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Everything posted by geoffny25

  1. I love my home brew, I usually stick to Porters, Stouts and IPA's (don't have the patience to lager). But for commercial, Arrogant Bastard Bells Hopslam Guinness Anchor Steam Dogfish Head Bells Two Hearted Ale Homebrewtalk.com will have all the information that you need to get started brewing as well.
  2. Yea, i've just started ROTC, how do you remember all the courtesies? Do they just get drilled into your head. There's an upperclassmen who just got back from FT who's a real tool. Real full of himself and has a stutter. Interesting to watch.
  3. it's a firebird, 70's, look at the slope on the back
  4. Really? If you know the max scores just go for 20 above the max numbers for the push ups and sit ups, and just try to do the 1.5 at a sprint. You'll end up beating your times/high scores in no time. If you you go running and then do the sit ups and push ups after the run (while your dead tired) you push your body to build up endurance when you feel like your going to quit. That's what does the trick. -Geoff
  5. https://show-links.tv/tv_shows/?watch=11817...p;sid=99941#con it's online at this site, have to wait for the buffer, i think this is part two, there's a link for part one on the bottom. Good show.
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