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Well, that’s interesting
https://taskandpurpose.com/opinion/defense-secretary-lloyd-austin-must-resign/ Well written article.
Re the Spartacus letter: The dude sounds smart and educated on the medical stuff. This thing seems very well researched. Not like some rando Qanon dude hanging out at some flat earth conference and educated by facebook. I found the letter fascinating, but then the wild conspiracy stuff (mind control type stuff) kind of raised my BS flag for those parts of it (sure hope it’s BS, otherwise we are effed as a society). The first part though…hard for me to argue with and was very interesting and informative. I kind of wish it stuck to that and didn’t stray into mind control stuff. I trust internet fact-checkers as much as I trust biden, fauci, cnn, or the tollybon. But I found this to be interesting as well as a rebuttal in my quest for enlightenment. https://www.newswise.com/factcheck/anonymous-spartacus-covid-letter-riddled-with-misinformation-baseless-claims-about-global-conspiracy/?article_id=758009
These are nothing like the RR 757 engines. These RE BR700s (F130 mil designation) are the same motors as those found on G5s and globals (and 717s), among other applications. They seem to work pretty well in those applications from what I understand, and 1) are already in the USAF inventory and 2) have a ton of proven historical data. The GE options were the CF34-10 or the newer passports. The former is meh/older tech. The latter (passports) should be pretty solid (powering the new large globals), but don’t have a lot of history as they are fairly new. I think the passports are made with the same or similar cores (or at least tech) to the CFM LEAPs on the MAX/NEO. Should be a good motor, but not a lot of data on them. The pratt option was the motor that powers the gulfstream g500/g600, the PW800 series, which is the same core as the geared turbofan Pratts on the A220. Gulfstream made a big move switching from RR to pratt for the G500/600. They look like solid motors. But, like the passports, are relatively new. The new tech motors often have hotter temps and tighter tolerances, and that can mean a bit more finicky maintenance. As a datapoint, the on wing time of the CFM LEAPs on the NEOs has been underperforming targets and they have needed to get overhauled earlier. That was one of the big reasons frontier switched from CFM LEAP to pratt GTFs for their future NEO orders. And the pratt GTFs had tons of issues when they were launched as well. Trusting either of those cores to be integrated with the buff could be asking for trouble. The latest and greatest/most efficient motor isn’t always the goal of military (or cargo) planes. I think the USAF probably made a good (conservative at least) choice picking a tried and true, reliable and fairly easy to maintain, already-in-the-inventory, not entirely dated technology engine. The marginally better/newer bizjet motors that don’t have much historical in service data (and none in the military) probably didn’t offer enough of an advantage to be worth it. I think it was a decent choice. just my $0.02
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I’m not as focused on the credentials or her position as much as I am the content of the affidavit. The credentials and position really only matter because she’s ostensibly not just some lunatic anti-vaxxer extremist who read some conspiracy theory about these vaccines on facebook. This is a medical professional, educated on the science and the relevant topics, with nothing to gain, who has listed both experiences and the science backing her claims and making some interesting points. But sure, kinda like a gym teacher whistleblowing about school lunch. And very similar to a misdiagnosis of tendinitis for a bone tumor. Because one flight doc misdiagnosing something that is exceedingly rare like a bone tumor that presents similarly to something a lot more common means all flight docs aren’t good doctors and not qualified to give medical opinions (or in your case, not qualified to be listened to about them, anyway, because of your past misdiagnosis). Sure.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DqZQNMGgd5qEB9LaNTU2_QXGNBACM00l/view Army flight doc just threw a vax grenade.
Of the over 600k abortions a year in this country, how many fall under that or other rare instances like that? Carveouts where there is risk like that is one thing, and I don’t know many people who would be opposed to abortion in those circumstances. But using statistically rare circumstances like that to justify mass murder of innocent babies, most of whom don’t fall into rare medical circumstances, is ludicrous. Also, I know you said "before" 12 weeks, but 12 weeks seems like a pretty long time to make the decision, with significant fetal development occurring by that time… “the fetus is now fully formed, with all of the organs, muscles, limbs and bones in place.” It’d be tough for me to murder a baby at that point. But I understand the counter argument of risk to the mother. Not judging. Haven’t been in that situation.
