If you have less then 10 people graduating then the Det CC can nominate people to go up to a board at the region level. From there they pick who gets DG and who doesn't.
Thanks a lot for the help! Yeah, the Restasis is just temporary... a couple of months... but the plugs actually seem to be working and making it more comfortable so I just want to make sure it will be alright to leave them in. Thanks again!
Hello, after some dry eye symptoms my doctor recently put in these plugs as well. I already have my FC1 certification with a waiver for excessive refraction. I just commissioned and I'm going to pilot training soon. When I go to UPT, I know that I have to have another flight physical done (FCII I believe). Do you think these plugs will be a problem? If they are I would rather just take them out. I'm also getting put on Restasis along with another lubricating eye drop for a couple of months to see if the problem persists or not. Thanks for the help!
Thanks a lot for the reply! I just had one more question... my Eye Doctor is thinking of trying me on the Focus Dailys Toric for Astigmatism.. I like to use daily's better. Is this on the list if you know? Thanks a lot for the help!
Right now I am just starting acuvue oasis for astigmatism. Would this type of contact lens be alright for UPT? I'm not starting for about 8 months so I have time.. just want to make sure.
Hello all,
I had a question regarding my situation. I am a senior Cadet, I've done a lot of PDT's and I am the Wing CC and from what I've heard I'm ranked in the top 2 of my class. Unfortunately, I had a bad semester and I may (I haven't found out yet) of gotten below a 2.5. I know below is a conditional. Even if I get a 2.5 term GPA I would have a 3.42 cumulative GPA. That said, I was wondering how this would effect me with ROTC DG and some senior awards. Does having one bad academic semester hurt you that badly? Does one conditional hurt you that bad?
Basically, I am just wondering if you can get a excessive refractive error, depth perception and possibly a lattice degeneration that is well within waiverable limits? I just want to make sure I can get all three waivers. These are the ones I look like I need.
That said, two tech's made it seem as though it was not a big deal and that I would just be tested again. Is this really the case?
Okay. Here is my problem. I just failed the depth perception test at brooks. I am rotc getting my FC1. I already know I am going to need a refractive waiver and the tech said its not a big deal and I will be tested tomorrow. I was wondering if I can get a waiver for both refractive and depth?
I just had my vision tests...I'm not sure if it was a cycloplegic refraction or manifest. The doctor didn't put any drops in until after I said which lens looks better. Anyways, I think it was a manifest, are these results completely differant then cyclo?
R: -1.50, -1.25
L -1.50, -1.00
How are my chances for a waiver? I am going to brooks in the beginning of Nov for my FC1.
Can you still make O-6, O-7 or do you have to be a DG to get those. I am a pilot select but I don't think I will be DG. I just don't want my career to already be limited because I didn't get DG.
Currently I am a senior and Pilot select. I a physics major with a 3.5 GPA. I am curious about the Pilot Physician AFSC. From what I've heard. It's basically anyone who goes through UPT and wishes to go to Medical school afterwards and that there aren't many because it's so much school. Any advice/comments (How to get into it) would be great!
Thanks a lot. I actually have another question for you. Kind of an odd ball one. I am taking my MCAT in May and applying soon afterwards. I was wondering if I took it in the beginning of July if I didn't feel prepared... how that could hurt my chances of getting interviews ect? I have a 3.53 gpa in biological physics. (I'm assuming your a flight surgeon)
Thanks again!
I am dumb. Sorry. I should of been more specific. I have a lattice degeneration as well. No holes or tears..just a tiny bit of thinning from what my DR (D.O) said. I just want to make sure I have a good chance of getting the two waivers. I looked at the waiver guide and since my vision is no worse then 5.00 diopters I figured I had a good chance for both waivers. I just wanted to ask one of ya'll cause obviously you know the process. Again, sorry for bothering you and not being specific enough.
I'm finding out getting this physical is stressful!
Hey thanks for all the help!
I just went to the eye doctor and here are my latest numbers:
OD: Sph:-1.25 Cyl:-1.25 Axis: 101
OS: Sph:-1.25 Cyl:-1.25 Axis: 83
Would this be waiverable?
Also, I just found out that I have retinal lattice. It has no holes or tears. I looked it up on this forum and it stated should be waiverable...how much of a likelihood would I have of getting both waivers.
I have good perception and color vision. I'm just worried because I hear that if you have something wrong with the refracted error then they won't grant the waiver.
Thanks for the replies. I really appreciate it!
Thanks a lot for everything you do. I am still confused though. My own personal measurements are below:
Left: Sph:-1.25 Cly:0.75 Axis: 75
Right: Sph: -1.25 Cly:-1.00 Axis 110
I am worried about my right eye more then the left. The second meridian would be -2.25 which would be over the -1.50. I already have a pilot slot from AFROTC and don't have my flight physical next year. Is this waiverable? If so, is it likely that I would be able to get a waiver? Do they give them out a lot? Finally, I was wondering what you would suggest would would naturally help to improve eyesight and refraction error. Thanks.