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Everything posted by jrobe

  1. It's an unwritten law of murphy that the more experience you get the more dangerous you become-- albeit insidiously... The worst combo know to manned flight is the attached EP in town to log off beans flying all week with his ol'bud who happens to still be Chief of StanEval... I've had a few good times with that... Safest dude to fly with--- Co-Pig -- because no one trusts you...and you sure as hell don't trust your self.
  2. I wonder if guys like this sat there looking at some SQ/CC or WG/CC and said what a douche'..... I'll never turn into that. My real fear is turning into one of these guys. I also wonder if he thinks he's one of the boys
  3. FACT stuff https://www.e-publishing.af.mil/shared/medi...AETCI11-406.pdf or if the link doesn't work google epublishing search 11-406
  4. does so to speak still work????
  5. here's one for all the herks out there...ORBD This fly If I remember correctly had enough missions for a AM
  6. tac airlifter-- stop asking about AATTC -- you'll ruin the fun for your self -- I'll bring my binder for you -- tomorrow The dudes at St. JOEs ask you not to spill the beans about the course -- because you could be prep for it and ace everything -- but the experience wouldn't be the same One word of advice for your CoPig when pulling a 60/2 -- since he doesn't have theG meter there to look at and I quote one of the IP's from St Joes " Pull until you feel your balls start to tug a bit ( imagine hand gestures as well) -- you know that good kinda of tug..." this should help with their break turns see ya at work
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