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About -Rolex-

  • Birthday December 24

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    Derka Derka

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SNAP (1/4)



  1. I entered IFS/UPT with 0 hours and was fortunate enough to drop a Hog. How to get from A to B? From my experience it boils down to knowing yourself, commitment and timing. 1. Knowing yourself: I know I"m a quick learner so I wasn't too concerned about getting hours beforehand. That being said, if you know you are a bit slower to get things down then when the firehose hits (and it will) I can see where previous experience will provide you with a solid foundation to help you stay afloat. 2. Commitment: For the majority of both phase 2 and 3 I came home after a 12 hour day, ate dinner and hit the books/chairflew until I went to bed. Every single night. If you want it that bad you will put up with seemingly never ending groundhog days and consequently do well. 3. Timing: This you can't really control but you can work your ass off and hopefully put yourself in a position to be there when the aircraft you want drops. There are many small steps to take to make it to the end, take it one day at a time and good luck!
  2. 11-12 XL T-38s F-15E SJ A-10 DM F-15C Klamath Falls F-16 x3 (2 King Sings, 1 AD) B-52 x2 C-130 Little Rock Epic drop congrats to all!
  3. This guy is unbelievable. It's interesting if you watch his body language in that video. Right when the narrator finishes saying LaTorre was a CCT his body twitches and he looks down at the ground as if he's slightly ashamed and doesn't want to look into the crowd for fear of someone knowing otherwise. All throughout his introduction you see him looking over at the narrator as if to make sure he's reading the script right and then straight to the crowd to see the reaction. This is especially evident during his HALO story. Straight from the narrator to the crowd almost as he was a comedian looking to see how much the crowd enjoyed his little "joke". He constantly fidgets and looks extremely uncomfortable. Contrast this with the Army soldier (Giunta) who recently got the Medal of Honor. Anytime he's exposed to publicity he stands at parade rest and maintains his military bearing.
  4. 11-12 XL Track Select 9 x T-38s (2 Int'l) 4 x T-44s (2 Guard) 2 x UH-1s 15 or 16 x T-1s (Not sure exact #) Congrats to all
  5. Either his crotch is burning for you or I think the herpes is spreading north...
  6. To semi revive this thread... I'm a rising senior and have already gotten a pilot slot and just recently went to MEPS in Raleigh, NC to renew my physical. Everything was well and good until the dreaded depth test. I've taken depth tests before and had no issue with it but when I got to the part none of the circles beyond row B would pop out at me and I panicked. To make matters worse it was freezing in there and the tech wasn't very friendly and was trying to rush me through it. Because I failed and need the depth perception clearance on my physical to go to Freefall on 5 June I'm retaking the test on this Tuesday (27 May). I jumped on here and to my relief saw that other people have experienced trouble with the same test. Taking the magic eyes advice I went out today and got a book. My question is this: There are two ways to view the magic eye images, one is diverging your eyes and the other is converging (crossing) them. I find the convergence way to be MUCH easier to do and was wondering if that technique would make the circles jump the same as looking past the image. Anyone who has any idea please drop me a line...really biting my nails for this retake!!!
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