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disgruntledemployee last won the day on March 5

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  1. Odds that NSA Waltz get a pink slip/mean tweet firing by Friday: 50/50?
  2. To those saying the screenshots are a nothingburger, do you want the reporter to release all the screenshots of what it thought to be quite classified info, to satisfy your opinion that is was bad to have such discussions on an unclass system? Ah fuck it, the Chiners/Ruskies already have it, might as well tell the rest of the world. I mean the texts aren't marked S, TS or anything.
  3. I know. Trump hires only the best, top notch.... clowns. Ironic that Pete says OPSEC in the texts, via a texting app. Those dudes are a treasure trove for the PRC.
  4. WI loss was a big bummer. Never got a reason for the WI asst technical. Refs were quite silly for the technicals they called, like pointing to the ceiling. I wanted the O Ducks to win, but if you can't shoot a free throw, you don't deserve to make it to the top 16 teams in the nation. AR - St Johns was fun to watch with the coach rivalry and glad to see The Hogs advance.
  5. I was flippin channels on Utube TV and found the vintage MTv channel. Headbangers Ball was on playing this:
  6. I'll bet Hilary did it as retribution for losing her security clearance.
  7. No major upsets through round 1. Big 10 is holding up nicely. My teams will be lucky to make the 16, so no idea who can win it all. I do however, need The Ducks to take out Duke, just because.
  8. Elon Trump thanks you for your service.🫡
  9. Like Kid Rock shooting some H&K 9mm into the Bud? Or the bomb threats to some of their breweries. Or just search utube for a few hits on Bud abuse. Try not to forget too fast. Now, I did say this... Anyway, how much Tesla did you buy today? Finally order up the e-truck?
  10. The Prez and his commerce sec want you to buy Tesla cars and stock. Get going! https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2025/03/20/trump-howard-lutnick-musk-tesla-stocks/82564889007/ https://www.wsj.com/finance/stocks/tesla-stock-selling-musk-politics-f144dbe5 While not the same, it reminds me of when everyone stopped drinking Bud Light, a shit beer and a most brilliant sabotage of the brand.
  11. Less than the 63% N1 that kept the plane on speed and glidepath with the autopilot on.
  12. Remember this guy? Maybe this an example of how? Also, when someone does this, media types will pile on the last 5 incidents in the article and insinuate they're all probably that company's fault.
  13. Sim landings are never hard I guess.
  14. I could use your whole post and replace the name with D. Trump. Or a Biden. Don't pretent the rest are angels. The D. stands for dishonorable.
  15. Oooh, Putin better not piss off Trump, or he'll get The Tweet. See, there's The Tweet, and then there's the Mozam Tweet. That's where you can feel his breath as you read the tweet. Shits gonna get real. 🤣
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