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  1. I agree with this assessment... just finished RIQ... phew... Had a baby right at the end of contact phase. So I can't say the same about the difficulty...Man was it rough hehe
  2. I am in the same boat. Besides popcorn operation is there anything to help prep for RIQ? hahaha (They exempted me from IFS, so RIQ is my first training experience)
  3. Hey guys, I heard UPT guys can bring their families with them during training, but does that hold true for the new RPA career field guys in URT? I have been told that I am exempt from IFS due to having a PPL; about to get an instrument add-on. So, I am going straight to IQC. Do you know if I will be able to bring my family to either IQC@Randolf or to FTU@Holloman?
  4. Thank you Chaff for taking the time to give that great feedback. Ok. I will definitely find IQC a challenge, even with an instrument rating!
  5. Hey guys, I am a RPA pilot selectee, I have my PPL/PPC, and I anticipate completing my instrument rating this fall. My date of commission is on 24 Apr 2014, after which my RPA training will begin that summer. 1. While digging around in the internet, I have found out that I am exempt from block 1 of training (IFS) in Pueblo, CO, and that I will go straight to IQC at Randolph instead. My ROTC Detachment NCO's were not aware of this policy (new as of Dec 2012), so be sure that yours know if you are a RPA selectee, so that they can work on getting a waiver from IFS early on for you. 2. Questions: From what "I think" I know, IQC is basically the civilian equivalent of getting an instrument rating through the FAA; with the course ending with your instrument checkride, correct? 3. So if I already have my civilian acquired instrument rating what would IQC do with me? Have you guys, or anybody you know, trained in my situation in IQC? If so, did the civilian Instrument/Commercial pilot still have much to learn from the course? The person I talked to via a number on the IFS arrival guide, said normally a guy in my situation would not be exempt from IQC, and that often the trainees who struggled were often civilian instrument/commercial rated pilots. He mentioned struggles with the military side of aviation and struggling with boldface or whatnot. So he recommended that I still attend IQC for my benefit. From the way he said it, it seems that in the past they have let some individuals passover IFS & IQC and go straight into Block 3 (RPA fundamentals), and that he was referring to their struggles there? I'm not sure. This is a funny situation for me, as it is weird to think that I will have to do another instrument checkride for the FAA & USAF, being already instrument rated. :D Some of you are probably wondering why I am wasting MY money on instrument training, if the AF is going to provide it. Well , I started it as my plan B if I didn't pick up a pilot slot; which I technically didn't get due to nearsighted eyes (good enough for RPA), but flying is what I want to do when I get out of the USAF.
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