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Everything posted by Fishnucc

  1. I talked to a Lockheed engineer/rep at the AETC symposium in San Antonio a few weeks back. He said it should start dropping to studs in 2013
  2. haha yeah I lost the video of me in a cessna dropping flares and doing Aileron Rolls so that one will have to do. Thanks Brabus ill call around. The local airport (KMPV) is a strip with a shack and some hangers. They guys are cool though..mostly old vets. The instructor is a retired Nam 130 pilot who showed me his "Slide for life" move in a 152.
  3. Hey everyone, I am going to be starting up an AeroClub at my school this year and I was wondering if any/all of you have any experience with them. I know a lot of bases have GA clubs and I have been looking for ideas. We don't have the funding to go out and buy a plane, so it will be more along the lines of aerospace lessons, model stuff, base/ramp visits, and free ground school taught by a volunteer instructor. We have the sponsorship of the AFROTC det. and their simulator. I thought this would be a good place to solicit good ideas (other than actually flying) for an AeroClub. Since I already have my license, I tried to get the school to subsidize flying but they want nothing to do with it. Thanks everyone! oh..and I did search..nothing useful came up Fish [ 21. June 2006, 21:19: Message edited by: Fishnucc ]
  4. lol Phlash.... I can tell your a Norwich Grad [ 01. March 2006, 18:52: Message edited by: Fishnucc ]
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