Maybe it's just at my Det but everyone who has received a pilot slot for the past 4 years, including myself, has had a PFA in the mid to high 90s. The average PFA score this last cycle was 94.5. Cadets with high PFAs are more than likely going to also be your high speed ones who will get a high CC ranking, high GPA, high FT score, and decently good PCSM. If you're scoring in the low to mid 80s, you won't be prepared physically for FT and as a result your performance will suffer. Your CC ranking will probably suffer as well because the perception will be there that you aren't giving it 110%. Sure, if you have a 95 PCSM and 3.8 GPA, it probably won't affect you but how many people can boast those numbers? The average PCSM this last cycle was 56 and the average GPA was ~3.3.