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Everything posted by disgruntledemployee

  1. FAs should just issue a tool kit to everyone and asked them to fix the plane while in flight. Inflight entertainment will by youtube vids showing you how to do something, but with key parts missing in the video so you have no idea how they got the cover off. Anyone with spare parts leftover has to hand them off to the next pax taking that seat.
  2. I hope she makes it thru UPT just fine. I also hope she makes a profile on BODN and gives all you ninny nannies a shit ton of ball bustin'. If so, she wouldn't be the 1st pretty lady to fly well. Google it. There's the T-bird, Malachowski, Kim Campbell who landed a battle damaged A-10, and not to mention the scores of WASPs, a few of whom I met at while staying a few nights before Oshkosh at my in-law's neighbor's house. As for the media, the called her a Soldier. WTF, over?
  3. Not mine, but I always liked that this one got passed the censors. BTW, I found it on this cat's website, quite a robust collection: https://www.usafupt.com/ https://www.usafupt.com/id21.htm directly to the class patch section.
  4. One ring to rule them all, bwha ha ha ha ha ha ha....
  5. It's a Rorschach test cloud sticker. What you see is a projection of your psyche. So if rolled up by some chief/etc, and they claim it's stripper, counter with "its a white dragon kissing the earth and I got it at a Game of Thrones convention. I like dragons, don't you? And where do you get off saying my dragon is a stripper? And why do you hate strippers?" And walk away...
  6. Thanks for showing us your snakes, Biff.
  7. My time at DJ, the local Navy dudes ran a Ward Room, tent at 1st, then self funded/built a hard building. Open on Fri and Sat nights. Me and the guys would sip drinks, play corn hole, and bust chops. No drink limits, just a basic rule; behave. And most did behave, save for a P-3 dude that hit on some other unit's lady officer and got shown the door after a little physicality. P-3 unit was banned for a month. My boss asked if I went to the Ward Room. Yep, proudly. Got some work/networking done too. He mentioned something about drink limits and I mentioned the O-6 Scotch stash. We all behave and that's why it works. Our little gang had zero issues. Treat people like adults, they often behave like adults. Such a foreign idea to many higher ups.
  8. Oh wait, before I go... I see what you're saying, but I cannot vision it. Is that what you mean?
  9. And after his inspection, the General went to his office, opened the cabinet, poured 3 fingers of something smooth, stared out the window and wondered, "what the fuck is this world coming to?" and took a swig.
  10. From the article.. John Venable, a former F-16 pilot and senior defense fellow at the Heritage Foundation think tank, told Defense News the AC-130J would not survive a war against China and that the command is right to rethink its mission. Dear John, Fuck you! Now go point at your asshole and tell us how much it's worth.
  11. Lots of folks had a rough childhood. What you do/did with with it matters more, to me at least.
  12. Well, the Senate stepped over Tuberville and confirmed CSAF and CNO. Bigger headline is the CNO, 1st woman on the JCS staff. https://news.yahoo.com/senate-sidesteps-tubervilles-hold-confirms-165415542.html
  13. All the kids love Kinko for the presents that they will get, Silly leather clothes to wear and happy cigarettes.... ha heh heh heh hehhh
  14. I'm with CH on this one. 0.08% of their total population isn't the big deal, 120K/total size of military forces is the big deal. Vietnam is a decent analogy. Geopolitically, when Putin is replaced, Russia might change their game for the better, haven been sickened by a stupid war by a super stupid man. As for the superpower point, it's still fair to say they still have enough nukes to cut the earth in half. As for the Chiner thing, if it comes to blows, maybe that debt they hold becomes worthless, that is, canceled. Party on
  15. Ugh. Might as well rename this the, "Get off my lawn" thread.
  16. Please see this thread for context. Also, your boss said the AF would just replace anyone punching out. Push to Test was accomplished. Results verified. Replacements ain't easy, it'n it?
  17. All members of that team need to be on a poster in all bars and pubs in America, especially in NY and DC. When any member of that team walks in, they are greeting with either a tip of the hat, small salute, or a raised fist. The bartender pours that dude's favorite (its on the poster) and sends it over with a low, solemn, "Thanks." FOREVER!
  18. All the Pol pundits, etc, say the two most boring dudes on the stage came in last, which were former Govs Doug Burgum and Asa Hutchinson. Those two together as P/VP (it doesn't matter which one) would probably do just fine. They probably got enough grey matter between the ears to make informed decisions (unlike current dude), they both have executive level experience**, and they're boring. I think boring is good. ** I loved the irony of Pence when chastising Ramaswamy that now is not the time for OJT. Rama should have retorted, "like your former boss did?" PS. The Desantis "smile" at the end of his opening rant, where he didn't really answer the question, was hilarious. I can just imagine what was going on inside that brain... Ooh, a question... uhh, start the rant answer we rehearsed... look angry.. point... the end... uhh, smile? smirk? how do I smile again? just fake it... say cheese? He was the most fake up there the other night. Let's invade Mexico!!!
  19. Well, shit. I suppose that oath to the Constitution is all bullshit, hence my flag ass wipe analogy. Carry on, buddy. Hey bartender, keep em coming, we're all fucked anyway.
  20. Why do you want Trump to be your knight in shit armor? He ain't it, man. Find someone else. Be like the people that liked Hootie and the Blowfish or Nickelback on Monday, then hated 'em by Friday. We rightfully chastise Biden for dicking up the role of Commander in Chief. Trump dicked it up too. To me, it's like trump took a shit on your doorstep, rang your doorbell, took your American flag, wiped his ass with it, and dropped it at your feet, ask you what are you gonna do about it, flips you double birds, and walks off. And that is who you want back in office?
  21. In most men there lurks a lesser man, and his presence smells in the sun. - Ernest Gann
  22. He wasn't wearing a reflective belt. Listen to Jungle, those things can save you from all sortsa childhood trauma... purple nurples... hell yeah.
  23. Next he'll be telling the kids to volunteer for AFPAC Hands reincarnated. PS. The Maj Osman account is AI.
  24. So a few weeks ago I'm in SFO and saw that the local Whole Foods carries a beer I like. I head over, load up, and as I'm heading towards the checkout lanes, some scruffy looking dude is opening a fridge case with sandwiches. A security guard, wearing a vest, real gun and ammo, tazer, cuffs, etc., quick strides towards the dude, shouts, and the dude tries to run for it as the guard closed the gap. He whips out his baton and whacks the dude across his back, hard! He gets ready for another whack when the dude drops the goods and scampers for the exit. Warnings were shouted. I was a bit surprised, not by what I saw, but where I saw it. Yes, this was in San Fran.
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