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Everything posted by discus

  1. Edit: Couldn't help it, had to put this one in. I really need to get off the women hating kick, but they are just funny to my sick mind.
  2. Sorry, couldn't resist.
  3. I had one of those! Freaking no stupid orange end on it, nothing. From a distance, looked like a 10 year old with an Uzi. AWESOME. Jar, were you saying you were IN that clip?
  4. YES!!!! I seem to remember it was always the rich kid in school who had the G.I. Joe Aircraft Carrier... And he was also the snotty one who would have you over, and never let you play with anything he had (STS). I clearly remember "NO!! This is MY G.I. Joe Aircraft Carrier, you can't play with it!" I hated that kid.
  5. So, I stumbled across this site: Once upon a win today, and found a few things I remembered. This was inspired by my search for a photo of the Castle Greyskull for another topic on here. This one, in particular cracked me up both when I was a kid, and now. Okay, maybe I'm a huge nerd, and maybe this is a totally lame topic, but I think we have "Boobs" covered. (Or uncovered as the case my be) What do you guys remember from the "Good 'ol days"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4VNMERVsC4
  6. May I propose a new rule? If posting in this thread, you must post a nice set of tits, or ass, or lesbians, or all of the above with your post. Otherwise, it's just a let down when I see a new post in the thread and all I get is a compliment to the previous tits. From now on, tits or STFU and enjoy other people's posted tits. Just a suggestion.
  7. Could have been posted before... Worth looking at again:
  8. STFU about the damn Redheads and post some ######ing TITS! Red, Brown, Blonde, Black, Yellow, Brown Who gives a shit?!?!?!? Sorry boys, anger issues today. Edit: I said black twice... I must have a desired flavor tonight.
  9. Blazing Saddles: Required Viewing for any American male over the age of 12. Did you miss out on this one, Hoss? I'm not even going to make it easy and post a link to the scene he's talking about. If you haven't seen it, you must go watch it, and then you may continue whatever stage of your Air Force flying career you are in with confidence. Oh, and you better give M2 a Harumph! Oh, and here are some boobs, as should be required by any post in this thread.
  10. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present R. Lee Ermey? One of the classics for sure. I read somewhere that to write the script for each scene, they just told him what the situation was and had him go off (STS) into a tape recorder until he ran out of words...Then they took the best and those became his lines. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFNeBRc7W7s
  11. I'm pretty sure that I had a dream about this last night...And every night since I was 12. However, it's gotta go, AMF. I wanna still be able to surf this site at work and not have the Shoe's block it!
  12. Well... Crap. Must be something that was squadron specific way back when.
  13. My Dad recently told me that it was tradition to to turn you squadron patch upside down the week you leave for a PCS, PCA, etc. He never could tell me where or why this got started just that it was "What was done". (Much like party suits) I have seen it done in a couple of places, but was wondering if anyone knew where this tradition got started and what the significance of it is? Maybe some of the old-heads on here can help me out so I can justify bringing it back. Anyone else out there do this the last week? Edit: Spell'in
  14. Noted! Thanks, Stract. Getting pretty pumped about the new gig.
  15. A little clarification from a New Mexican. Disclaimer: Yes, I am the guy who just chose to go to the FCO program because #1 I love the gunships and love the idea of actually feeling like I contribute to this war we are in, and #2 I love New Mexico. (Clovis...Eh...Whatever, it's a 2 hour flight in my Cessna to Albuquerque and 3 hours to great skiing in Taos. Here is a quick lesson in New Mexico demographics: Any where north of Albuquerque and I-40 = mostly tree hugging hippies. Anywhere south of Albuquerque = Mostly hard working, flag waiving ranch types. Albuquerque itself: 50/50. What those guys were seeing in Tucumcari was concerned people wanting to make sure that the plane was safe. It's a new mission to the locals out here, and it's going to take them a while to get used to it. The folks in Florida are used to the sound of 130's driving in circles overhead unleashing God's wrath on the Eglin range... And it won't take to long for the people here to figure out what it is, either. Don't worry about it, with time, folks will come around and figure out what is going on, and all will be well. I am going to refrain from saying any more about the mission, or how New Mexico and the high altitude is effecting the planes because I don't know jack SQUAT about it yet. Hopefully this trip to HRT at the end of July will teach me a little more. However, I do know the people of New Mexico, and I'll stand behind them...It's like anywhere else...Some are a-holes, and they tend to be the ones to make the noise, but the majority are the kind of folks you want in your corner and the kind of folks who make America the great, diverse country it is today. On a side note, anyone still have a house at Herbie who needs me and my dog to house sit it for a couple months while I'm in academics at KHRT? I'll pay $$$$ not to have to stay in a hotel room! Send me a PM. Disclaimer #2: Sitting at 7000 feet MSL east of Albuquerque on vacation from Oklahoma and I forgot how quickly the margaritas work at this altitude. I'm sure you guys will let me know if I was out of line here... Edit: Geography.
  16. discus

