Anyone have experience declining promotion or writing to a board to request non-selection? I'm approaching the end of my active duty career and am trying to set myself up to get hired by ANG or AFRC. Unfortunately, I am late-to-rate and stationed overseas so my O-5 IPZ board meets before either my UPT ADSC or DEROS expire. I've heard that it is tough to get hired by ANG or AFRC as an O-5 so I'm looking at mitigation options. I just read (CTRL+F'd) AFI36-2501 and declining seems to be fairly simple and doesn't appear to have any direct negative repercussions. If this is true it seems to be a decent option for me but the tiny bit of Blue Kool-Aid left in my blood is making me feel like this could cheat someone who wants to stick around out of selection. Experience, thoughts, ideas, spears?