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Flight Lead (3/4)
this is the most military desk I've ever seen in my life.
also in the H.R 7900: (c) SPECIAL AVIATION INCENTIVE PAY AND BONUS 10 AUTHORITIES FOR OFFICERS.—Section 334(c)(1) of title 37, United States Code, is amended— (1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘$1,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$1,500’’; and (2) in subparagraph (B), by striking ‘‘$35,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$75,000’’.
Meanwhile, the enlisted force have blitzkrieged with shaving/religion/IDGAF waivers and are all wearing beards these days.
Just like how Russia never had true Communism? Your argument is just a no true Scotsman fallacy. America is a capitalist society.
Remember when Republicans were against net neutrality?
US Government finance is not equivalent to your personal finances. Being the world's reserve currency, the US has special powers. https://www.investopedia.com/modern-monetary-theory-mmt-4588060#:~:text=Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is,comes to federal government spending.
I also left AD during the pandemic and have not regretted it one second.** I was also able to receive the bonus where if I'd stayed on Active Duty I would've had to wait another year for eligibility (fiscal years). **Note to the younger guys: I cherish my 11 years on AD and would not have done it any other way (e.g. joining the guard directly).
Thanks for your service Evil. I think we crossed paths a time or two over the past 14 years. Don't be too much of a stranger. Your company has been much appreciated.
One of the most optimistic things I've ever heard a poor squadron commander say was, "we will not sacrifice quality of training." The hell you won't when the OG is pushing 8 week training cycles.
No, the new wingman is not proficient in fighting a full-up adversary. It wouldn't be a problem if you were proficient in BFM leaving the B-course, but you aren't anymore. Then when you get to your ops squadron, you get one BFM sortie in MQT and you're off to fly red air for a year until your FLUG. In that year, you probably got somewhere around 8-10 BFM sorties total in 4-5 training cycles. That means every 3 months, you flew 2-4 BFM sorties that includes 1 each of OBFM, DBFM, and HABFM... just barely enough to get the cobwebs out before moving onto ACM. Oh, and you weren't flying with an IP. You were flying with a flight lead who can just barely debrief without ACMI who is likely imparting bad habits, WOMs, and misconceptions. Then you get to that one LABFM flight in the FLUG with not enough time to even accomplish 1 each of 3/6/9Ks on offensive and defensive (you usually cut the 6Ks). You can see where this is going... The end result is a guy who isn't that proficient at BFM. When you reduce the training syllabus, gaining back that proficiency after training will take a very very long time, if it ever happens. Hence, WIC spin-up focuses almost exclusively on BFM. If it were me, I would not have cut the BFM sorties. If anything needed to be reduced, I would rather move some of the missionized sorties into the simulator (gasp!) where you can face higher fidelity adversaries and more realistic S-A threats.
That's a luxury AD squadron can't afford with the upgrade burden right now. As I was leaving my last ops squadron, they cut the MQT/FLUG syllabus to a single "low aspect" BFM sortie and one high aspect.
A third good thing: Bannon's arrest for fraud.
Primacy of learning is a concept Air Force leadership does not grasp. Learning to do something correctly the first time by getting the right quality and quantity of training is far more efficient than guys trying to relearn basic pilot shit in the midst of 5-10 years of upgrade training (MQT, FLUG/AC, IPUG, Msn Commander, Weapons School, SEFE, etc.).
We already developed one. The YF-23 was supposed to be a long range companion to the F-22.
Much credit to this guy. He's been slogging through the bureaucratic and political bullshit for years. I'm sure his time at the MDA wasn't a whole lot of fun.