I also wonder what their NVG capability is now.
Elections have consequences. “The buck stops with me.” Can’t forget the spineless generals and secretaries of defense/state and heads of CIA who allowed this plan to proceed either. They have some culpability as well. Heads need to roll. Lots of them.
Front page of CNN. Absolutely skewers Biden. What a disgrace. I have no words…just a lot of raging emotions. https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/19/politics/joe-biden-presidency-under-scrutiny/index.html
https://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2021/08/16/our-military-is-a-woke-joke-n2594151 that will just about cover the flybys
https://www.facebook.com/aviationinaction.co.uk/videos/283977719460520/ tribute video
Pilot or bust.
Last one I’ll share. There are more, but I’ll leave it at these: So, I guess sleeping through the night is a thing of the past now. There are too many emotions, too many memories, too much pain to sleep. Didn’t see that last part coming. I mean, I’ve lost friends in combat to death’s heartless and seemingly arbitrary embrace. Those deaths left me numb and clinging to the denial stage of grief. But Kage. Not with Kage. I LONG for numbness. Instead, it’s a serrated knife to the gut. Physical pain that coils me up and chokes my throat and it’s only Sara’s arms around my shoulders that bring me will to even reopen my eyes. I don’t know how his wife, Hannah, is remaining so elegantly composed. God’s grace I guess, what else could it be. I have to admit something. And forgive me for doing it, but there is a phrase that is appearing in newsfeeds and broadcasts that angers me deeply. “He died on a routine training flight...” Routine? ROUTINE? ROUTINE?!!! How dare you. I know there are strategic implications in all this. I’m no neophyte. I was just in Europe a couple months ago for NATO exercises. Got it, things with Russia are tricky. Calling it routine really alleviates some of the baseless conspiracy theories. But how about this, let’s call it a “training flight.” Done. Kaput. Fini. KAGE was the consummate aviator. He had his private pilots license within months of his drivers license. He earned his spot on USAFA’s flying team, went to Chile to serve God for 2 years, then came back and earned a spot on the flying team again. He was top stick of his basic flight training class. Top stick in fighter training and he flew as a recreational pilot on the side in weather conditions that would have me shaking in my boots. He packed more takeoffs and landings and aerobatic maneuvers into his short career than I have in more than a decade. Nothing KAGE ever did was routine. He was articulate, precise, deliberate, and razor sharp in everything he did and I have no doubt he did not see his last flight as routine. He was passionately and tenaciously honing his skills to be the absolute best weapon in America’s Arsenal. While he and I were both separate from our wives, before he died, he called me and we had a nice long brother chat. We made fun of politicians, laughed about mutual friends, talked about my kids and my dog, shared ideas about how to have a long distance video date with his wife. Then he said something I’ll never forget. “You know Chaz, every time I strap into that cockpit I think, ‘this could be it. This could be my last flight.’ I am pushing the envelope like I never have before and I’m flying with some of the greatest pilots I’ve ever seen. You know what, if I do go down in some big ball of flame, I don’t know, it’s kinda copacetic. I’ve done about everything on my bucket list, even found Hannah.” I laughed and brushed it off, said he was gonna be awesome as always. But I hung up feeling worried about my kid bro. I knew he was giving all he had and that he cared immeasurably about not letting anyone down. I read this comment at the bottom of a news article. It speaks to me. “My brother is a commercial airline pilot (Jet Blue). Those flights are essentially 99% routine, slightly less predictable than that but nevertheless, it is safer than any other form of travel, statistically. Fighter pilots are not comparable to that really at all. Although their training is something that most people cannot imagine without going through it, they are test pilots on every flight. They do limit the unpredictable, but at those speeds, dynamics, environments, unknown variables that are trained for even without any warning when they occur, it's unbelievably dangerous...It's honestly a new reaction, and experience not-had-yet, every minute. It's danger level is basically infinity. My father was an aerospace engineer at GD for 35 years. F-16, F-111, Atlas. Those pilots have 4 years college before they fly a fighter (generally speaking). They're the best of the best. Razor sharp. Crashes aren't accidents. My dad would say "There's no such thing as problems; only unresolved details." I don't know what unresolved details were involved here, but I do know that pilot couldn't fly that craft another foot before ejecting. And likely the last thing he thought was "What can I do to keep everyone safe before myself?" Heroes defined.” I watch the sunset then, hours later, I watch the sunrise. Then I come out of my room and find my boys laying on the ground staring at a picture of their beloved uncle KAGE, their Eagle driving fighter pilot. Their little shoulders tremble as they weep. Nope. There was absolutely, positively, no way my brother’s death was “routine.”
