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Marco last won the day on February 10 2017

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  1. Stroker Gustafson was a Reservist with the Makos when he got picked up years back.
  2. Anyone seen Rainman? Bueller, er, Rainman? Raaiinnmmmaannn?
  3. Marco

    RIP Doc

    Steve, Did you attempt to contact Doc’s immediate family prior to releasing the video? At least an attempt to find out if they had been informed by the Air Force of his acute cause of death? I could not imagine being his family if you did not, and having a youtube video be the way that I find out the details of how my spouse/dad/uncle died. I hope you took that into consideration. Other operational details regarding supposed unit status in the video- I don’t agree with what you did, but you’re a journalist. You do you.
  4. Happy to help, for what it was worth. Cheers!
  5. Manufacturer’s Model Number. C-130: L-182 P-3: L-285 etc, etc.
  6. Anyone else hear from Jax yet?
  7. It sorts TPS reports with the utmost efficiency. Mmmmkkkkaaayyyyyy............
  8. Very low- as in only hiring current, qualified guys from Hurlburt right now. At least that was the case previously when I last looked into it within last 6-9 months and that was the case for all aircrew positions. Might change in future now that they are a squadron versus a detachment but can’t say for certain. There are a lot of AGR positions being posted and all call for current/qualified.
  9. I’ll do the gray head thing.......quit yer whining. Seriously, not trying to be a dick. There are a LOT of people in this country who have lost their jobs, their families are suffering, etc. You have a great paying job that may not be something you enjoy, but that’s why they call it work and not “super fun koombayah hang with the bros all day time.”. So suck it up, pick yourself up by yer britches, get to work, and do two things: 1. Excel at the career you are in. You never know if something will happen that will preclude you from being able to fly, and suddenly that job you hate might be the one thing that saves you from the unemployment line. 2. Work on the things that you need to in order to get the job you want like flying more, volunteering, studying for AFOQT if you need to retake, etc. WHILE EXCELLING IN THE JOB YOU’RE IN.
  10. Anyone hear anything from Jax?
  11. It’s almost like they’re doing it on purpose....
  12. I get it, some units have the iron. Some not as much. But blanket statements like that make me chuckle.
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