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Everything posted by viper154
Initial Pilot Training and Future Pilot Training
viper154 replied to LookieRookie's topic in General Discussion
IPT is currently pass/fail from what I’m tracking, no idea how it’s graded out side of the FAA checkrides, or if you get silly award for being “at the top” but no part is counted towards mass, as UPT IPs have no access or insights to their performance before starting UPT. The mass is purely based off T-6 performance. For the moment the program is to get kids more time in a plane since the T-1 is dead and the sim only T-1 program was garbage. Having a civilian rating means absolutely nothing for the moment, it’s not unheard of for ATP rated regional folks getting guard/reserve slots, they go through the same military training as everyone else. (There was a exception for a bit that allowed multi/inst rated folks to go straight to the T-1, I would expect that exception to die as the T-1 fades away) T-6 is about halfway through its service life, it ain’t dead, some issues with contracting/procuring parts, said issues seem to have been/are being addressed. Last I heard the long term future for T-6/or a successor was undecided, reading between the lines I think the goal is IPT straight to a T-7 for everyone. I wouldn’t put money on anything at this point given all the thrash with syllabi the last couple years, but for anyone looking to be an AF pilot and start training in the next 5-10 years, I would expect some seat time in a T-6. -
Thanks! I ended up sending AFPC an email after I posted, final approval the next day. Squeaky wheel gets the grease!
Initial Pilot Training and Future Pilot Training
viper154 replied to LookieRookie's topic in General Discussion
For now they are not in IPT. It’s a pass/fail just like IFS/IFT was. Except they take FAA checkrides with a DPE to get their ratings. Once at the UPT base flying the T-6 it’s similar to how’s it’s always been, except the mass will not only affect your track, but also your MWS/location if not going 38s. -
Anyone go through the process lately? I got a tentative PC approval on 15 Oct, 1288 was signed and submitted around 15 Nov. I have been waiting on final approval since then. Goal is to final out in May and take some terminal. According to AFPC I need to be approved 60 days prior to my final out, just wondering if it is normal for them to sit on the final approval until the last minute or if i should reach out to AFPC.
Not great across the fleet, some bases better than others, seems to come and go in waves. Supposedly the contract has/is changing hands and rates will improve in the coming months. A single class of the IPT studs got bumped in as they finished IPT and the bobs wanted them to start the SGTO syllabus so changes and feedback could be routed up.
Because it is all thrust and no vector. The shit show gets handed to the next staff weenie every 2 years, grasping at straws to survive their assignment. The AFPC O-6 that I got briefed by seemed concerned with one thing. They don’t have enough FGOs to choose from for for SQ/CC and staff. The main objective isn’t the best training or creating a foundation for the most lethal pilots, it’s getting the numbers they want to have a pool big enough where they can choose their people, not just take who is left.
I got a 365xl with a Romeo Zero I got for a killer deal at local bx a year or so ago. With the mag extensions you get 12, 15 or 17 (+1). I keep a 17 in it and carry a 15 for a spare. Even with the 17 it’s still very small, and much thinner than my G19 I used to cary. I’m a bigger guy, with the 17 or 15 round mag it fits really well in my hand.
PSA has great customer service. Great products for range toys, plinkers, etc. if you aren’t running it hard it’s a fine defense gun as well. I built several ARs for fun using a variety of their parts. Just picked up one of their 9mm AKs. Some videos out there showing after 6-7k rounds their lower end ARs start to fail, especially if you running them hard/suppressed. Their spec/materials just aren’t what you are going to get in a high end gun. Ketec-you get what you pay for. I bought a sub2000 8 ish years ago. Thing shoots any ammo I put in it. Never had a failure. Trigger is horrible though, and so are the ergonomics. Was it worth $300? Hell ya. It’s a fun range toy. I would never put my life in its hands though.
Idk exactly how long the civilian school is, 2-3 months ish, I’d expect 4-5 months on the T-6 SGTO syllabus as written, so you ain’t far off.