More: “If words could make wishes come true, I’d save every day like a treasure and then, again, I would spend them with you.” -Jim Croce (one of Kage’s favorite songs) Not all know it, but my youngest brother, Stephen, has Down’s syndrome. He is the sweetest kid, we all love him and he loves us. But he and Kage were youngest and second youngest in our family and incredibly close. If possible, Stephen would have joined the Air Force right along Kage so he could be a fighter pilot too! Stevey struggles to communicate, his words come out a bit mumbled. No one can really fully comprehend them, not even mom...but Kage could. Kage was our go-to interpreter. He and Stephen were just bound together, best of friends and kindred spirits. No one is taking this loss harder than him, the poor guy. Kage was his protector all through school and Kage, no one teased Stephen if big bro Kage was around. He was his best friend, always will be. We love you Kage, thanks for showing us what unconditional kindness and love looks like.
More words from his army brother: Eagle Driver. Fighter Pilot. Airman. Warrior. There were many titles Kage sought after and achieved. But a none-too-hidden secret was his status as both favorite son amongst the siblings and favorite uncle among extended family. Honestly, none of us minded. We sorta had to accept that his status as favorite was well-deserved. A couple years ago my sister named her baby son, “Kage.” I just shrugged and was like, makes sense. He was just so doggone good to everyone around him. One second he would be twirling around with a toddler and telling silly jokes, and the next he would be—literally—discussing Astro-physics with adults (my Dad, not me, obviously). In these pics you see Kage in his element, even flying a mission with my other Air Force brother, Jacob, as he refueled Kage’s F15 on a sortie. Kage was just a magnanimous, thoughtful, yet lethally capable fighter. He did everything 110%, he would love you with all his heart and might and he poured passion into every endeavor. God has a plan for all of us. But, as far as I’m concerned, He took this one too soon.
Some words from his OH-58D pilot brother: “If you can keep your head, when all about you, Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too... If you can dream and not make dreams your master... If you can meet with triumph and disaster, And treat those two imposters just the same... And lose and start again at your beginnings, And never breath a word about your loss... If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve you long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the will which says to them; “Hold On!” If you can walk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings—nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much. If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, And—which is more—YOU’LL BE A MAN, MY SON!” Years ago, Kage mentioned to me he liked this poem, “IF” by Rudyard Kipling. I read it and instantly fell in love with that poem and scribbled it into my green Army notebook. I’ve reread that poem probably 1000 times. Kage embodied the very essence of Kipling’s exhortation. He was ever-composed and brought calm to any situation. His stoic nature drew men to him and he was able to lead without ever losing that common touch. He dreamed and strove diligently to fill the very measure of his creation. Not too long ago, we brothers met up in uniform and honored the passing of our WWII vet grandfather. We were all in tears while we folded the flag over his casket and knelt to deliver it to our sweet grandmother. Soon, Jacob and I will stand over another casket, at another gravesite... Kage will be between us yet again. But this time he won’t help fold the flag, he will be draped in it. We love you Kage. Always. You aren’t just my kid’s hero and my rascally kid brother, you are a MAN, and a beloved son.
What a loss...such a great guy who came from such a great family. 🍺
AA just offered early outs for 50/hrs a month pay. Voluntary Permanent LoA, age 62+ paid 50 hours until age 65, retain all benefits and 401k, etc as above, remaining sick deposited into HSA.
Link to news release: https://hub.united.com/2020-03-15-a-message-from-oscar-munoz-and-scott-kirby-2645495847.html
Unbelievable. From UAL: