dorm? If they can assign a hetro person to live with a LGBT person who happens to biologically be the same gender but is also a cross dresser/transvestite/gay/butch fill in the blank (not that there’s anything wrong with those things) why can’t two hetro individuals of the opposite gender be roomies? I’d take A1C Yummypants or not-so-yummy, whom I may never touch, or even want to, over option “B” any day. Shit they do it at colleges all over the fvcking country in the spirit of “open mindedness” or some such crap. And before the spears get thrown from the “enlightened” crowd, I don’t care what consenting adults do behind closed doors. I just wouldn’t want to be taking place only inches from where I bunk. Anymore than I would want a gear head rebuilding a V-8 in the room (and yes, I’ve seen THAT done).
  5. THIS is why I don't pay for jack shit electronically. Cash or check, sure its old school, but its gets the job done. Not unlike BQ_Zip's mom.
  6. A-Men to that, sing it brother!
  7. V Neck tee shirts for the entire DoD?
  8. Served time as a Flight Chief as well, about 18 months, would gladly have spent time doing up awards packages every day but had to devote a metric shit-ton of time on dirt bags who seemed to have season tickets in the 1st Shirt and CC's office. Didn't know how good I had it as an expediter until I didn't have the job anymore. Would have gladly spent 10-12 hours a day driving slow ass NASCAR circles around the flightline over baby sitter duties.
  9. Naw, they’ll be OK. He’ll just drop her off at the Matador Gentlemen’s Show Lounge on his way into the flightline for swing shift and pick her up on the way home. As DINKS (Dual Income No Kids) they gotta build up that nest egg before starting a family. INFO NOTE: Actually met a guy while I was TDY at Eglin in the late 80’s that was doing this. Wife kept dancing up until the 7th or 8th month of pregnancy. No. I’m NOT kidding. Ewwww....
  10. Nailed it. Give that man a Klondike bar.... No different in Maintenance. Lots of, not all of course, good MX folks have had enough. They see opportunity and sometimes big bucks on the outside and that's where they go.
  11. More Hog vs. F-35 fodder
  12. Closer to the truth than anyone will admit. To our TACP brother Well done sir!
  13. My nephew did four years in the Marines as a machine gunner with TWO tours in AFG. My son's best friend, also a Marine infantryman, did a tour in Iraq with the Marines that took Ramadi. Both in their late 20's, saw a did shit that will give them nightmares for the rest of their lives. No decs for either of them other than standard "I was there" unit awards; meanwhile shoes are getting Bronze stars for sock & reflective belt patrol. There is no fucking way on Earth I could show this video to either of them. What a fucking slap in the face to their service under arms, no wonder the other services think the AF is such a joke.
  14. Good Lord! For a minute it thought this was some kind of a joke like a UPT video gone wrong. Holy flying fuckballs Batman I'm so thankful I retired when I did and am now a life member of the check-of-the-month-club and don't have to deal with this silly assed bullshit! Curt LeMay, Robin Olds, Bud Day and countless others must be rolling in their graves over this crap.
  15. You are wrong sir! It all started when my brother got "To old to rock and roll, to young to die" on EIGHT TRACK. As his collection grew, from other 8 Tracks/albums we played the crap out of Locomotive Breath, Aqualung, Thick as a Brick and Bungle in the Jungle among others. Drove our mom nuts. But hey it was the mid to late 1970s, it was our job..... Also agree with ProSuper on movie choices will take Animal House and/or Blues Brothers as suitable subs if required. 8 Tracks... there's something you haven't thought about in a while I bet...
  16. I'm sure there's a CBT to cover that....
  17. And when is back his office will be closed early for "training", PT, running the Focus 56 group and volunteering at the Airman's Attic. Besides your paperwork wasn't filled out properly and was kicked back to Group along with a nastygram to your CC concerning your 'attitude'.
  18. Stitch

    Gun Talk

    Thinking small size frame, easy concealed carry. Not looking to get into a gun fight of course, just have ability to throw a few rounds in the bad guys direction and haul ass out of a bad situation. Have a 1911 just looking for something a little different for the heck of it.
  19. Stitch

    Gun Talk

    As long as we're on the subject, any feedback one way or another, on the Glock 42 in .380? I know there were some problems about a year ago when they first came out but that seems to be fixed now. Informal YouTube research says its a decent gun but wanted to hear what you guys had to say. M2? Anyone else? EDIT: Me not spell so good.
  20. Easy fix. Insert (STS) Mini-Mag flashlight into aforementioned device's opening and taa-daa! it's now an actual flashlight, not something else!
  21. What about this Lotus, functional with numerous apps... (blonde NOT included)
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