The current syllabus is more similar to what us older folks remember going through, but with some changes, mostly better. Yes, instrument/multi from civilian school, T-6s at your normal UPT bases with mil flying IPs, then T-38s or straight to FTU
19th sent a full birdie around to the UPT bases a few months ago for a briefing. SGTO class has already graduated the civilian school and will start flying T-6s this month. I don’t remember all the dates and timelines but this will be the norm for all studs in the next 12-18 months I believe.
2.5 is dead. Follow on syllabus is significantly better. However, T-1s, both the jet and sim program are completely going away. T-6 studs will all come with a multi/instrument rating from a handful of contracted civilian schools around the country. If they don’t get 38s they will being going straight to the FTU after T-6s. You will be home pretty much every night, some days by 1500, some not until 2300. Flying (T-6) will depend on your job and desires. I showed up knowing it was my last assignment, and requested to not get some bs job and just fly as much as I can. I double turn most days, and occasionally triple, but I’ve never been forced to fly a 3rd, if I do it it’s on a voluntary basis. Other folks fly more like once a day, or every other day. If you love flying and teaching, you will love the job. For me personally, it’s super rewarding watching these kids go from not being able to strap into the plane, to doing off station formation departures in busy class B airspace, 6-9 ft from another airplane. T-6 fleet is facing some mx issues, should be sorted out soonish, but I hear PIT is taking awhile to get though now a days, up to several months past projected grad dates.
Has to be day vmc & flown under VFR now. Been that way for several months.
Flyin, they custom made the short bus one for me.
Anyone happen to know of a vinyl/print shop in the North West Florida area that does a good helmet wrap? Our local shop shut down, and I’m going to be in the VPS area for a few weeks, was hoping the Elgin/Pcola folks had a go to place with experience. Thanks!
There was a memo sent to commanders. Details are vague/no PDSM yet, but something about a demo program offering up to 50k a year for folks with a UFT ADSC expiring in 23/24/25. After FY 23 you don’t get the full amount if you decide later to sign a bonus. You also get an “assignment of preference” The memo did say a PDSM may be released as early as Jan 23. No details on how long the bonus offerings will be, cutoff dates for when you need to sign to get the full amount, or the definition of “assignment of preference”
With some of the recent change of commands things are expected to and seem to be improving.
Must have been nice. Draco has gone full opposite from that, and honestly most of AFSOC for that matter.
There are 4 U-28 squadrons and the MC-12 at OKC, the initial plan was to transition those aircrew to the new airplane. I would say 60%-70% of those pilots are T-1 dudes. That info is dated though. I’m not a smart man but from what I hear there aren’t a lot of excess 11Fs around to change airplanes and stand up 5 squadrons + school house.
As someone that was informed today they are heading to teach T-6s this winter, what’s the current T-6 IP life like? I’ve heard rumors soul crushing trip turns etc. Also, with the new syllabus, are all IPs still flying/teaching form, or just 11F/T38 trained dudes? Trying to set my expectations, I’ve made the last rank I will likely see, I could care less about OPR bullets or the rack and stack, hoping to add some more IP time to the resume before I GTFO, maybe even teach a thing or two to the youngins.
I’ll be totally honest, I’m probably not the most qualified or knowledgeable to answer that, but all the people that have responded seem to hit the nail on the head.
Well aware, U28 community did not do well on this last major board, well below the rated average.
Ya, you right. Link or screen shot?
I would say f it (the promotion) Focus on flying, they aren’t kicking out passed over pilots anytime soon. Get the upgrade and continue crushing checkrides. Get all that A code time you can for your ATP mins. Do what you got to do to make yourself competitive for the airlines. Depending on the timing you might need to take a regional gig for a year or two. Start networking now for guard/reserve gigs. If you have trouble getting a flying gig you can easily get a non flying job or a staff gig that gets ya that tricare. My buddy got a staff gig, only goes in a couple times a year, only does it for the tricare. If staying on AD is more your gig take the bonus when you are eligible.
It’s still a “flying assignment” So yes, reference all the 11s that in the past were sent to drones. I did 3 years in drones, about 3 years ago when I made my escape back to manned flying the 18x community was trying to get rid of most the 11s and get them back in manned aircraft. I did see Randolph T-6s on our Wings white jet allocations to fill for the Winter 22 VML. Not sure if they were to teach PIT or at the RPA training squadron.