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Everything posted by disgruntledemployee

  1. While I'm already on status, I talked to the doc and was told I have a spermatocele (sp?). It was felt up by two docs and scanned for good measure, but net result was no action and no change in flight status. But I also remember the days when doing the entry flight physicals and if they didn't ask, I didn't tell. If your doc says its no big deal, then leave it at that with regards to the AF. But I do suggest a second opinion. I learned that nut cancer is prevalent amoung the young; past 35 and you're mostly out of the woods.
  2. Long time ago, back in the Camp Andy days, a bunch dumb ass shoes decided to have themselves a little picnic. Being resourceful for their beverage cooling needs, they found a container to hold the ice, cans, etc. It just so happens they ended up taking one of the silver human remains caskets from the stack by the road on the way to the CAOC.
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