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Everything posted by disgruntledemployee

  1. You're rationalizing why it's OK. That's part of the problem.
  2. JANUARY SIXTH. Yes, I'm yelling it to you. How many times do I got to say it? I dunno, maybe we honor the oath of office we take, Trump included. Comparing it to BLM protests is dumb and you know that. Since you like making nice little lists, make one of all the times Trump honored the Constitution and Oath of Office. I don't know what's the bigger disappointment, that Trump went along with Jan 6th or that people think what he did was OK. PS. I got conned by The Orange Man back in 2016. Thanks for reminding me.
  3. No, you'll see him do more of whatever the fuck he wants, no matter what. He will 100% go after everyone that's "wronged" him. He will do things, say things that will make you think, "I don't think that's legal/allowed/etc," because that's what a king does.... whatever the fuck they want. You think the last show was interesting, the sequel will turn it up to 11.
  4. Trump will pick a complete puppet, someone 100% controllable. RNC may propose someone that can guild/control him, but 100% he will not allow that. If he's elected, expect to see him as King Trump. As for VP, his former press sec Sanders, AR Gov, fits. Most of her actions have been to promote herself, not work for the people/state. Everyone sees it. Although she's from AR, she acts more like a carpetbagger. Her media access is on par with Biden. When watchdogs got pesky, she tried to exempt herself from FOIA. I can see the train wreck already.
  5. I wish the end result of their debate is mutually assured destruction of each other, such that a large majority of voters say, "Are you shitting me? Someone flush these turds" and we get The Replacements, Keanu and Favreau. Yes, that was my first impression of the video, not the regurgitated speech, but the cognitive differences. This is '88 Reagan, who, as we all eventually learned, was well into his days of Alzheimer's. Biden today, as a comparison, is very well into dementia, and that too will be revealed when he's on his deathbed. When you experience it with family, you can pick it out a mile away. I want the debate exposing such, not to be mean to him, but because voters need to know and see it. The debate moderator should open with 5 sentences, each with a very specific detail. The 1st question to Biden should be to recall those details. Example, "We're here in Atlanta where it's a cloudy 86 degrees. Our contenders have agreed to rules for the debate where I will ask questions on the economy, world events, the border, fitness to serve, and favorite flavor of ice cream. In attendance are 720 local area voters from the 12 Districts of Atlanta. Etc. 1st questions go to Mr Biden. What dessert will I ask about? What is the weather outside? How many voting districts are there in Atlanta? Etc. Lastly, what is 28 x4 = ? Most adults, if paying attention, would be able to answer most of these and probably all. Most adults can do math in their head and take a few seconds to answer (lets see, 4x20 ix 80, 8x4 is 32, 80 and 32 is 112, or something like that). And the moderator must make sure each debater has no comms. I fully expect Trump to inspect Biden for such and call it out.
  6. To Nunya's point, profit sharing pays out early in the year, allowing one to adjust contributions to max out the 401K using more company funds. To Dear Lord's point, the income limit is a player. My union produces an excel to help with maths as there are competing limits. To the masses, there are two (or more) ways. Set a 401k contribution to max your personal limit and let the rest play out for the rest of your flying days and thus have more time drinking beer, or geek it up and play with maths every day of the year. NERDS!!!!
  7. Somewhere there is a kick ass DA that will take the "professional, for hire" agitator and will put em in jail for a long time, then find the source of the hire, and take em for all they got. The generation in college might learn not to be so gullible next time. Moms and Dads need to be kicking some serious ass too. Any those arrested for their bullshit need to have their student loans tagged as "must be repaid, no forgiveness." Peaceful protest has a place, but this ain't it. Peaceful protest doesn't end in arrest.
  8. The ATF can do a no knock warrant without body cams or notifying local LEO, startle the homeowner, who might be thinking he's being home invaded, then shoot him in the head. See story of Little Rock Airport Manager. They probably could have served their warrant at the airport where he worked and not be carrying, you know, an easy, peaceful encounter. AU can torture and rot your brain over a series of months of bullshit.
