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disgruntledemployee last won the day on November 26

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  1. Lot of talk about Shadow President Musk, which I'm sure is meant to piss off Trump to over react. PS. Why does Trump want to raise the debt ceiling? I thought he was mandated to bring the budget back into balance.
  2. And you do? And you didn't answer the question. Her past actions lead me to think she ain't what she says. Does it just take a well acted session with Rogan to set your opinions?
  3. I'm offended Hades staff isn't shooting out giant streams of molten fire.
  4. So if Chuck Schumer scrapes the D off his letterhead for an R, you'll suddenly like him because he "changed" his mind on the world? What if AOC does that; isn't she seen as a disruptor too? Bernie? And so on? PS. Looks like the House will release their Gaetz report anyway, according to CNN. They couldn't just let it go. He was gone, out. Well, I think we may see some fuck around and find out, maybe some MAD.
  5. I don't know man, maybe I was flying that day. And I DIDN'T say he was a good choice, just like I did above.
  6. Yep, she's a Democrat. You usually put a solid D in the DNC, not someone that waffles on the D platform. As for the sexist part, there are plenty of posts on this forum that Harris only got as far as she did because she was a woman and innuendo'd certain womanly acts. I'm not saying that, although I wouldn't put it past Trump to pick her just for him to see her everyday. I'm saying she is a Democrat with no IC experience. Why can't we have a solid R that has some IC experience? Is that too much to ask? Isn't that what you want? I can't understand the die hard, rah rah for her. Is it just because Trump picked her? As for cleaning house, which one? If you've never interacted with a DNI, then I understand why you think this. I'm not saying I know more, but I got an hour presentation from one years back and it was enlightening. It's an important role, probably one of the hardest because the ODNI is not in charge of the other IC entities and has to herd cats, and is a role worthy of Senate confirmation. Lastly, this all stemmed from an article that says her Senator meetings are going poorly; unprepared they say. In your example, I'll bet that dude crushed it by learning everything they could about the world they were about to enter. But at least is still a pilot. Just making the point, not defending the person in the role was a good choice.
  7. Not really. It's like hiring a Civil Affairs Officer to be in charge of the Intel world.
  8. And here is CNN saying, don't shoot them down. https://www.yahoo.com/news/residents-want-shoot-down-reported-090042698.html Like any skeet/trap shooter ever watches CNN.
  9. That's what I'm thinking, a search. I saw above a pic that had tweet words that alluded to arming a drome with a gamma source. Might as well say what is going on and why. If it is a search, bad dudes probably figured out they're being hunted. Some John Q might have seen something. When someone shoots one down and they analyze the payload, or live feed video of the black SUVs that arrive to get the thing, the gig is up.
  10. Acquiring, let alone handling to flying a gamma ray souce would result in some serious radiation sickness to someone doing that without containment. Containers for such are heavy and maybe out of drone capabilities. That doesn't mean someone won't try to steal a source and try to fly it, but it's not as easy as people think.
  11. Let me say this way and you might get it. When it comes to hiring someone to fly an airplane, you at least want a pilot. There. Does that make any sense now?
  12. I air quoted the words in the context of your thoughts/feelings vs factual info. Apologies if you took it differently. As for the article, it's the same old DC game. Call up your favorite reporter, tell the story that she's unprepared and out of her league with the logic that she reads it and responds by not being like that, with some added public perception/pressure. The Senate has sent the message. Army Reserve O-5 huh... Impressive. Must have been an all star slugger to do that. So we the people, and those she will lead/serve directly, get to rely upon her IC experience that at most was learned thru Army PME. Good luck.
  13. Well, based on your "feelings" I suppose our IC is in great hands. I wonder what someone closer to the issue thinks. The Hill reporting that her Senator meetings aren't going well. Themes are: unprepared, she's got a lot to learn, nobody likes her. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/5038091-tulsi-gabbard-struggles-senators/
  14. But she's a Democrat in R clothing. I thought you don't like lefties (well, maybe not far left, I don't think she like LGBT+/-*=×@# types).
  15. Ain't there some bubbas out there that need some air to air currency?
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