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  1. As an instructor in UPT I saw a few dudes pushing 30. Wasn't uncommon and typically their maturity was appreciated. As far as priors, I didn't have any of those helo or Army types in my flight room but someone else may have.
  2. His books were all great reads.
  3. Not a single Viper...
  4. Nice work Fresh... Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  5. I have experienced this type of review from a predecessor of mine in business. It ultimately provides only a snapshot of the mood of the organization. The questions need to be precise on the point of view requested. Bottom line, I have seen this type of review/feedback destroy morale. I like the idea above about asking if you would go to war for them or if they should be promoted. It will probably have a question like "does more with less".
  6. So is this a hail mary to co-exist with the massive costs of the F-35? Or am I way off?
  7. Drone pilots really don't get respect... We built drones to take the pilot out of the situation. Then send up an F-22 to protect it. I like it.
  8. I was a lot like you. I wanted to do everything I could when I wasn't in a formal training environment and to use my time wisely to prep. You could buy an IFR course for a few dollars online and watch DVDs. It may provide some graphics and things to think about when you hit the academics for instruments and navigation later on. You could also then get microsoft flight simulator and practice with that. Also, listening online to liveatc might be good to listen to for some flavor of instrument comms. However, all of that will not necessarily help you an iota when it comes to actually performing in the sim, flying the aircraft, or answering Air Force exams. It may alleviate an hour or so of study time since you kind of know a little bit about approach plates, enroute charts, etc.. Solid advice above. I gave you a few things you could do. I agree though, spend the time with your family or go do something you enjoy instead. You will learn the things you need to learn within the course.
  9. The AF IPs at Whiting should remain as will the Navy IPs at Vance.
  10. Read it. I really enjoyed it. Sure the brass is pissed. They will cry foul and reiterate to their troops this is wrong. Why? Because it goes against the big boss Obama which makes the brass look bad. This book jabs at the leaks many times and gives the point of view that his story is more accurate. Lots of articles out recently how his SEAL buddies are not allowing him back to gatherings etc.
  11. Let's build 700 more and end this talk of not being able to win against China.
  12. There is an age limit to WIC?
  13. I think the example here is cut and dry that you are cleared through the weather. However, what was the clearance? If it was "cleared the block 8H" then you can proceed into IMC imho. If they said "cleared the block 8H remain VMC" then it depends if you accept that clearance or not. IFR flight plan, IFR squawk, and you were given a maneuvering block/area. The MOA is just "special" to let civilians they can play if they are VFR. Part of the problem I think is the "remain VMC" is something a controller can add on and if you accept it, then that alleviates their responsibilities if they miss a traffic call to you. Since you are see and avoid now. Otherwise, why do we have radar release points at UPT bases to squawk VFR contact tower/rsu? The only thing I can think of, reg wise like you asked, would be the 11-2 Vol# where specific spins/training rules apply for the maneuvers that require 3 vis or clear of clouds. This would be my argument if I was flight violated for this reason at least.
  14. I heard his jet got hacked by chinaman and they ejected him remotely after "all your big gun are belong to us" was put on his MFD's.
  15. I accepted. Team 2. What else do I need to do?
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