    Booze Talk

    Beer - Anything by New Belgium brewing (The Fat Tire dudes) I prefer the Abbey... It's very tasty and 7.5 ABV! Also I'll give Yuengling the nod as well. Vodka - Can't seem go pull myself away from the Goose, although I will be trying some of the other suggestions put out here. Rum - Havana Club; Only available where Cuban Cigars are also sold. Wine - Started on it not to long ago, so I'm still partial to a bottle of Yellow Tail to make for a fun evening. Dip - Copenhagen Long Cut. One in the upper lip, one in the lower lip if we're getting some REAL work done. No spit cup, those are for wussies. Ya gotta gut that shit to put hair on your chest.
  17. I can't remember what in that report I am and what I am not able to say on the net, so I'll just go with "He screwed a lot of stuff up...BADLY". We should call it "Badass SAR dudes day" x 1,000,000 to those guys.
  18. Haven't been to survival school yet, have you?
  19. A decent one for a change: Here at KBAD TDY for some 8th AF change of command or something. Dumped the back end off at the hotel to play WOW, and we have been flying our butts off around the pattern here with a nice, big jet all to ourselves for three days. Seven of us crammed into a rental mini van on our way to go take the jet for a little spin around the patch on a beautiful day. Nav #1 who is driving, does not come to a complete stop... Here comes SFS to save the day, lights and sirens blaring. After taking a look in the van, and all of us in uniform obviously on the way to go do SOMETHING, the SSgt says "I'm going to let you go with a warning. " to you, KBAD SSgt. (No names will be mentioned because I don't wanna get him in trouble for being "Cool".) E-Mail is on the way to his commander tomorrow telling of his professionalism and great military bearing. Edit: Clarification
  20. THREAD REVIVAL!!! FCO Info on AC-130H Soooo, the call came down, and I sent a simple E-Mail back saying "Yes, I would be interested in being an H model FCO, and willing to take both Cannon and the July CSD to accomplish this". I thought it was a shot in hell, as I do not have TOS here at Tinker...The next thing I know, my DO called me into the office and told me I have a very, VERY good chance of getting the assignment. (He says 90%) and I am now just awaiting orders. This being said, are there any other FCO's on here who can give me the long and short of the job, and also maybe some "What to expect" stuff? My first question is "Would I attend school at Herbie TDY en-route to Cannon, or are they moving the school house to Cannon before July? All the normal questions apply as well (Deployment rates, what the school is like, etc.). Thanks in advance! EDIT: Cut and paste
  21. True statement, Chuck. I was just feeding ya crap back. Wouldn't have it any other way.
  22. Hey! I resemble that remark!! We turn right sometimes too! Or, if things get REALLY crazy, a figure 8! I think what you were looking for was "Hope he enjoys sitting in a booth for the rest of his career and renting 152's on weekends so he can "REALLY fly".
  23. FIVE posts people. We are FIVE FREAKING POSTS into this thread without a chick. I'd say if you are one of the enablers who allowed this travesty to happen, you're the ones who are If you like butt sex, may I suggest you try it on a woman? Edit: Now with more boobs!
  24. Just read this thread...AWESOME revival by the way! Anyway, thought I'd add a couple things. 1. My FE has been studying for his MSgt promotion test throughout this deployment, and has been educating us for 12 hours at a time on the flight deck; hence my excuse for knowing 36-2903 (35-10 for old heads) well enough to know that Mess Dress is a REQUIRED uniform for officers and optional for enlisted. In short, be ready when your commander line of site tasks you to attend the AF Ball or dining out or whatever else might come up. 2. The officers and Enlisted mess dress coats are no different when you buy them. When you get yours tailored at AAFES, you tell 'em you're an officer and they sew the silver braid on the cuffs and leave the loops for the shoulder boards on the coat. If you are enlisted, they pitch the silver cuffs, and cut the loops out of the shoulders of the jacket. Therefore, if you bought you jacket from an enlisted troop, the loops will be missing, as will the silver bands on the cuffs. Solution: Don't be such a cheap ass and go buy a coat new from AAFES. If you bought your jacket from AAFES and it does not have the loops on the shoulders, it means that those cheap-asses recycled a coat that was returned by someone (Highly probable); return it and get the correct one.
  25. I'd still hit it. You know... Just to say I did
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