Visit the tool section of your local AMU. Grab a whole hand full just like the maintainers do. Reusable? Oh hell yeah, did it all the time, then again maybe that's why most maintainers have hearing loss, LOL. Only come (STS) in yellow, but hey, there "free".
I'll bet they were banking on all the Hogs going VFR direct to the boneyard way before the -46 came on line, so no big deal. But I agree, this whole this is a giant goat rope.
What a total crock of bullshit. My son was only like 8 months old when we brought him home from overseas. Apply for citizenship GMAFB. Hope this gets shot down quickly.
Badass right? Been on the factory tour; bunch of miscellaneous stuff goes in one door, flying airplane comes out the other. And the building, on an uncontrolled field (KSZT), isn't that big to start with. Put it on amphibious floats and you've got a real (expensive) fun machine there.
Well I'm sure we'll see the light airlift platform mother blue buys sitting on the ramp next to the light attack (AT-6B/Super -T/whatever) at a deployed location someday soon.... (yeah, right)
How bout these the Quest Kodiak 100; a ten-seat, PT-6 turboprop that is just a tad smaller than a Caravan built from the ground up as a back-country/bush (so-to-speak) airplane not a commuter pressed into back-country ops. Already in service flying off dirt strips supporting missionary operations worldwide. Even comes with an aft pallet sized door for easy cargo load/unload or parachute ops for small items/people. Shameless plug for a local company I have no personal stake in, details here:
Stupid question from a former maintainer: What happens when somebody has to eject with the two-piece; will their pants end up around their ankles when the seat separates and the chute finally pops? Will there be special suspenders involved to prevent this, especially for those whom are a bit more portly in the midsection? Complete elimination of the bag and everyone in the exact same uniform is like the Holy Grail of Shoedom, safety and mission requirements be dammed. Just throwing this nugget out for discussion....
Last Doolittle Raider Dick Cole passed away at 103 years old, IAW and other sources.
Thank you for your service sir. Not just the Raid, which was HUGE and I'm sure many thought was a suicide mission, but all your contributions to the war effort and beyond.
That's probably your best option, lots of 100LL, flying off a non-towered field if possible, burger burns on the ramp at the end of the flying day, host a pancake fly-in or a Young Eagles event a few times a year to inspire the next generation; all the fun with minimal bullshit. Look to EAA start your own chapter with a flying club attached. EAA National is having a big push right now for chapters to do just that. More info here: