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Everything posted by letsgofast

  1. PCS w/TDY en route and gov't quarters are directed at TDY location (less than 20 week course).. do I still draw BAH from the PDS I left? JTR Table 10E-12 Rule 1 says I do but footnote 1 says "The member is not authorized BAH/OHA if assigned Gov’t Qtrs adequate for the member (and dependent(s) if applicable). Start BAH/OHA effective the date of Qtrs termination, if applicable.".
  2. Thanks for all the input. I agree with faipmafia that Appendix O has been removed which explicitly allowed commanders to direct use of government quarters. Those stipulations are no longer in the 1 Jan 17 JTR. Deployed CC's issue specific orders (usually a GO) prohibiting off base living for security reasons. This schoolhouse CC has not done that. It's simply in an inprocessing briefing and not on an official memo. Question is who has the balls to go after the CC of a schoolhouse they're attending when it's on the students interest not to ruffle any feathers? Also, would this prohibit a spouse from signing an off base lease and paying out of pocket? I don't think there will be room checks.
  3. Question.. Schoolhouse CC is directing all students to stay on base where I'm slated for an MWS ACIQ program. "The AO may direct adequate available Gov’t Qtrs use for a DoD uniformed member on a U.S. installation only if the DoD uniformed member is TDY to that U.S. installation." Then the JTR talks about "When adequate Gov’t Qtrs are available on the U.S. installation to which a member is assigned TDY, and the member is directed to use them, and the member uses other lodgings as a personal choice, lodging reimbursement is limited to the Gov’t Qtrs cost on the U.S. installation to which assigned TDY (44 Comp. Gen. 626 (1965))." Is it true that an AO can order you to stay on base and if you decide to stay off base you can get paperwork? AO just can't punish you by not paying you the on base lodging rate?
  4. Who's doing the flyover?
  5. Pretty incredible.
  6. Or you could use chair-fly.com or use the high-res picture of the DA20 cockpit found on the WantsCheck Gouge Vault. I've attached it.
  7. What's the hold up? Are they still spinning up the IPs?
  8. No ejection seats on those T34s? Glad we've moved on to the T-6. Hope the other is found alive.
  9. The ASBC website says you must go within 12 months of commissioning date so it's not even possible.
  10. Anyone here ever heard of LTs not going to ASBC at all and just going to IFS and UPT? Checked my SURF on AMS and my ASBC date was cancelled and my IFS and UPT dates moved way up. Same situation with a few other LTs.
  11. Hong Kong and Macau are musts if you have the time and funds to venture outside the mainland. I was just there this past summer prior to EAD and Hong Kong was amazing. It's like the UK but with Chinese signs and minus the Euro. Macau used to be a Portuguese colony so signs are still in Portuguese and there's a lot to see.
  12. That's quite impressive but I'm sure most other people wouldn't be able to handle that.
  13. If you were treated in a medical facility for something, it is a part of your medical history. You should not leave it out because if they find out you did, then you're DQ'd anyway. They do take ~10 vials of blood while you're down there so chances are one of the tests is for STDs. I went down there with some previous history, admitted it on my medical history, told them how it got treated by what doctor and by what hospital and by what medication and I didn't even need a waiver. They just did some additional tests.
  14. Having spoken from experience going for my Comp Eng degree, no you will not get a conditional unless: AFROTCI 36-2011 Administration of Senior Air Force ROTC Cadets Cadets who receive a final grade of “F” or the institutional equivalent in a single academic term are not maintaining AFROTC academic retention standards and must receive a conditional event. NOTE: In situations where the detachment commander feels further information regarding the failure is warranted, AFROTC IMT 704, Academic Performance Inquiry, may be used to obtain information from academic instructors regarding the AFROTC cadet's academic efforts in courses in which academic standards have not been met. Any grade (in a core course) which requires a course to be retaken for degree accreditation is considered an “F equivalent”. For example, if a grade of “D” in a senior-level core course is not acceptable for the degree and must be retaken, it is a failure to maintain academic standards (reference Table 2.1).
  15. Just a corrective lens issue, nothing major. Just noticing my distant vision slightly worse than what it was. Thanks for the advice.
  16. So I'm a week from EADing to Columbus for UPT, obviously passed vision tests at Brooks but I have one question.. I have noticed my vision slightly deterioriate since Brooks over a year and a half ago. Will this be an issue come IFS/UPT? I remember the flight doc saying that once I pass Brooks, I will be good to go with waivers for the rest of my career. True?
  17. Write it down since it's not a disqualifying factor. They'll test you for HIV/AIDS while you're at Brooks just to be safe if you haven't already.
  18. So I made this thread when I was a cadet and now I'm a Lieutenant. Wonder how much longer it will last..
  19. That's awesome detail. Thanks.
  20. Got another question RE commissioning.. what ribbons should commissionees buy? I know of National Defense and Training ribbons.. anything else?
  21. I meant separated and not retired. Spoke to cadre and they said separated officers cannot because they did indeed 'give up' their commission (and received nice paychecks as a bonus). Oh well..
  22. Does anyone know if separated officers are allowed to administer an oath?
  23. Pilot selects being allowed to wear the bag is all a part of the graduated privileges that all ROTC cadets earn as they progress through college. From BDU wear starting the FTP year, to being allowed to roll your sleeves up, to the metal FSD nameplate, to rank, it's all a part of the game that is ROTC. As sad as it may be, graduated privileges is all a part of the system that motivates cadets. Space cadets should be able to wear the bag since they wear it on AD but the bag is seen as one of the highest of privileges in ROTC and thus should be limited in distribution. More often than not (I'd venture to say 99% of the time), pilot selects worked their asses off much more than the S&M selects. In fact, many S&M selects are probably pilot slot rejects. Also, are their nametags going to have "space wings" on them or are they going to be more like the ABM nametags and just say "Space and Missiles" on it?
  24. Apparently according to my COC, flight suits are now authorized for Space & Missiles cadets. Makes a lot of sense that the first thing the new AFOATS/CC (or Holm Center/CC) does is authorize bags for S&M guys; she's a space officer, go figure. Any thoughts?
  25. Just wondering if anyone here has brought a girlfriend/fiancee/wife to Brooks with them during their FC1 (via ROTC). Is it feasible and if so, would it be a problem if they stayed with you at Brooks Inn or whatever the VOQ is there at Brooks. There were responses to this but that was back in 2005 and just wanted to know if anything has changed. Thanks.
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