  9. I actually love his voice. It's always been very different from almost everyone else, except maybe Crash test Dummies and Alabama 3. I first learned of Cohen from the Natural Born Killers Soundtrack, although its kinda funny people think he did the Sorpano's opening, Woke Up This Morning. Try this one. And since I mention CTDs, here is a DC Superhero song, but really it's a song about your personal hero.
  10. Ok, seems I gotta spell it out for the folks in the room here. Years ago, Trump say, all you gotta do is grab em by the pussy. Its a control thing. He has done that to a large majority of the republic party, politicians and voters alike. For the politicians that know better but go along with trump they are weak ass pussies, weaklings, and spineless turds that won't stand against him. For the maga voters, same shit. My analogy has nothing to do with DEI, it's purely a figurative statement to say, today, most Republicans are weak, and Trump has grabbed by their weak ass pussy. There, does that make more sense?
  11. I'm talking about the figurative kind, you know, the weak, the got no guts, type. That kind. PS. I don't want either of them in office in case you mix my vitriol for duchebag T with a desire for Biden, whom I hold in similar distaste.
  12. That's ol Trump for ya, he's got em all by the pussy.
  13. It will likely prove itself. Probably. Vote for someone not named Trump or Biden. Nerve? He ain't doing this to save you from Biden. He want to be bigly again and do whatever the fuck the wants. That is why he loves Putin, dictator for life. He wants that. I didn't say Russia, I said sleazy payday loan shark, you know, the kind that often prey on the young enlisted folks. We?
  14. I can't wait to see the live action Punchout on Netflix with Glass Joe and Mike Tyson.
  15. Neat. So he might have a problem getting briefs as a candidate. Plus the room elephant that he probably made a deal for the money. I wonder what it was... pardons? table seats? Ambassadorships? Favorable judges in the right spot? Blagojevich did jail time for that kinda shit. When 30ish legitimate money institutions say no, and fuck no, then some dude that thrived off shady shit steps in, I can draw some thoughts off that.
  16. So apparently a billionaire that got rich off high interest payday loans put up the bond for Trump, calling it a business deal. Isn't that a red flag for holding a security clearance, ie, beholden to an individual for a large sum of money and thus corruptible?
  17. Jon Stewart should ask John Oliver to do a piece on this. Then Stewart can do his thing on some of the horseflys bugging Oliver. I find it odd that a politician thinks they can bully someone like these two, both of whom have a popular platform and sometimes use it for a righteous cause, like 9/11 Responders.
  18. Yeah, and once upon a Smisek, United had to pay USPS about $50Mil for fraud, so I think we're hauling the mail for free for a few years. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2AQ2ND/
  19. Back in my day it was just LGB and represented by a pink triangle. Must be a dodecagon by now.
  20. Ammo is heavy and more compact than cinder blocks. I think a case of 45ACP weighs about 25lbs. Partial DITY that stuff instead, and then you have ammo at the end of the travels.
  21. I'd like to introduce you to the hardest-workin' band in the world. On bass, Derek "Meatman" Scully. On piano, Steven "Soul Surgeon" Clifford. Dean "Mr Nipple" Fay on sax. Joey "The Lips" Fagan on trumpet. Our gorgeous chanteuses are Bernie, Imelda, and Natalie. Deco "Deep Throat" Cuffe on vocals. On lead guitar, Outspan "Fender bender" Foster. Finally, on drums, Mickah "Don't Fuck With Me" Wallace. Ladies and gentlemen, The Commitments!! This is fictitious band, where the actors actually sing and perform, and some eventually form the real life band, The Commitments. Great soundtrack, in my top 10 movies of all time. Man, to show up with your dad to his audition and belt out a tune and get the lead singer role at 17... legend. Happy St Patty's Day.
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