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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Did a search. Any 'spouses' gather information on how to successfully start and complete a PHD program during an assignment? Looks like 4-7 years on some Doctoral programs. Also, any legit ways to do this for a spouse that is not through Phoenix or other online shady degrees?
  2. Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 786432) (tried to allocate 57 bytes) in /home/flyingsq/public_html/forums/admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php on line 2757
  3. snafu

    T-34 gouge

    Bensgouge is still legit. The best one IMHO.
  4. snafu

    T-34 gouge

    So what happens to AFORMs then for those T-34 bro's?
  5. I was about to make a sarcastic response like "Dibs on Tim Tebow." I then went to google images to see if I can find a picture of him getting hit. Instead, I found a picture of his girlfriend. I would be a terrible wingman if I didn't post the pic.
  6. snafu

    Latest Movies

    Some good action in it. I wasn't disappointed since I didn't have high expectations of it. Realism 0. Decent flick if you don't have a plan A for the night.
  7. Count me in.
  8. Done. Sent to principal and both vice-principals. Thank you for posting.
  9. Why couldn't the crew chiefs just paint the number on the nose of every bird? It would alleviate comms and satisfy the boomers requirement.
  10. Keep us posted on this. I will most likely need this done and am curious on time of recovery -> flying.
  11. I have Win7 but not the CAC reader. Usually install problems I have can all be resolved by installing the software under a different compatibility option. Right-click install as...Vista or XP. Here is a link pertaining to your issue that someone else solved with this technique. https://windows7forums.com/windows-7-hardware/2155-dod-cac-card-reader-problem.html https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/using-windows-vista-compatibility-mode/ Edit: Also, 'Run As Administrator' may help.
  12. Closest thread I can find on the topic so I will append to it. If a couple of bro's are talking about SIE'ing out, what should they be hearing from me as guidance?
  13. 1) Seriously you could do better and you should be mature enough to demand better. 2) She needs a rough man to set her straight. Give it a hard yet gentle slap and hold her down a little by her hair. 2) SIE doesn't mean you are out of the AF. Just means now both you and her are unhappy. 3) Motorboat her once. Kinda like a prop over speed scenario. This is where her emotion is stored. Think about it. Do it. 4) You should be kicked in the nads for having low SA for a) posting you are in API, and b) posting this touchy feely crap. Don't you have a male friend to talk to? JTFC. 5) Seriousness now and I am not sure why nobody else has mentioned this. Have you ever considered during this episode to contact the NY guard or CA guard? If this is where she wants to live and this is really what you want to do then try that route to make it happen. This may help you both re-evaluate time frames while you wait for applications etc. Talk to leadership to help you apply and be honest with them before you SIE. That was tough to give a serious answer dude. I, like others, would have gladly sold my wife to get a pilot slot and my left beaner. A relationship should be very easy. My wife isn't even living with me while I train so she can further advance in her career while I advance in mine. We will meet up eventually. We see each other whenever possible and just plan things as they come. If I were you I would go to the chaplain and get someone to talk to. You obviously need some help figuring this out and he/she would be a good start.
  14. Finally a subject I can talk about. I am too new in the Force to give any advice but I do login about thirty times a day since this is my homepage. Thanks to everyone that passes their knowledge down. Now here is what my recommendations are: 1. Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill 2. Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand 3. Rich Dad Poor Dad (You young lewdtenants should read this.) 4. 33 Strategies of War - Robert Greene 5. 48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene *6. Common Sense - Thomas Payne *Not really a book but whatever.
  15. On FoxNews, two Area 51 engineers talked about some of their stories. Great information on this site. https://roadrunnersinternationale.com/
  16. Went to Brooks and no issues at all. FC1 no problems at all. I go to NAMI less than three weeks from Brooks and they see that I have asymmetrical hearing. Weird thing is, its within 20hz, the left ear is really strong and the right hear just is not as strong. Both ears well within H1 hearing. They did all sorts of tests at the ENT to see if I have conductive hearing loss which they concluded I do not. Next step is an MRI to make sure I don't have anything wrong visibly with my nerves in my ear. Brutal.
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