The application of rated dudes to staffs is deplorably managed (if there is a more worse adjective, I'd use it). I've asked the question, "How does staff experience make a dude a better DO or CC?" It doesn't. If anything, I believe that some of our more mediocre leaders out there were able to wow their bosses with "mighty skills o' Powerpoint" while in the staff and earn DGs and primo follow-on assignments.
They will say, "But as an officer, you need career broadening in order to be a good leader, etc." I retort that rated dudes, if required in a staff, should go there to apply their rated expertise, not to learn the bazillion, self-licking processes that constitute a staff. Yet, that is what most staff dudes end up doing.
Square, you are correct. Dudes die in the staff. Its a soul sucking entity. I've wondered if staffs have ever done anything meaningful that makes its way down to the squadron.
I've told the AF that the days of sending people to the staff because "its better for your career" must end now. If a staff job calls for a rated dude, they had better be doing 100% rated-type work. If not, hire a civilian. Oh, and thats another thing. Staffs are way too heavy in the civilian pay scale. You can't spit without hitting a GS-15.
Dudes at the top of their game need to stay in the wing, and get promoted, and get the schools. That is where our best DOs and CCs will come from.
BTW, if you can't tell, I HATE the staff. Worst decision I ever made.